
Skye's Day Continues

As the pair was walking toward the village they were talking about Isaac's day. He was talking to Skye about his training with Elder Zachary.

Isaac leaned over and whispered in her ear saying "I'm so sorry for taking so long to come to heal you. I was actually healing Elder Zachary. I accidentally hit him with an arrow. I came as fast as I could is your shoulder ok?"

"I can't believe you hit Elder Zachary with an arrow during Target Practice!" Skye said with as she started to laugh and that only he would be bad enough to hit someone during practice. She unconsciously grabbed her shoulder in as sorta self-hug.

Skye could hear Isaac was trying to defend himself but she wasn't really paying attention to his words. She was thinking about the fact that this injury might affect her shooting. Although at the current moment it did seem to be that way she was still afraid because without archery she was nothing.

They continued walking and joking but there was no deep conversation. Isaac could tell that Skye was nervous so he didn't push her. Instead, he just wanted her to be ok.

Skye who had still been nervous started to become calmer as they walked toward the village. They were there in no time and it was time for them to part ways. Skye looked at the tall handsome man beside her and wondering why was he always by her side. Why did he care so much for her and she him, although these thoughts crossed her minded before she had never voiced them aloud?

"Hey, Isaac I have to stop by my house to get ready before seeing my father and so do you so meet me at my place when you're done getting ready," Skye said before hurrying off to her house, not even waiting for a reply.

At that moment Skye felt something she never had before a pain that wouldn't stop. She quickly rushed to her home and ran to the bathroom. She took off her shirt and gazed into the mirror at her shoulder. When her eyes focussed she collapsed to the ground in horror.

"Oh, my gods!" the young woman cried aloud.

In front of her was the reflection of something she had never seen before. Her shoulder was glowing in a warm golden light. She didn't know what to do, what was happening?

Not far off Edmond who had been keeping his eye the General suddenly heard a yell come from her cottage. He quickly ran in hoping that no harm had come to her.

"General! Ma'am where are you?" he called out before rushing to the only place she could be..... the bathroom. He was nervous for a moment but charged in any way he didn't want something to happen to her because he was too much of wimp to go into the bathroom.

"Ahhh.... Damn it Edmond" The woman cried aloud at the sudden intruder as she tried to cover her semi-nude body.

"I'm so sorry General" the man called but he couldn't look away for her his eyes full of confusion.

The young man walked over and grabbed the girls shoulders gently as so not to hurt the woman and he stared at the wound that was emitting the warm golden glow.

Skye sat there for a moment horrified, she had never let any male see her in such a way and yet he not only saw her Edmond was touching her.

"Edmond what are you doing get off of me" She squirmed trying to escape.

At that moment Edmond finally realized how it all looked and he immediately closed his eye and let his arms fall.

"I'm very sorry General I heard a scream come for your cottage I rushed in and when I arrived I called out to you but you didn't reply so I went to see if you were in the bathroom. Then when I came in I saw you and the light coming from your shoulder I just wanted to make sure you were ok." Edmond blurted aloud.

"Did you see anything?" Skye said in a sheepish voice.

Indeed he had seen everything the moment he rushed in. He saw her smoothy creamy skin that was a contrast to the skin that wasn't protected by her clothes. Due to her being in the sun so much she was quite tan but not the skin on her chest. That was like the color of fresh milk. All these thoughts were running through his mind.

"Yes Ma'am I did and I will take full responsibility. We will be wed so no shame will be brought to your family." Edmond said in a fearful voice but his face showed a different expression not fear but a sense of peace.

"That will not be necessary," Skye said as she put back on her shirt.

"But Ma'am I will not dishonor you," Edmond said as his eyes shot open.

Skye looked at the man and she didn't know whether to kick him or hug him. Edmond was always a nice guy he was 5 years older than her so they didn't have much interaction until she became general. Since then they started to grow fond of each other, however, it never crossed the boundary line of professionalism ..... for her at least.

She finally decided just to place and a comforting hand on his well-defined shoulder and looked into his eyes. They were a warm hazel color with flecks of green and gold.

"Edmond as long as you promise to never breathe a word about this to anyone then it is fine. I trust you completely" as she said this is a warm smile spread across his face. "I would never force you to marry someone like me," She said in a saddened tone her face full of doubt.

"Skye it would be an honor to not only marry someone like you but to marry you," Edmond said lifting her chin so that her eyes met his.

He always hated how she looked down on herself, she was amazing he just wished she could see it.

The girl in front of his blushed and tried to turn away but at that moment he stopped and pulled her into a hug. She smelled of cherry blossoms and honey. What a wonderful smell he thought to himself as he held her close.

Skye didn't know what to do her body because tense and she said nothing but after a moment she became calm in his arms and she returned the hug.