
Familiar Feeling

The old man known as Mobrey is currently the village head of Avanthi, he lis. He also learned from

old man Mobrey that the Kingdom which he is found is known as the Oar kingdom currently being ruled over by the Birch clan. The capital of Oar known as Turan is a floating island high above the mountain he can see in the north. Mobrey mentioned that Turan has always been flying a floating island ever since the start of time. The common currency around is known as Cores which can be obtained through killing beasts or through mining. These Cores contains what the people call Earth Essence which can produce energy that can be used in various machines. He found out that the ores found in the common animals are all too weak and small to be used in most machines thus they only use them for starting fires and keeping the fire burn longer. Mobrey also told him about the ranking of cores such as Poor, Rough and Polished grades these are the only ones that Mobrey know of.

Poor grade only used as fire fodder or fire starter. Rough grade these are the ones normally used to power up the machines. Polished grade known to harness tremendous amount of Earth Essence enough to destroy a whole castle, it is rumored that under the city of Turan there is a whole cluster of Polished grade core which keeps the island afloat in the sky. It is clear for Kureno to know that the information regarding the cores are limited due to the low development in Avanthi. Before leaving Kureno was told that the house he waked up in is the former house of the village hunter/tamer who passed away while venturing into the forest.

Kureno thought of headed into the forest to see if he can atleast repay the Village Head and his wife for their hospitality. Mobrey handed Kureno a sword that looked exactly like a rusty katana together with some clothes and a bag of supplies. As Kureno walked towards the forest he heard the voice of Mobrey saying "Beware of the deep part of the forest!". Kureno nodded and continued on his way.

Reaching the border of the Ubaley forest Kureno felt the same feeling when he started working in the city. The trepidation feeling like when he first interacted with his co-workers back in Earth, for an introverted person like him that was one of his fears. That is why when he got surrounded by the villagers he was frozen stiff and only when Mobrey showed up he was able to function again. Somehow he was feeling the same nervousness as he had at that time but with more danger.

Treading slowly in a past trail he stopped in a nearby tree and checked the contents of the supply bag which Mobrey handed him. Inside there was 3 Poor grade cores a piece of bread and a bamboo water container. He then examined the sword given to him, apparently this was used by the former

village hunter. He didn't understand why would the hunter be using a sword instead of a bow, however a movement alerted him only to see a two meter tall pig.