

Host Status


Age  21

Intelligence  80%

Body  50%

Charm  35%

Strength  50%

Skills  NIL

Balance  $1000 000 050

Points  300

John stood Up after that noticing his clothes were a lot tighter and due to all the sweating he went directly to the Bathroom for a Shower. He took off his clothes and looked in the mirror and got the shock of his life. His Body had muscles and he was even more handsome then before he also felt taller. Anyway he turned on the hot shower and let all the bad of the day wash away.

He stepped out of the shower wrapped a towel around his waist. He was about to get dressed when he stopped and realized he had nothing to wear to the Morningstar Hotel and also due to the changes to his Body his current clothes don't fit. Meaning he will have to go shopping tomorrow.

Sighing to himself and thinking what am I going to do know. While he was thinking of a solution the system interrupted his thoughts " Host may I suggest you buy some clothes from a local boutique they deliver" John Thought Thank you I should of  thought of that and immediately went online and order his clothes and paid extra for 1 Hour Delivery.

He decided to buy something to wear tonight and tomorrow while he goes shopping. He chose a pair of Black Jeans and a nice shirt and a pair of Joggers for tomorrow and a nice suit and leather shoes for tonight.

While waiting for the clothes John decided to check out the Skills Available in the system store. John was amazed skills from Music, Art, science, Medicine, martial Arts and even Driving . This is amazing.  John exclaimed.

System can I buy these skills anytime. " Yes host just think about what you need and it will be available" Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door. Thinking it was his clothes he ordered he went and open the door.  Finding it was the courier delivering his clothes. Seeing him answer the door in just his towel even the courier was taken aback by the site. Coming to his senses he handed the Clothes to John he said " Thank you for shopping with us at the Classic Rainbow Boutique. Hopefully we will see you again soon we are available online or in store here is our Business card with the store address.

John taking the clothes and the card Said " Thank you, I may come by the store tomorrow to buy more, thanks again and have a great Night. John Closed the door and went to get dressed. Mean while outside the courier was sitting in the van thinking 'Damn he's so Hot'.

John got dressed in his suit and put his other set and some supplies in his over night bag and left his room heading for the Morningstar Hotel. He hailed  taxi and arrived 20mins later. On arrival he headed into the reception area and informed them that he had Ordered a diamond membership online and also had a room reserved for tonight. 

While he was waiting for his new Diamond Membership Card and his Room Key. He was looking around the Hotel which was exquisite with it furnishing and chandelier in the main foyer. When his eyes fell upon the two people he did not want to see ever. 

Susan and David were walking hand in hand heading from the dinning room to the elevator. David just happened to look up at this time and look straight at John. Surprised to see him there and looking uninjured after he was beaten he yelled " What are you doing here loser, can't you get it through your thick poor useless head of yours that Susan does not want you. Why are you stalking her. I am a gold Member of this hotel If you don't get out, and stop harassing Susan  I will call security to kick you out. And beat you more then earlier today.

John standing there crossed his arms across his chest. In front of everyone he was feeling a little embarrassed due to all the Stares and the whispers from everyone around him believing what David had said. He Decided that he had the System know he did not have to put up this or lower his head to anyone.

So John Straightened him self up. Stared at the couple with disdain and said, " Why would I want to lower myself by following you two around anywhere.

You are not even worthy of my time. A Bully and a cheating Slut who apparently will sleep with whoever buys the most expensive things. I am Glad we broke up, I don't want anything to do with either of you. " He then continued " And Susan don't come Crawling back when you regret you decision" 

  While all this was happening the General Manager herself came out to welcome the New Diamond Member. And personally escort him to his room, because the receptionist told her how gorgeous and young he was. And was shocked by the commotion. And was not sure what was going on but she was filled in by a staff member standing nearby.

  The general Manager made her way over to John after he looked towards the desk, wondering if his key was ready yet And introduced herself " My name is Jasmine the General manager. " Mr Walker welcome to the Morningstar Hotel here is you membership card which grants you a private Vip room for your dinning pleasure and any other services. You may need. Please allow me to escort you to your room."

John gave her a smile and said "Thank you I would appreciate that." Following Jasmine to the elevator. Glancing at David and Susan who had a shocked look on her face. Even though he still felt a little Heart broken he held his head up and said,"  I would like to enjoy the rest of my Birthday without being annoyed by pests".

When arriving on the top Floor Jasmine lead John to His room and showed him around the room was like nothing John had ever seen. He was in awe. He was broken out of his thoughts when Jasmine said " Here is your Room key, if there is anything you need you can call me anytime". Handing John her personal business card. With a slight Blush on her face.

Smiling taking the card John said " Thank you for your help I would actually like to have some dinner could you show me to the dining room." Walking out of his room with Jasmine after closing the door he turned around and sighed." Jasmine heard the sigh and looked at him at asked "Is everything alright" John Looked at her and sadly said "Yes I will be fine I just can't seem to escape some people." Looking Down the hall where John was looking she saw the same two people from down in the lobby earlier.

  " Do you know them?' John replied "Yes she was my girlfriend but I caught her cheating on me this Morning apparently it has been going on for awhile. Her reason was because she wanted expensive things and my love was not enough. Following that I was beaten up" Great Birthday Present isn't it" 

  "After I woke up in the Infirmary I decided I am better then that and I will make them regret everything that happened. And live for myself and be Happy"  Jasmine smiled at him while thinking "Damn what a stupid Women why would you break up with all this" while checking John out .  John at the same time just happen to be checking Jasmine out. Her body was hug in a tight Business suit. They were Talking on the way to the elevator completely ignoring the glare from the two People standing in the hall outside their room.

  John was temporarily stunned by the systems sudden notification.

"Jasmine Moore friend with benefits 100%"

John thought Really looking at Jasmine with a whole new vision. And Lust.

Jasmine took John to the Private dining room. After getting him settled she said she has to get back to work she still has about an hour left of her shift. Before she walked out the door John asked if she would like to join him after she finished her work. And she agreed.

John ordered his dinner. Along with desert which he could take back to his room later.  John food arrived and it was amazing look the smell everything about it was worth the money that was spent on it.

Just over an hour later while John was enjoying a coffee when the door to his private room opened. Jasmine who has just finished work walked in with a smile. She took a seat next tho John. As there was still a lot of food John asked if she was hungry and to help help herself.

While Jasmine was eating, They were talking and getting to know each other better.  After awhile the atmosphere in the room was getting a little hot. Not sure on what to do next. The system Chimed again

Good Evening host: First Harem Mission activated

After successfully completing this Mission. You will receive various rewards.. Possible Satisfaction.

  If you fail you will lose your remaining Points and be embarrassed in front of your ex

Mission Details: " Share your Birthday Dessert with Jasmine up in you room… also annoy Your Ex and her lover' Good Luck Host and have fun.

Shortly after the system screen shut down. The door to the private room opened up and the waitress came in informing John that his dessert was ready and has been delivered up to his room.  After thanking her she turned and left the room.

John looked at Jasmine and asked if she would join him in his room for dessert as he did not want to eat alone.  Jasmine and John walked out of the dinning room and headed for the elevator to head up to the top Floor" As soon the elevator doors closed both John and jasmine's hands touched. 

Adding to the already rising tension between them. Slowly John moved his hand around caressing Jasmine's fingers then her hand slowly but lightly going up her arm. Till it reached her shoulder causing her to involuntarily let out a little moan from the intense feeling she was getting. Turning to look at John she noticed the intense heat in his eyes unable to control themselves any longer.

John wrapped his hands around her waist and pushed her against the elevator wall  which was a new feeling for him as he has never done anything like this before especially with someone he has just met. Jasmine's hands flew up around John's neck and into his hair.

Smashing his lips into Jasmine's, brushing his tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gave him. The Kiss was full of passion and need, causing both of them moan at the same time. 

They were so caught up in each other and the passion that they did not notice when the elevator had stopped and the door was open. Until they heard someone clearing their throat "AHEM" Realizing they were not alone they pulled apart and looked towards the door. And standing there with a look of shock and Disgust was Susan and David.

Unable to handle what she was seeing Susan yelled " What are you doing" still not believing that her boyfriend for the past three years was making out with someone else the day they Broke up.

  John Glanced at her for a second then while looking at Jasmine saying " I was thinking about going to my room and eating my Birthday Dessert".

After saying that John grabbed Jasmine and left the elevator and headed for his room. His door was barely open before they gave in to there desires again. Getting into room and shutting the door. They noticed the Chocolate dessert ready on the table. John and Jasmine walked to to table and decided to eat the creamy Chocolate dessert. While they were eating it got a bit intimate with the chocolate which was a new feeling for both of them. 

Double checking that they both wanted this to go further then just making out. John picked Jasmine up walked towards the Bedroom where they took their time removing each others clothes. Following that they both fell on the bed. John Kissing every inch of Jasmine's body until the pressure between them got to much the pair almost exploded. 

Instantly entwining their Bodies with so much heat. Moaning and Groaning could be heard for hours. Three hours later John and Jasmine were both Lying in each others arms Breathing heavily trying to calm down.

The Next Morning after a few more Rounds the Couple got out of bed and had a shower which ended up with Jasmine pinned against the Bath room wall with her legs around John waist. Which was also a new experience.After the unexpected Steamy Shower they both got dressed ready to leave the room. 

John booked a Table for breakfast in the dining room. While they were eating Jasmine looked up at John who was sipping his Coffee looking at her with a heated gaze. For some Reason he was getting Hot again.

Jasmine Looked at John and said "That was the most amazing night I have ever had. I must say Unexpected And I would love to do it again if you still want to. In saying that I don't think you will be satisfied with just me. So I will be more then Happy to Share you with others if you wish as long as I get to stay by your Side"

  John stood up walked slowly around the table lifted Jasmine head up by the chin and Kissed her with so much feeling. " Jasmine sweetheart, It would be my Pleasure to have you by my Side. You are my Women now for as long as you want me." His voice turning a little sexy at the end. Surprising both of them.

Walking out of the dining room John decided to book his room for a few more days as he did not want to go back to his dorm yet. 

Having to leave due to have a couple of classes today. Turning around to leave. Jasmine came back out after logging in for work and was heading to the reception area Saying " Have a great day John" Turning around Smiling gave her a Wink and Said " You Too Sweetheart, I will see you later" with that he walked out of the hotel heading to Class."