
The Strongest System Novel

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The_Procrastinator · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 10 Momentum

Riley cast a disdainful glance at the fat figure who had dared to raise his voice against him, a faint shake of his head conveying his dismissal of the man's interference.

"Mind your own business, Xander," Riley responded coolly, his tone laced with a hint of condescension. "I am charting a new course for myself now, one untethered by past mistakes. As for you, it seems you've ascended to the role of head manager of this pavilion on the coattails of my errors. You ought to be grateful, you know. My missteps have paved the way for your success. In fact, you should be thanking me profusely and offering gifts as tokens of appreciation for the opportunities I've unwittingly provided you."

Pausing for effect, Riley leaned back in his makeshift chair, a smug smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

His gaze drifted to the space before him, where he began to meticulously arrange a small table, the final flourish to his impromptu business endeavor.

"Of course, I'm not a man motivated by greed," Riley continued, his voice carrying an air of nonchalance.

"Any gesture, no matter how humble, will suffice, as long as it is offered with genuine intent and heartfelt gratitude."

With his declaration delivered, Riley settled comfortably into his seat, anticipation coursing through him as he awaited Xander's response, confident in the righteousness of his demands and the inevitability of his success.

"…" Xander stood in stunned silence, his round face contorted with disbelief as he struggled to process Riley's audacious words.

It took him nearly a full minute to regain his composure, during which time a whirlwind of emotions churned within him.

As a man in his thirties, Xander had long harbored ambitions of rising to the position of head manager.

After all, his years of dedicated service and unwavering loyalty to the pavilion should have been more than enough to earn him such recognition.

Yet, time and time again, his aspirations had been thwarted by the influence of Riley's parents and the nepotism that permeated the clan.

In Xander's eyes, Riley was nothing more than a privileged interloper—a mere shadow cast by the looming presence of his influential family.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that he had been passed over time and time again in favor of someone he deemed unworthy of the title.

And now, to hear Riley speak so brazenly of his supposed benevolence and magnanimity, it was almost too much for Xander to bear.

The resentment that simmered beneath the surface threatened to boil over, fueling his indignation and inflaming his sense of injustice.

"You dare!" Xander's voice reverberated with fury as he unleashed a torrent of frustration, his pudgy fists trembling with the urge to strike out at Riley.

But before he could act on his impulse, a chillingly calm voice sliced through the air, halting him in his tracks.

"If you lay a hand on me, I will not hesitate to report your actions to the clan supreme elder," Riley declared, his words cutting through the tension like a blade.

"And I highly doubt that you would emerge from such a confrontation unscathed, Xander."

The threat hung heavy in the air, sending a shiver down Xander's spine as he recoiled from the implication of Riley's words.

Though his anger threatened to boil over, he knew all too well the consequences of defying the clan's rules.

Verbal abuse could be accepted but physical violence was strictly forbidden, punishable by severe retribution at the hands of the supreme elder.

Xander's mind flashed back to a harrowing memory, one that served as a stark reminder of the consequences of disobedience.

He had witnessed firsthand the brutal punishment meted out to a young man who had dared to raise his hand against another member of the clan—a punishment that had cost him both of his hands.

The memory sent a chill down Xander's spine, his resolve wavering in the face of such merciless justice.

Though his fury burned hot within him, he knew that he dared not cross the line drawn by the clan's strict code of conduct.

And so, with a reluctant acceptance of his limitations, Xander begrudgingly retreated, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he seethed with resentment towards Riley and the unfairness of it all.

"You're impossible, Riley!" Xander's voice reverberated with frustration as he hurled the accusation at Riley.

With a scowl etched upon his features, he stormed back into the pill store, his mind already churning with plans to carry out Riley's threat against himself.

Determined to see Riley face consequences for his audacity, Xander wasted no time in drafting a letter to the supreme elder, detailing the presence of a vagrant imposter conducting illicit business on the premises of the store.

The mere thought of Riley being reprimanded and punished brought a twisted smile to Xander's fat face, his satisfaction growing with each stroke of the pen.

With the letter completed and sealed, Xander's resolve hardened, his determination to see justice served unwavering.

As he dispatched the missive to its intended recipient, he allowed himself a moment of satisfaction, relishing in the prospect of Riley facing the repercussions of his actions.

* * *

It was high noon, the bustling streets alive with the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily errands.

As the sun reached its zenith, residents emerged from their homes, eager to procure whatever their hearts desired.

For pill stores like the Wright Pill and Herbs Haven, this was prime time, a bustling period of activity as customers streamed in and out, seeking remedies and elixirs to aid them on their spiritual cultivation journeys.

Amidst the throng of patrons, some paused as they caught sight of the peculiar sign adorning Riley's makeshift stall.

With a quizzical glance at the enigmatic figure behind the table, they shook their heads in bemusement, accustomed to the eccentricities of those immersed in the world of cultivation.

In a realm where men and women pursued immortality and transcendent power, such displays of crazy behavior were not uncommon.

Indeed, eccentricity was often viewed as a hallmark of those who dared to tread the path of enlightenment, their actions governed by a wisdom that transcended the norms of conventional society.

And so, with a knowing smile and a shrug of their shoulders, the onlookers continued on their way, leaving Riley to his own devices amidst the ebb and flow of life in the bustling city.

All around, the passersby paid little heed to Riley, their knowing glances and whispers indicating a collective awareness of his past deeds and follies.

To them, his current eccentric behavior seemed a natural progression, a manifestation of the madness that had gripped him as a result of his past missteps.

And so, with a resigned acceptance, they carried on with their business, content to leave Riley to his own devices.

It wasn't until three hours had passed that Riley finally garnered the attention of his first customer.

The man approached with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, his expression serious as he surveyed the makeshift stall before him.

"A miracle doctor, huh?" the man remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of disbelief.

Despite his skepticism, there was a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the possibility that Riley's unorthodox methods might hold some merit.

It was evident that this man was a newcomer to the city, unaware of Riley's past and the rumors that swirled around him like a cloak of shadow.

Unlike the seasoned residents who passed by with knowing glances and whispered conversations, this newcomer approached Riley's makeshift stall with an air of innocence and curiosity.

Unburdened by preconceived notions or the weight of past judgments, the newcomer regarded Riley with fresh eyes, his gaze unclouded by the skepticism that colored the perceptions of others.

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