
The Strongest Human among supernatural

Reincarnated into Twilight?! My sister is emo and in a love triangle? HWAT IN DA HELL --- This will be an AU No Harem MC is human, he has human emotions. He is not a sociopath or a psychopath. Don't like it? A valid argument, however, your mother, grandmother, and aunt.

Shimo_Kiba · ภาพยนตร์
7 Chs

Chapter 3: Human Supremacy

This is where the AU comes into play; I'm changing things up. Of course, the MC won't be aware of these changes in the plot.



A group of supernatural creatures known by many names: Cold One, Revenant, Strigoi, Haemovore, although the most frequent is Vampire.

A race of once-human beings who are now immortal undead who survive on the blood of the living. Created by magic and the will to live once more, these beings use their venom to infect unsuspecting humans and turn them into vampires. However, not all are malicious.

The Olympic Coven is a group of 'Vegetarian' vampires who feed on animals rather than humans. They choose to interact with them, live among them, and even attend high school with humans—all to feel human and normal again.

Each of these vampires has a gift that is awakened in them, whether it be Strength, Telepathy, or Pathokinesis. Vampires, werewolves, and even humans can awaken these gifts. Among these gifts, one is highly sought after: Clairvoyance. 

The ability to predict the future or, rather, the subjective future. This ability is held by The Olympic Coven by Alice Cullen. A short "pixie-like" woman with short spiky hair that didn't reach past her nape. She used these visions to protect herself and her family. However, the most recent one was more confusing than any other one. [Image]

A Coven-wide meeting was issued to notify everyone of her vision. Instantly, Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen arrived, claiming a couch. Carlisle Cullen, her coven leader, and his wife Esme, whom Jasper Hale tailed, also came not long after with superhuman speed. Jasper claimed a spot close to Alice, supporting her; after all, he could sense another's feelings.

Edward Cullen was the last to arrive with the same speed as the other, if not faster. No human could match this speed, or at least not one they knew of. 

Carlisle was the first to speak, "Your vision, nothing dangerous?" his voice filled with worry for his family. His and Voltrui's relationship was strained. Along with the treaty with the Shapeshifters, it felt like he had an enemy at every corner. "I don't think so; I don't know, really." 

"An indecisive future?" Jasper questioned, in thought. "No, not indecisive, just... I don't know if what I saw was real." Her response intrigued the family of vampires; her visions were always rooted in possible realities; how could one not be real?

"Not real?" Esme, her mother figure, questioned, her voice filled with worry for her adopted daughter. "Well, I saw...A man fighting Emmett. They were on equal footing, with strength going to Emmett and endurance going to the man." 

"Oh shit, did I win?" Emmett asked, as his childish grin hung on his face. "No, you were both going blow for blow, but he held out longer. It's what you said afterward that confuses me." 

"Oh." His lips pursed as he faked a sad look while his mate Rosalie hit him lightly on his arm. "What did he say?" Rosalie asked for her mate while he was pouting about his future loss. 

"You're strong for a human." With those words out of her mouth, their eyes widened. Emmett's childishness disappeared as he silently repeated his own words. With the questioning gazes of her family, she began to explain in detail. 


"Iron Body," Samuel made his choice as time began once more. The gruff Taesoo huffed out of anger. In an instance, he closed the distance between Sam and him, raising a fist. Sam couldn't even see him move before the fist was inches from his face. He could only think one thing; 'I'm going to die again.' 1

Luckily, the punch stopped centimeters from his face."Boy, if you freeze like that, you'll never be strong." Taesoo walked past Sam, who was nearly frozen solid. "Glad you didn't choose mine; you wouldn't be strong enough to survive my training." Without any other words, he left, leaving Gongseob and Samuel alone. 

Gongseob shook his head. "You thought you were going to die, and you did nothing but freeze?" Sam released the breath he held back unconsciously; his body felt like it weighed a ton. He felt like..like he would have died right then and there. Fear overpowered his [Fighter's Mentality]; it was shameful. 2

All this power, this golden spoon, would have been useless if he couldn't even throw a basic punch. Was he truly so weak?

"Avalokitesvara," he said, feeling the bell that Taesoon had recently punched. Looking at the dent that man produced. Gongseob anger boiled over. "Fucking Avalokitesvara!" He yelled, instantly punching the bell at least 30 times, causing it to rock backward. The power and weight were too great for the rope, which snapped, allowing the hanging metal bell to fall. 

"I get so angry when I think of someone as pathetic as you; this must be Buddha's will." The falling bell cast a shadow on the monk's torso. The metal smashed into the ground, causing a tremor. The monk was unharmed, but his fists fractured the metal, leaving a hole for him to step in. "Buddha has guided your pathetic self to me, so I'll train you."

Sam's mouth gaped in amazement at his skill; he wondered, 'Could I really do that?' Gongseob shook his head at the man who was already doubting himself. "We begin with cleaning."

Sam's expression shifted from surprise to semi-understanding; after all, he had seen 'Karate Kid,' where cleaning was a type of training. Gongseob had tossed a pail of water and a rag at Samuel, who caught them and glanced down. "Where?"

Gongseob dragged Samuel to the back of the temple and pushed him to the floor before moving away with a box. "Do I need to do it a certain way?" The monk looked perplexed as he walked away; "Scrub it good." 

Sam nodded, stumped by the monk's comments. "Oh, and before I forget." The monk paused before snatching a Buddha statue and strapping it to Samuel's back. "There, clean the whole temple with this on your back."

Despite his superhuman strength, Sam's body struggled slightly with the weight. He could still move, but not as easily as previously; he had to move carefully. "Get to work, slave. Oh, I mean, may your task be finished by the time I return." 


Sam collapsed onto his bed, his body sprawled out and muscles aching. The temple was massive; it took him four hours to clean the entire building, and the monk hadn't returned in that time. His attention turned to the clock: 11:38. Time moved the same way in the training environment as it did outside. 

He still didn't know what would happen when he wasn't there, but that's a mystery for another day. He was about ready to pass out on his bed when a notification popped up. Opening it, he was greeted with confetti falling from the top of the screen. 


Congratulations, you've completed [Petal To The Metal]

You've gained: 

-1,000 USD (Funds are universal and transferable) 

-Novice Handwraps (Provided 2x shock absorption)

-Health Potions (Heal yourself in times of need -Not applicable to plot- 2x) 



'Not applicable to plot?! fuck you mean?' Sam's face was utterly dumbfounded; he couldn't help but curse at the screen. Not applicable to the plot, does the plot block the use of health potions? Could only he use them? 'Might as well try now.' 

A pair of all-black wraps with a gold lining dropped upon his bed, along with a tiny sum of cash and two small green tablets. He took one tablet and placed it into his mouth; the others entered his inventory. A barely visible aura encircled him, sending shivers down his spine as a sense of serenity swept over him. 

The pill does not mend the injured muscle fibers; it simply accelerates the process. Instead of repairing the same muscle and forcing him to maintain the same strength, it accelerates his healing process. Allowing his muscles to become healthier and stronger than before.

'Damn, I feel good as new.' He thought as he yawned; he was sleepy. Mental rest was just as important as physical rest. 'I should go to bed; it's already almost midnight.' 


*Bang Bang* 

"Samuel Jackson Swan, wake up! Your alarm has been going off," Sam grumbled as Bella hammered on his door. His hand reached out and hit his alarm clock, accidentally using too much force. The sound was audible, even cracking his wooden nightstand. "What was that?!"

"Uh. I broke my clock." His voice was laced with remorse; it was his childhood alarm clock. "God, you, and your retard strength," Bella quipped while rolling her eyes as she turned to leave. "Showers open."

"Yeah, yeah." Sam hopped out of bed and stretched his limbs, hearing his bones snap and pop before heading to the shower. After a 15-minute shower, he paused to admire himself in the mirror. Sam naturally had an athletic physique, though he didn't have abs. After all, he loved junk food.

His physique was athletic, focusing on the upper body, with broad shoulders, defined biceps, and a well-developed thigh. He was akin to Conor McGregor during his welterweight days if he had to compare himself to anyone. "Not bad, not bad at all."

After some prideful gloating to himself, he got dressed and headed downstairs. Charlie sat at the table reading a newspaper while Bella finished some eggs. Sam rubbed his hands greedily as he passed his father, grabbing some plates and silverware. "Moring, Dad." 

"Morning, you sleep good?"

"Yeah, you?" 


"Move. Do you want some, Char-Dad?" Bella brushed Sam aside before asking if her father wanted any. He shook his head. While his children ate, he rushed out the door for work. "Be safe, you two, and have a good day at school."

They waved him off as the twins finished eating their food. Soon, the two started cleaning and loading into Bella's new truck. Sam opted not to drive his car; he didn't want to risk breaking it more than it already was. Sam glanced out the window as his sister drove, reflecting on the previous night.

'I could even move last night when that man tried to punch me; how can I fight a fucking vampire?' Sam questioned himself, doubting his own strength. Fighting a man was one thing, but fighting the creatures that were immortal hunters? That was an entirely other ballpark.

Taesoo was a monster of a human; that much was clear. If Sam had frozen there, how could he have even thought about fighting some vampires? When Bella pulled into the school parking lot, Sam shook those thoughts away. He couldn't think that way. He already had the system, a powerful tool; all he needed to do was use it. 

The twins had exited the truck with many curious eyes on them. Bella adjusted her bag, uneasy about the attention, but Sam ignored them and stood by his sister to soothe her concerns. "Nice truck!"

One of the sets of eyes—A jock—screamed out, mocking the truck. "Nice enough for your momma." Sam grinned at his quip as the jock hopped to his feet but was stopped by his friends. Bella elbowed her brother and asked him not to make a scene in front of everyone.

They both walked along the halls, drawing a few eyes but otherwise going unnoticed. That was till a hand reached for Bella's shoulder; it was an Asian kid with greasy hair covering his forehead. He had brown eyes and light skin. "Your Isabella Swan, right?"

"Bella," she replied to the query. His gaze was fixed on Bella, disregarding Sam, who strolled directly beside her. "Right. Hello, I'm Eric. The eyes and ears of this place. If you need anything—a shoulder to cry on to a lunch date—I'm your guy." He grinned while waiting for Bella's reaction.

"Uh, sorry, dude. I don't swing that way." Sam spoke up as he came in between Eric and his sister. He roughly grabbed onto Eric's shoulder before he spoke. "We can still be friends, right?" He shook Eric around, almost making him fall. "Call me Sam." 

Eric shakingly nodded before scurrying off like a rat. "You didn't need to do all that," Bella scolded her brother for his rough handling. "Yeah, but then he's gonna keep trying." His only defense to her scolding, after all, it wasn't hard to see what he was thinking. 

"Anyways, try to socialize, just a bit." Sam and Bella had different classes, so she couldn't always stick to him. She nodded, dismissing his plea, before they parted ways.

First Class: Gym

Class began as the bell rang and sounded through the halls. The teacher ushered the students to change, his gaze fixed on the new student. Sam didn't appear like much, wearing baggy clothes and glasses. His initial thoughts were nerdy and even dorky.

He looked between the students, measuring them up for his basketball team; none looked like they could fit, save for one, a 6 foot 5, burly, man-looking student. He had dark brown wavy hair that almost appeared black. That was Emmett Cullen, one of Dr. Carlisle's sons. [Image]

Naturally, he dwarfed some other students in height and muscle mass. To his astonishment, Sam was in the changing room, with a build comparable to Emmett's but shorter at 5'10. His eyes widened; he, like the majority of the others in the room, misjudged the kid. Lingering eyes stared at Sam, each one thinking something different. Some found him hot; some were jealous, and some were surprised. 

"I didn't know you were built like that, man," Emmett told him, pleasantly surprised by Sam's sleeper build. "I'm Emmett." He stuck out his hand with a smile.

"Samuel, but you can call me Sam." He said as he copied Emmett, their hands grasped. Emmett's hand applied pressure, an inhuman amount. Sam didn't feather, nor did he just back down. The Cullens obviously knew of him, thanks to their little pixy's future vision. 

What's the harm if they already knew about him? Sam grinned and applied the same pressure. "Nice to meet you, man." Emmett's eyes narrowed with a growing grin on his face. 

The two ended up on opposite teams, Sam on red and Emmett on blue. As they played, it was clear that Sam and Emmett were the most athletic of the lot. They weren't even beginning to get tired by the end of class. Emmett wore a smug grin."Can't guard me, huh?"

Sam rolled his eyes before a smile cracked his lips: "That's why the red team still got more points." He grabbed a water bottle and drank from it as some guys sat on the bleachers, huffing and puffing up a sweatstorm. "Only because you kept getting assists."

"Sounds like excuses, bro," Sam laughed smugly. With that, the teacher broke up any ongoing conversations and rushed the teens to change before the bell rang. It didn't take long for Emmett and Sam to become good friends, despite his distrust of most vampires: He knew the Cullens were good. "Ay man, here's my number. Ever need an extra? Shoot me a text, and I'll carry you." 

"Carry me?! Nah, you couldn't keep up!" Emmett shot back with a laugh, grabbing Sam's phone number. Sam shrugged his shoulders. "Ay, we can throw down anytime, and I'll beat you anywhere and anywhen." Emmett could only laugh as they parted ways; it was time for his second class. 


It was time for lunch, Sam's second favorite class. He was a big eater, not only to bulk up for his MMA career but also purely because he loved eating junk food. However, this school didn't look too appetizing to him. 

It was 'Chicken Sandwiches'. However, there was no chicken, or at least it didn't look like it. Nor did it smell like it; the sandwich had an oddly fishy smell as he sat next to his sister and her friends. "Hey, I see you finally made some friends."

"Bella, who is this?" the blonde asked. His tone was serious, as if he were protecting her. Annoyed by the question, Sam responded, "Who are you, lil bro?"

To stop any fights, Bella interjected, knowing her brother: "He's my brother. Samuel." The blondie shrunk back into his seat, seeing his mistake. "Call me Sam."

"Don't you have any friends to sit with, Mr.Popular?" Bella spoke, annoyed by her brother's interruption of their relatively peaceful lunch. "What? I can't sit next to my baby sister?"

"I'm older."

"By what, like 15 minutes? Plus, I'm bigger!"

"That's not saying much. I'm only 5,4; you big back."

Sam could only stare at his sister, stunned by her response. He couldn't even make a comeback: "I'm gonna rub some dirt in your eye."

"Try it and see what happens."

Silently, Sam picked up his sandwich and began eating. He may have lost the battle but won't lose the war. Or at least that's what he thought to himself. 


Okay, I know how Webnovel readers are with weak-willed MCs, but hear me out: He's human, a 17-year-old thrown into another world. I want him to be somewhat realistic with his emotions. I don't want to make him overpowered off the bat. He will go through character development, learn to handle himself and grow.

Also, don't worry about the whole newborn plotline; it will still happen if Victoria is chosen. 

Also, please give me feedback. I genuinely love writing and want to improve on it. So, any constructive criticism is very much welcome, but you have to explain why, or I will ignore you. And I will not have a constant update schedule; I am in college and the military. 

I don't need Powerstones btw, give them to some other author who needs them, lol 

I'm still a little rocky on the system; I don't know if the way I'm going about the ID is good or not; do you all like it? Also, the characters are from a Manhwa called Lookism; that's where the inspiration for the Joker system came from. 

Victoria: 18

Alice: 14

And only because I saw some comments about them. 

Rosalie: 2

Leah: 1

3042 Words

Shimo_Kibacreators' thoughts