
The System: Civilian Shinobi

The fate of elemental nations was controlled by a weird character named Zetsu. From Madara to Obito to pain, everything happened according to the plans of Zetsu. What would happen if an ordinary kid from a civilian family got a surprise morning message. [Good Morning Tobi!] [Welcome to the System!] ... AN- the first 7 chaps contain a lot of stats but I changed the writing style so you won't see much of them in the upcoming chapter so if you are put off by it...continue reading a few more chaps to give it another chance I know there may be some plot holes and spelling mistakes, but this is my first time writing so cut me some slack and support me... The first mission starts in chapter 20... If you want to read ahead or support me head to my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DaoistWu_007 Currently 23 chapters ahead and +1 or 2 chapter ahead per day! Alse if you wanna chat Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/7VHcwnAwaN

Version_401 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
112 Chs

[Ice vs Magnet!]

[Ice vs Magnet!]

...You know when there is a lull in the battle where both you and your opponent are analyzing each other… 'Okay, this Haku guy is taking this way more seriously than I am...'

I could sense him molding his chakra for a jutsu, Deciding not to be polite I quickly went through the Handseals while dashing diagonally and spiting a ball of fire right at him…

'Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu'

'Water Release: Water wall'

'Secret Jutsu: Ice senbon'

The steam from the resulting collision between fire and water hid his senbon long enough for some to graze past me…

'Did he anticipate that I would use a fire style jutsu because I am from Konoha...Okay, this guy has way more experience than I do...'

'Water Release: Water bullet'

I jump back and backflip to avoid a water bullet that landed where I was and left a crack in the ground. I take some shuriken out and do some quick hand seals and ending the sequence with a tiger seal.

'Fire Release: Phoenix Flower Shuriken Jutsu'

I blow out 15 small fireballs and shurikens in conjugation and control the shurikens with my magnet release to make sure they come from all directions. As Haku was busy dodging the Fire covered shuriken, I unsheath my sword and dash towards him with a straight jab towards his chest.

'Secret jutsu: Ice mirror'

All of a sudden instead of confronting me Haku materializes a mirror and jumps into it...I concentrate to find another mirror behind me and I continue to dash forward and roll on the ground to avoid the senbon needles.

'Thank god he used metal senbons so I knew I had to roll too...well to be fair if he had used a jutsu the chakra spike would have alerted me...'

I come out of my roll and jump aside while turning in mid-air and blowing out a stream of fire right at him as he was emerging from the mirror...

'Fire Release: Dragon Fire Jutsu'

He managed to manipulate some water into Ice so he didn't exactly take a direct hit but it still did 300 HP damage.

We waited as we both gazed at each other analyzing what to do…

'Okay, that is some massive amount of chakra he is amassing...and is he trying to manipulate everything in the mist around me...'

I hold my katana to my right and dash toward him intending to stop him from completing his jutsu…

'Secret Sword Art: Moonlight'

I perform a fast lateral strike by stimulating my muscles with chakra and pushing my sword faster with magnet release so that it leaves an afterimage as I pass through him…

I pant as forcing the high-level technique took its toll on my hands before I notice that the chakra around me has cooled down.

'Ugh! Don't tell me he managed to escape that...'

I notice that I am surrounded by a dome of mirrors as they formed a hemispherical structure around me… Looking back I notice some blood was present at the location where he just was and along with that some leftover of a broken Ice mirror…

I look around to notice that every mirror had an image of Haku and that he had a long slash across his chest. It's not too deep but if he aggrieved it too much it could prove fatal.

"Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors"

"You can give up now!" Haku said as I notice that his tone was a little bitter…

"And why is that?" I fire back as I analyze the rate at which his reserves are decreasing… 'He can last probably 5 mins max at this rate...'

"Now we will begin! And I'll show you what speed really means..."

And with that, the Haku in the mirror behind me threw a senbon at me… 'I don't know what he was expecting but the truth is he chose the wrong opponent for this final showdown...' I did a little hop and jump towards the left to avoid the throw and then duck downwards to avoid two senbons aimed at the pressure point on my neck…

'Okay what the heck, why was it aimed at a non-fatal point...' As I continued dodging out of the way of the needles while mapping the path I notice that every senbon while looked fatal to anyone, to someone who practices medical jutsu they are just ways to make sure that the target is incapacitated…

'Is he trying to take me hostage...but why...he just has 2 mins worth of chakra left...'

As I continued to dodge out of the way of his senbons I notice his chakra getting agitated and finally he started to increase his speed of throwing senbons…

'Well to tell you the truth if used water senbons instead of metal he would still have had a chance...but well with me knowing in which mirror he actually is and sensing and controlling the incoming senbons it kind of became redundant...'

"You just picked up a wrong opponent..." I dash the mirror he currently is and as he teleported to a mirror behind me and tried to rush and deliver a final blow to me, I control some of the iron sand hidden in my clothes and make a spike come out of my back in the shape of a katana and pierce through his waist…


As he fell down I dismantle the iron sand and take it back beneath my clothes and turn to face him.

'Eww… that was filled with blood...' I ignored the feeling of blood soaking down my waist and looked down towards the fallen form of Haku.

'Okay, what now...' I scanned the form of Haku and notice that his HP was going down at a fast rate and without any treatment, he will most likely die in a few minutes. I turn him around and notice that his mask had come off and I could see his facial features…

'No way...this...hey man I understand your plight to wear a mask now, that face is too feminine for a man...'

I double-check my scan of his body and notice an Adam's apple so I took a sigh of relief… 'I thought for a second he fooled me with a transformation technique...should I leave him...better take the chunin for interrogation than a jounin...' I control two senbons lying nearby and insert them into his pressure points by his neck to put him into a false-death state… 'wow Uzumaki bloodline sure is something...I need less chakra for all of my jutsu's but I have more total chakra available after selecting the bloodline...I guess I can handle these injuries...' I activate the mystical palm after pinning my Iryo-nin badge on my chest and heal most of his deeper injuries and only leaving surface wounds…

'Right, what now...I guess they would know that the fight is over so I guess might as well...'

I drape his body over my shoulder and place his hunter-nin mask on my waist as I dash back towards everyone else…

'Kurenai-sensei should be about done with Zabuza by now right...'

'...I don't wanna be there in front of a dude with a huge sword with his accomplice's "dead-body" on my shoulders...'

'That guy scares the crap out of me...'

All right! first fight!! Tell me what you liked and didn't like! it will help to deal with future fight scenes... Anyway Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!! see ya again tomorrow at the same time!!


Version_401creators' thoughts