
The tale of the red death

a normal guy suddenly woke up in a young uzumaki's body. How will he cope in a world filled with super powered ruthless killers. Will he succumb to darkness or find his own path. Even i don't know lol... Yes i suck at summary. it's first time i actually trying to write. if my grammar is bad i will try to improve so bear with me guys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, anything related to it. i don't own anything

EveryDayNormalGuy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter 11: Trip to the Kusagakure

Ryuu was in the Hokage's office.

Tsunade and Ryuu both were sitting.

Tsunade sat behind her desk. Ryuu was sitting on the couch that was placed in right side of the room.

Tsunade asked "So when are you going to leave?"

"Right now." Ryuu answered shortly.

"Why didn't you say anything in the morning" Tsunade asked.

"I was going to bring Naruto with me. But i have a feeling he will be needed here more" Ryuu answered.

"Other day you said you found dirt on councilmen. We have to deal with them as soon as possible." Tsunade said

"Not all of them. I felt different chakra signatures from Danzo. I even felt similar chakra signature like yours from him." Ryuu said.

"What do you mean" Tsunade asked.

"It means he conducted an experiment. Who comes to mind when i mention experiment?" Ryuu asked.

"Orochimaru" Tsunade sucked cold breath.

"I felt this similar chakra signature from an anbu who is hiding behind the bookshelf too." Ryuu said.

Anbu who was mentioned by Ryuu tensed. When he saw Tsunade nod her head to him he revealed himself in front of Ryuu.

When an anbu with cat mask walked out from shadow "Tenzo. Only known shinobi who can use mokuton since first Hokage. I'm flattered" Ryuu said with mocking voice.

When Tenzo heard him his right hand reached to a short sword that was strapped on his back.

"Stay your hand Tenzo!" Tsunade commanded. Then turned to Ryuu and asked "How did you know? It is classified"

"I have my own ways mother. I'm quite good at gathering information. "Ryuu said

"Now let's get back to the topic. The chakra signature i felt comes from you two too means Danzo also has his hand in experimentation on 1st Hokage's cells. You being descendant of the First Hokage and Tenzo being experiment done by Orochimaru i can understand, But what about Danzo?" Ryuu stated.

When Tsunade heard him she shattered the table she was sitting behind with her fist in her anger.

"Relax mother, We have to take him on by surprise. Ever since i arrived here, few blank masked anbu are tailing me. I found out where their base is located. When i bring Karin here you announce meeting about Uzumaki clan's restoration in Konoha. Danzo won't miss a chance to control remaining Uzumakis. His greed will be his demise." Ryuu said.

Then Ryuu felt Naruto heading to the Hokage tower. He stood up then said. "It's time for me to go. Before i go don't worry about his Root nins. I will deal with them swiftly before meeting commence without alerting Danzo"

In return Tsunade said. "I will inform Jiraiya about your plan. When you return we will plan thoroughly. It is not a small matter."

Ryuu gave nod to Tsunade then left after saying "See in few days mom."

"Tenzo monitor Konoha's elders 24/7. If you find anything suspicious report to me immediately" Tsunade commanded.

With swift salute Tenzo left by merging into the floor.


In front of Hokage tower Ryuu met downcast Naruto.

Naruto spoke "Why did you call me here aniki?"

Ryuu said in return "Let's talk while walking" Then led Naruto to direction of the Konoha's main gate.

While walking Ryuu spoke "I was going to bring you outside of the village."

"Was? Are you going to go alone? Where are you going?" Naruto asked curiously.

"I will go outside of Fire country. I'm going to bring an another Uzumaki clan member" Ryuu said.

Ryuu knew Danzo's men were eavesdropping.

'Keep thinking you are in control for now' Ryuu thought.

"Really? Bring me along with you please!" Naruto who forgot his previous feelings shouted in excitement.

Ryuu bonked on Naruto's head with his fist. Then said "Control your emotions and don't shout"

"Yes aniki" Naruto said dejectedly.

"How are you feeling" Ryuu asked.

"I feel conflicted. He really did try to kill me. We are friends. How could he?" Naruto answered with downcast expression.

"No. He is not your friend, he never was. Someone who is power hungry like him will stab you in the back for more power." Ryuu said.

"He won't betray me. I believe in him" Naruto said. Naruto even didn't believe in his own word.

"When previous incident repeats itself again don't come crying to me then! I warned you! If he betray the village and the trust of others, kill him on sight." Ryuu said ruthlessly.

"I don't think i can kill him. I can't kill my friend. I hope i will never have to make that decision." Naruto said.

"Keep that in your mind. And remember my words when the time comes." Ryuu said then he vanished.

After Ryuu left Naruto whispered "Maybe i should talk with Haku nii-san"


At the edge of the Fire country tall and handsome man with fierce grey eyes with black pupils in plain pale blue kimono, black pants and black shinobi sandals could be seen walking. He had long crimson hair with white streaks that was pulled back in a low ponytail and his face was framed with bangs that extended to his chin, with white headband covering his forehead. On his left hip there were katana and wakizashi.

He thought while walking 'I will reach Kusagakure in 3 to 4 days. It's been 10 days since i left Konoha. These annoying pests are still following me.'

Ryuu was getting annoyed by this constant tailing. 2 root ninjas were tailing him day and night.

When he found a small river he decided to rest.

Then he felt sudden movement and 2 root nins that were following him fall down unconscious.

When 2 root nins fell he heard a cheerful voice. "Yo brother, what's up. It's been a while"

Ryuu narrowed his eyes then asked without looking "What are you doing here Zetsu?"

Flash back. 9 years old Ryuu.

Tsunade was training Ryuu in taijutsu near their house. Everything around was still covered in snow and was cold.

Tsunade and Ryuu were standing from each other about 3 meters distance. Ryuu was breathing roughly. Suddenly Tsunade vanished from the sight of Ryuu then appeared beside him then with roundhouse kick to his head she sent Ryuu flying. Ryuu couldn't react to her speed. Without time to put up his arms as a defence he soured through the air then fell on the ground hard.

Ryuu stood up with great difficulty then pouted "Mom, if i can't see you move, how am i supposed to react. You are too fast for me"

"With a harsh training, your instinct will be sharpened. Do you think you can improve if i go easy on you." Tsunade said harshly. Inwardly it was tearing her heart.

"I'm sorry, i won't complain again" Ryuu said.

When Tsunade heard him, her expression softened then said "There's a trick to see fast movements more clearly"

Ryuu's eyes shone then asked "Please teach it to me mom"

"You have to enhance your eyes with your chakra. Since your chakra control is improving steadily i think it won't be a problem for you." Tsunade advised him.

Without losing time Ryuu directed his chakra to his own eyes then he felt sharp pain around his forehead. He clutched his head then dropped to his knees and screamed "Aahhhhhhhhhhh"

Ryuu saw a memory. A memory him being led by a half white half black creature leading him to the outside of the slave ring then saying "Keep away from the shinobi land. You are our backup plan. If we fail you will resurrect our mother. We will be in touch" then leaving him and some other blurry memories.

His pain receded a little by little until it become bearable. Then he lifted his head slowly.

Tsunade was panicking now. She thought 'Did i kick too hard. Did he put too much chakra into his eyes etc millions of questions were swirling through her head'

She dashed to Ryuu and kneeled before him then shouted "Ryuu-chan relax. Stop channeling chakra."

It seemed her words weren't reaching him. He was still clutching his own head and growling. After few moments later Ryuu slowly lifted his head. When Tsunade saw Ryuu's forehead she froze.

Ryuu said weakly "I'm ok." Then realized he was seeing to the all direction. He was even seeing Tsunade's chakra network.

"What's happening? What's going on?" Ryuu panicked.

"Relax Ryuu-chan. Breath. You have a Byakugan. All seeing eye" Tsunade explained.

Then Tsunade picked up Ryuu from the ground then headed to the house.

After going inside the house Tsunade brought out small round mirror then let Ryuu see himself in the mirror.

Ryuu saw his own reflection in the mirror. His forehead was bleeding, blood flowing down to his nose. Vertical line he used see on his forehead was now wide open and pale eye was glaring at him.

Then Ryuu turned to Tsunade in confusion.

Tsunade answered his question "That's a byakugan. Bloodline of Hyuuga clan."

Even though Ryuu knew he still asked about Konoha and clans to cover himself few months ago. Otherwise he can't explain how he knows about things kids around his age shouldn't know. Especially kid who was a slave in Iron country.

Ryuu asked "I'm a Hyuuga too?"

"Yes. It seems so. But it seems mutated and formed an eye on your forehead. You must hide your eye. Don't let anyone see it. Especially hide it from the Hyuuga clan!" Tsunade warned.

"Why? Am i not a member of that clan mom?" Ryuu asked mustering confused expression.

"That's why i'm warning you. If they hear you have a byakugan they will brand you with a seal and make you a servant of Hyuuga clan. If not they will hunt you down" Tsunade answered with grim tone.

"They won't do it to a family member right?" Ryuu asked mustering innocent face he could make.

"You don't know how cruel is Hyuuga clan. They enslave their family members. You are young and naive, i will explain it later okay. But first stop channeling chakra into your byakugan"

With "Yes mother" Ryuu deactivated his Byakugan then closed it.

"Take a good rest today. I have to meet your teacher and Mifune-dono. I have few things to discuss." Tsunade said then kissed him on his cheek then left hurriedly.

When Tsunade left Ryuu shouted in his mind "Shit, shit, shit, shit. Am i a vessel for Kaguya?. I'm so f*cked. '

While he anxiously pacing around the room male voice sounded "So you have awakened a byakugan"

Flashback end.

Half white half black humanoid creature with green hair and yellow eyes came out then said playfully "What? can't see i my brother?"

Ryuu frowned "cut to the chase. Why are you here? "

"You are no fun" white Zetsu said cheerfully then more serious voice said "You are getting the attention of Akatsuki"

"I know. If they come after me. I will not try to kill them." Ryuu said plainly.

Irritated Zetsu snarled "Stop fooling around. Don't forget your purpose. Don't ruin countless years of effort. And stay away from kyuubi jinchuuriki"

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Ryuu brushed them off.

"We warned you!" Black Zetsu said then merged with the ground.

After Zetsu left Ryuu said in whisper with grave tone "You won't be as high and mighty as you are like now so long"


Ryuu was finally in Kusagakure. Thanks to that annoying plant and human hybrid he lost his tailers.

It was easy sneaking into the Kusagakure.

He finally found Karin after sniffing around all day.

She was in worn out 2 story flat.

Karin was waiting for an agent Orochimaru would send.

Karin was a young girl around 12 years of age. She wore a mesh shirt and stockings, a purple skirt, a light brown short sleeved jacket with an orange stripe going across the chest, and black sandals. She also had the Kusagakure forehead protector on her forehead

Suddenly she felt massive soothing chakra signature on the street. With her interest piqued she followed the signature. But to her horror, the chakra signature she was monitoring entered her apartment.

She thought 'Why is he coming here? Is he someone Orochimaru sent'

Then she saw him. He was a red haired tall handsome man in pale blue kimono.

Just in case Karin grabbed a kunai then took defensive stance then asked "Who are you?".

"It's nice to finally meet you Karin Uzumaki" Ryuu greeted.

"How do you know me. Did Orochimaru-sama send you?" Karin asked cautiously.

Karin felt Ryuu's chakra flutter for a second.

"My name is Ryuu Uzumaki. And don't call that worm sama" Ryuu said with smile. Then continued "I'm here to take you away from here to Konoha"

"Why would i go with you to Konoha. Even if i want Orochimaru-sama won't allow it" Karin said.

Ryuu smiled mysteriously then said "I've already dealt with that worm. He won't be an issue. Your family is waiting in the Konoha"

"I don't have a family. I don't trust you" Karin declared heatedly.

This only made Ryuu smile. "You don't have a choice Karin-chan"

"Ch... cha.... chan. Who are you calling chan teme" Karin shouted in surprise.

"You are now my younger sister. You will get used to it" Ryuu said.

"Who are you to decide" Karin shouted again earning hit on her head from Ryuu's fist.

"Owwwww. Is this how you treat a lady" Karin whined

"Hahahaha, you, a lady? Don't make me laugh brat. stop shouting. I have a perfect hearings." Ryuu said mocking Karin.

When Ryuu called her a brat tick mark formed on her forehead ."I will show you a brat" Karin said then attacked him in her anger earning another hit to the head.

"Owwww. I'm sorry" Karin whined while massaging lump formed on her head.

Ryuu smiled at Karin then said "I made clear to Orochimaru to not mess with my family. The way he fled from me seemed like he understood me clearly" surprising Karin.

"Now let's go. We have wasted too much time. Before they realize someone breached their security let's get going. Or do you want to stay in this place." Ryuu asked then extented his hand to Karin.

"I guess. I have no options other than follow you" Karin answered then took his hand even though she knew that she shouldn't follow a stranger. Maybe Ryuu's soothing chakra made her make that decision.

I was hinting the third eye from the first chapter. But no one asked. (Someone actually asked about streaks in his hair. Maybe that counts).

Ohh and it's irrelevant to the story but i thought i was good at spelunky untill i played Spelunky 2. This game didn't dissapoint me. It's different from Spelunky 1 at the same it is same. Here is now 11:45pm. I think i have time to spelunk for 1 hour.

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