

In the prestigious Cooke University in River side city,

John Walker was sitting in his last class of the day, listening to his professor, due to his intelligence he found most of the subject matter rather easy so like most Young men he was counting down the minutes till he could see his long term girlfriend Susan. They have been together since senior year of High school. 

John  grew up in a poor Family that barely had enough to eat, but even though his life has always been hard he worked hard due to his intelligence he earnt a full scholarship. He doesn't have many friends due to his poor financial situation this is why he is thank full for his Girl friend. 

John has not seen his girl all day and she has not been answering any of his texts and he was getting worried. As soon as the class ended he grabbed his things intent on finding Susan and making sure she was okay. As it was also his Birthday he wanted to take her out, on a date and spend the night together

As he was making his way down the hall he spotted his Girlfriend heading toward a secluded empty part of the building. Smiling he decided to follow her hoping for a little alone time. But as he entered his Heart felt like it broke into pieces. Susan was in the arms of another Man making out. 

Unable to believe what he was seeing he yelled out,'Susan". Shocked by the sudden interruption the two pulled apart"

"What are you doing, how can you cheat on me like this.. What have I done to you to deserve this, beside give you my love? I thought you loved me? 

Susan just coming out of the initial shock of being caught looked at John and sneered " Love, what can love buy you in this world nothing, I don't love you, How can anyone love a Poor loser like you"

"What are you saying?, we have been together for three years Susan how can you say that" Susan no longer felt the need to keep talking decided to say" I don't care John you can't buy me the things that I want. Look at this Necklace it worth more then your pathetic poor life." John's Being completely heartbroken stared at the woman he loved saying " I thought my love would be enough for you but you would rather throw me away for what, a stupid necklace, I don't believe it"

  Not being able to stand this any longer David who was next to Susan Decided to speak up " You are just a Poor useless Beggar what do you know about anything, Money is everything, it can get you anything and anyone I want.Susan is Mine she has been for awhile now, I can do what ever I like to her". 

Staring lustfully at Susan with his hands around her waist turns towards John and smirks and says "and now we are going to the Morningstar Hotel for a hot night, I can send you a video of her moaning my name if you like" 

  John's body was trembling with rage, he couldn't hold it any longer and rushed forward to Punch David. But David who was from a rich family  was taught Self defense saw him coming and kicked him in the chest knocking the wind out of him causing him to fall to the floor. 

Walking over David decided to teach John a lesson by Kicking him a few more times. In the midst of the attack John spit up blood and passed out. David and Susan didn't seem to care After they took a few Photos they stepped over him and left.

A few hours later John woke up in the University Infirmary apparently a Janitor that was going in the clean the room Found him and called for help 

While still in a daze he vowed that everyone would regret what they have done to him. He would show them he was not a Pathetic Loser and he deserved to be Loved not just abandoned.

  Seconds later John heard a "Ding" in his head not knowing what it was he was looking around.

" HOST found please stay conscious during installation" 10% 20% 30% 50% 60% 70% ….100% " Installation complete, Congratulation Host"

"What is going on,what is this?' John thought looking at a weird blue screen floating in front of his face"  Answering his his question the voice in his head replied, " Host John Walker, I am The SUPER RICH HAREM SYSTEM" Congratulations. I am here to help you with all your dreams and desires."



John sitting alone inside the infirmary was a little shocked by what he was seeing and hearing. He was also feeling a little excited. Concentrating on the screen John realized his life was about to take an amazing turn.

John decided to give this system a go and thought "Hello Thank you for choosing me how does this work?" 

Your Welcome John By completing tasks assigned by the system you will receive money and various other rewards depending on the quest completed. You will also get System Points which can be used to improve your stats and skills. 

Are you ready to begin you Journey?


John sat thinking for a few minutes before deciding he nothing to lose and said, " Yes Please, and thank you again"

The next second there was another DING and the blue screen started flashing followed by " Thank You host for being so polite and gracious the system has rewarded you a welcome bonus $1000 000 000 has been sent to your bank account. Also you have been rewarded 1000 Start up points"

Following that John Phone notification went off he picked up his phone and it was message from his bank informing him of the deposit. " WOW" Thank you.

In His excitement John accident moved his body and an excruciating pain radiated through his body, realizing how badly hurt he was he didn't know what to do. Until the system said Host you a severally injured. Would you like to use 500 points to rectify this situation?"

"You can do that you are amazing, yes please"  following that host says "please bear the pain it will only last a minute" suddenly a warm feeling radiated through John Body followed by an intense pain while the system fixed all of his Broken Body. John yelled out in pain. But then it was all over and he felt better then he has in along time. Almost like his Heart and Soul had been Cleansed.