
First Encounter

Astonished with what he is seeing Kureno readied the sword and watched every movement of the

massive pig. Continuously walking the pig passed through Kureno as if he didn't even existed. Regaining his stature he thought that the pig might have grown to such size due to being exposed to the Earth Essence lingering in the these very lands. He then remembered the task he set out to do.

Placing the sword on the side gripped with both hands he ran after the pig and slashed upwards to the left aimed at the pig's foot. The blade cut through the foot with ease however the slash was not deep enough to down tip the pig over. Before Kureno has the chance to attack again he was reared by the pig and the is knocked down by the force.

Getting back up on his foot he noticed that the pig is already taking its stance to tackle him. Fearing for his life Kureno rolled to his left, readied the sword and stabbed the pig on its side. Squealing with heavy breaths the pig started runnong wildly with Kureno on its side holding on the sword. Dragged by the pig, Kureno tried to hold his ground by planting his right foot on the ground and the left on a nearby tree.

The pig was sliced open with its insides spilled all over to its side and stumbled slowly to the ground. With heavy breathing the pig growled for the last time before drawing its final breath.

Seeing the pig die Kureno step forward the carcass and lift the leg and started to drag it back to the village. Not exactly knowing with what he is doing he is unaware that a predator has caught the scent of blood and started following Kureno from the shadows.

Seeing the beyond the forest Kureno put on a relieved face and kept on trudging slowly. The villagers on the other hand upon seeing Kureno and the giant dead pig, all of them showed horrified faces and hurriedly went inside their houses.

Left all alone in the middle of the village Kureno looked around and saw the peculiarity inside the village. As soon as the final door has been shut closed Kureno managed to hear something menacing. Looking back at where the sound is coming from he finally saw a pack of wolves nearing the village center.