
the supreme demon lord on a watery vacation

adTHEweeb · อื่นๆ
16 Chs

chapter 16

Chapter 16

The world's strongest swordsman vs the great demon lord

"Rimuru Tempest, the candidate to be the next member…"

"Oh you know me? What an honor for the world's strongest swordsman in the world to know and remember my name like that." Rimuru said, smiling down at Mihawk.

"I can tell you're not a big chit-chatter so let's cut to the chase. Why did you come here?" Rimuru to Mihawk, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Rimuru tempest, I have come here to fight with you."

"Why? it's not like I'm famous or anything special."

"While it is true that you are not famous, however, I can tell that you are very special." Mihawk said as his hawk-like-eye that allowed him to see many things more then what normal people could as you see his eyes in fact could let him see deep into people's souls, read their minds and souls themselves this was one of the reasons why he could bypass a certain red hair man's abilities and also could make others see a future that he wished them to or the real future.

Using his eyes to look into the soul of Rimuru and as confident it would work only for him to stumble back in surprise with a shocked look on his face "what the heck why didn't it work i can't see her soul at all it's like she doesn't even exist? Like she shouldn't be here? What is this?" Mihawk thought to himself before looking at Rimuru to see a small smile appear on her face "she must know but how tho?"

Rimuru watched in amusement as the man tried to read her mind and soul only for Ciel to block it all and was about to kill him by over exerting his eyes and making them and his brain explode when she stopped her.

<but master he tried to read your mind the most sacred of places...> said an angry Ciel.

"Yeah yeah but you can't kill him, we need him for information and stuff and seeing as he's the strongest swordsman it could cause trouble if you killed him."

<fine but next time i'll give him a headish at lease to make sure he doesn't try that again.>

"What if i simply run away instead of fighting you after all you are the strongest swordsman. I wouldn't wanna die or anything and I could brag about being able to see you and live another day!" Rimuru said in a somewhat joking tone in the end.

"If you decide to do that..." Mihawk pulled out his sword and pointed it at Luffy, his crew and everyone eles.

"Then they all die." Mihawk said leaking out some killing intent making it clear he was serious.

Rimuru gritted her teeth annoyed at the threat she was gonna fight him anyways but she did not appreciate him threatening her brother and his friends and those nice people she was sure Luffy could fight him and give him enough of a challenge to hold his own but she was sure he would lose in the end and would be killed.

"Fine I'll fight you but if I win you will answer my questions." Mihawk nodded as he got his sword ready.

"And if I win you will do the same." Mihawk said as he watched Rimuru pulled out a very majestic katana, it was completely black to the point that it seemed to be sucking the light around it but it had lights inside it even looked like stars and galaxies flowing on it it was like the sword was a black hole that had a whole universe inside it and so while the sword seem to suck in the light inside the sword was not just dark.

This sword was called the Wrath of Tempest it was a sword that he had made a long time ago after she had defeated Yuuki when she was traveling the Galaxy going from universes to universe he found a empty universe she didn't know if it had been destroyed or was made this way but it seemed to have all the energy witch would have been planets stars and such into it but in just pure power form and so to say this was a beautiful sight to say the least was a understatement after she had admired it for a while she decided to take it using "Void God Azathoth" she condensed it and it left a single piece of a powerful ore "the steel of the universe" then using this and all of the different type of magic from simple slime, human, demon true dragon supreme deity and all other types she could get her hands on and made it so that she was the only one who could use this sword and so the "the Wrath of Tempest" was created.

"Let us begin shall we."

The 2 dashed forwards at each other, vanishing in the people's eyes.

"So fast!" said Luffy with stars in his eyes, being one of the few who could see the fight thanks to his observation haki.

The 2 fighters jumped back from each other Rimuru smirking with Mihawk having a small smile on his face.

"That's quite a strong blade you got there! Does it have a name?"

"Its name is the Wrath of Tempest!"

"A fine name. Is it a black blade by chance?"

"No, it is much much higher than that."

"What is it then?"

"That's a secret"

"I'll just have to beat you to find out then in that case Rimuru Tempest!" with that Mihawk Dashed back into the fight enhancing his arms and blade with his advanced armament haki while also using future sight to attack his opponent.

"That's weird wouldn't this sword be able to destroy his blade from the second they connected?" Rimuru asked Ciel, confused while blocking Mihawk's attacks and stepping back to avoid some of the attacks at time.

<yes master you are correct however i had sealed away that ability of the sword for this fight to make the fight more fun for you and not just one shot him.>

"Makes sense thanks Ciel."

<of course anything for you my dear husband or is it wife now?> Ciel said, chuckling to herself.

Mihawk seeing Rimurus eyes seemed to dilate away for a second as if distracted and he took advantage for of it as he suddenly pushed off the ground riding with his sword as if it was a spear he went for a stab in his targets stomach Rimuru had paired with the side of her blade but the force was too much due to her always having a lot of her power sealed away as otherwise she would break and kill nearly everyone she touched and so she was thrown off the broken ship under her now nothing but the ocean water.

"Dammit this isn't a suitable place for a battle of this size." Rimuru said, gritting her teeth.

"I agree but this is the end of it you shouldn't have let your guards down." With that Mihawk swung his sword down and it connected with Rimuru she tried to block it and had managed to block a deadly blow but the tip of the sword had slashed at her side and a green slash of haki continued to push down into her pushing her down towards the ocean.

Rimuru grunted seeing the blood coming from her wound as she knew it was fake blood made by Ciel and that she only was able to get his cuz her barriers were all down thanks to Ciel shutting them down on her request but still grunting she pushed the haki attack away and using the momentum she gained from it she twisted her body and she pointed her hand at the ocean "water manipulation" using this she raised the sea and changed it to her liking breathing a giant empty space in between and having a massive wave to the side where it seemed like she would land along with Mihawk and then she used another skill "ice creation" and with that it all happened so fast the temperature dropped from a nice and warm temperature the negatives so fast and the whole place that was being affected by water manipulation became ice pure ice.

Mihawk was shocked to see this at first but then simply cucked it as her having a devil fruit similar to the navy Admiral Aokiji.

"Impressive!" Mihawk said as he did a spin with his sword pointing down at his target who had just safely landed on the top of the mountain of ice.

Rimuru put her sword up and waited for the attack once she felt it she was surprised when she was pushed down to her knees feeling the strong haki and power put into the attack then she screamed as she started falling as the tip of the ice cracked and broke dropping her down to the ground where it was more flat and as she landed she had to role to the side as Mihawk pieced where she was and by the time she got to her feet she was on the receiving end of even more attacks as she tried her best to block but failed but then she had to do a backflip and fell down on her back relieved as she saw the attack that was meant to take her head off cut the giant mountain of ice and dropped near them.

"This is rather peculiar. She's not using any haki yet is able to hold her own against me, is it possible that she could be stronger than me?" Mihawk asked himself in his mind as he continuously attacked the girl.

"Alright then it's about time to set this to the next level!" Rimuru said as she started to enhance her sword with her power and jumped into another round of attack with Mihawk this time each time the 2 swords met the sword seemed to push Mihawk's sword and the tip of her katana seemed to graze Mihawk skin.

"Mihawk runte as he decided to use his haki to the next level Ryou or otherwise known as advanced armament haki busoshoku haki and using his eyes to put show Rimuru a false future with future sight to see the future and had been able to do 2 giant gashes in Rimuru's chest making her stubble back and fall on her back."

"It's over girl you are strong but you are still young and have a lot to learn now will you answer my questions?" Mihawk asked, smiling slightly and pointing his blade at the down opponent.

"Heh not unless you defeat me!" Rimuru said smiling, making Mihawk confused as she was clearly defeated before he felt it. A massive wave of haki hit him, pushing him back and making him stumble a bit. The ice even broke from the pressure of the haki as this gave Rimuru the chance to stab him in the stomach and slash to the side ripping a big chunk of his stomach.

"I'm not done yet!" Mihawk screamed as he rushed and did a lash down at Rimuru's head but she blocked and kicked him away and so the 2 continued fighting for a couple of hours on end.

"What the hell, how are they so strong? I'm so far behind the world's strongest swordsman..." Zoro said with wide eyes as he saw the battle go on seeing Mihawk destroy mountains with a single swing of his blade seeing Rimuru create an entire mountain sized ice and also froze the ocean.

"Don't worry Zoro he did say he'd keep the title for you so just continue training and you'll reach your goals soon enough!" Luffy said, smiling at his first mate.

"Yeah..." Zoro agreed, grateful that his captain believed in him and they watched the fight go on for hours on end.


Unknown to everyone but Rimuru Nami had snuck away a little before Mihawk had cut Don's ship and had stolen the Going Merry she had done so with the words in mind.

"I know you are a good person and that you have to do this but if you ever hurt my brother Arlong will be the last of your worries." Rimuru had told her with a glare that seemed to be glaring straight into her soul and she had almost screamed in fear when that happened but then Rimuru smiled and simply told her good luck as she went out to make sure everything went well with Mihawk.

And as she sailed off when she saw the ocean get turned into ice and the mountain of ice broke this only hardened her resolve and scared her more this was the last time she would do anything against the scary girl's brother and his crew but for now she needed to go back home to finally complete what she has been working for for the last 8 years of her life and so she sailed towards her destination.

End of chapter 16

1. Who will win this fight?

2. What will Rimuru ask Mihawk if she wins?

3. What will Mihawk ask Rimuru if he wins?

4. Will Zoro ever get strong enough to be the world's strongest?

5. What has Nami been working on in the past 8 years of her life?