
The Strongest System Novel

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The_Procrastinator · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 11 Ascendance

"Are you truly a miracle doctor?" The man's voice carried a hint of uncertainty as he reluctantly yielded to his curiosity, taking hesitant steps closer to Riley's makeshift stall.

Despite his initial reservations, the man found himself drawn to Riley's enigmatic presence, compelled by an insatiable curiosity to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface. And yet, as he approached, his incredulity only grew, fueled by the sight of the young man before him.

Riley, no more than an 18-year-old boy, stood with an air of quiet confidence, his youthful visage belying the gravity of the title he claimed. It was a contradiction that struck the man as absurd, the notion of someone so young possessing the knowledge and skill to earn the moniker of "miracle doctor" seeming nothing short of preposterous.

And yet, as he studied Riley's composed demeanor and unwavering gaze, the man couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt creep into his mind. Perhaps there was more to this young healer than met the eye, a depth of wisdom and understanding hidden beneath the surface of his youth.

With a sigh of resignation, the man resolved to set aside his skepticism, if only for a moment, and give Riley the benefit of the doubt.

"I have been touched by the god of medicine in my dreams," Riley declared with a solemnity that bordered on reverence, his words carrying the weight of divine authority. "Speak your illness, and I shall offer you not one, but two cures, gifted to me by the benevolent hand of the divine."

With a deliberate narrowing of his eyes, Riley fixed his gaze upon his first customer, his scrutiny penetrating as he assessed the man's condition with a practiced eye. As the Sage of the Eternal Endless Dao, Riley was a master of all daos in existence and beyond. It would not be an understatement to say that he could even breathe life into a dead person and bring them back once more.

"Okay," the man, Riley's first customer, chose to believe and took a deep breath before beginning to explain his problem.

"I've been stuck at the peak of the Foundation Establishment realm for more than 100 years. I've tried every means to breakthrough to the core formation realm and failed every single time. Now, it's gotten to the point that I'm afraid to take the risk anymore and just be content knowing that I have reached my end in this journey of cultivation." The man sighed heavily. He was already 200 years old, and with every failed breakthrough, he had to spend massive resources to rebuild his foundation. Each failure brought him to the precipice of death.

And although there were pills in existence that could increase his chances of success, those were legendary pills that he could neither afford nor even hope to see.

Riley looked at his first customer and nodded like a true sage miracle doctor. "Your problem is a simple one to cure. And since you're my first customer ever, I will help you at a great discount," Riley said, holding up one finger. "Give me one gold coin, and I will easily aid you in becoming a Core Formation expert!" he promised.

"Bah… what a lunatic! If he can really do that, then I will call him the god of medicine from now on!" a bystander commented from the side. A crowd had already gathered to see this sideshow.

"I agree," the first customer said. He had nothing to lose by believing, so he willingly put one gold coin forward. The transaction was swift, and then Riley thought of the easiest way to fulfill his promise. He stood up from his chair, gathered some nearby stones, and arranged them in a circular maze pattern. All the onlookers, including his customer, watched him like he was crazy.

"Jump on these stones repeatedly for 10 minutes, and you will gain sudden enlightenment," Riley instructed.

His first customer looked at him like he was a fool, but he felt even more foolish for being willing to try anything to finally achieve the Core Formation realm. The man gritted his teeth and did exactly as he was told. He stepped onto the first stone and jumped to the next, setting his own pace.

"FASTER!" Riley commanded, making him jump a little more energetically. The man obeyed, increasing his speed.

"I said faster! Is that how a Foundation Establishment powerhouse jumps? Do it faster!" Riley urged, and before long, only quick shadows were seen of the expert. His movements were too fast for the normal eye to follow. 

After 10 minutes of relentless jumping, the man came to a sudden stop in midair.

"DING!" The heavens seemed to open up, and ancient, glowing symbols descended slowly upon the man's frozen figure. A hushed silence fell over the gathered crowd as they watched in awe.

For what seemed like an eternity, the symbols shimmered around him, weaving an intricate pattern of energy. A minute passed, each second feeling like an eternity in the presence of such profound spiritual phenomena.

"BOOM!" Suddenly, a tremendous surge of imposing spiritual pressure erupted from the man's body, radiating outwards in powerful waves. The air around him crackled with energy, and those nearby could feel the intensity of his newfound strength.

"He really became a Core Formation expert!" a bystander exclaimed, unable to contain their excitement.

"HAHAHA!" The first customer burst into laughter, a mix of disbelief and exhilaration filling his expression. He had never imagined that such a seemingly unconventional method could lead to such a profound breakthrough in cultivation.

Riley, the sage miracle doctor, stood by calmly, his gaze fixed on the transformed man. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction, knowing that he had fulfilled his promise and witnessed a remarkable transformation. The onlookers buzzed with excitement and disbelief, some already whispering about Riley's newfound reputation as a miracle worker.

As the initial shock wore off, the newly minted Core Formation expert descended gracefully back to the ground, his movements now imbued with a fluidity and strength that spoke of his elevated state. He looked around at the amazed faces, a sense of accomplishment and gratitude filling him.

"Thank you, Senior!" he said earnestly, bowing deeply to the young man and even addressing Riley as senior which held deep meaning in this xianxia world. "I could never have imagined this outcome."

Riley nodded, his expression serene yet filled with pride. "It was nothing. Go now and spread the news of how I helped you achieve a whole new realm."

And that, of course, was the day when the legend of Young Master Riley, the God of Medicine, resonated throughout Astral Dawn City and beyond.

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