
The Strongest Awakening System

In the distant expanse of the future earth, an unforeseen event unfolds—a crimson beam descends, setting off a chain reaction that propels the rapid evolution of flora and fauna. As this cosmic anomaly ensues, ten enigmatic cosmic monsters materialize seemingly out of thin air, plunging humanity into an unending spiral of catastrophes. Enter Alec, a temporal traveller armed with a unique gift, a talent akin to cheats that allows him to accumulate [potential points] boundlessly. In the face of impending crises, he emerges from humble beginnings, methodically shattering the impasse that binds humanity, all while navigating a legendary journey. Embarking on an epic quest to conquer myriad races, Alec aspires to ascend as the vanguard of the human race and ultimately, the undisputed master of the boundless universe.

Space_Sphagetti · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Richard awoke to a throbbing pain in his head, the sensation urging him to consciousness. The sharp scent of disinfectant hung in the air, assaulting his senses as he summoned the strength to prop himself up with both hands. His body felt fragile, as if it might crumble under the slightest pressure, and he struggled to sit up.

As awareness slowly crept in, confusion set in. Where was he? The sterile environment suggested a hospital, but he couldn't recall any recent social interactions. All he could remember was the relentless grind of three consecutive nights of overtime at the company, pushing his limits to stay awake for a staggering 72 hours.

Had he fainted? The word echoed in his mind, a damning assessment of his weakened state.

Shaking off the haze of fatigue, he resolved to turn things around. With determined effort, Richard shifted his focus to the friends whose messages he vaguely recalled. Socializing had taken a backseat to his demanding work schedule, and it seemed his body was finally rebelling against the neglect.

Glancing around, he noticed the blue curtain enveloping the hospital bed, the rhythmic beeping of the ECG monitor, and the unfamiliar yet strangely comforting word 'Get well soon' printed on the white quilt that covered him. A sense of unease lingered, prompting him to examine himself.

Richard scrutinized his hands, extending them before his eyes. The once strong and capable limbs appeared pale and slender, a stark contrast to their usual Vigor. A sharp inhalation punctuated the realization that something was indeed amiss.

His gaze lingered on the unfamiliar surroundings, and a sense of urgency settled in. The need for self-care and recovery became evident as he contemplated the toll his relentless work ethic had taken on his well-being.

As Richard regained complete consciousness, a searing pain in his head acted as the gateway to a flood of memories, unveiling the peculiar circumstances of his existence.

He discovered that he had crossed over into a parallel world, akin to Earth but with a technological pace slightly behind. This reality diverged dramatically on October 4th, 2045, when an unforeseen catastrophe shattered the existing order. A blinding red beam materialized without warning, engulfing the entire globe and signaling an irreversible transformation.

Ten cosmic monsters descended from the heavens, indiscriminately wreaking havoc with a fervor to annihilate the world. All attempts by nations to thwart them proved futile; neither missiles nor nuclear bombs could quell the cosmic onslaught. The oceans turned blood-red, and scarlet rain tainted the once-blue sky.

The very fabric of life in this world underwent a nightmarish metamorphosis. Animals and plants, subjected to a savage evolution, succumbed en masse. Those that endured the brutal transformation emerged as nightmarish creatures, mirroring the monstrous invaders that had plummeted from the sky.

The imminent apocalypse loomed, casting a shadow over this parallel world.

"What the fuck?," Richard muttered, pressing his swollen temple.

As a man deeply entrenched in the world of science and technology within a sprawling factory, he swiftly regained his composure, acknowledging the harsh reality before him.

The creaking sound of the ward door opening resonated in his ears, accompanied by the hurried cadence of approaching footsteps. The curtain was briskly pulled open, revealing a female doctor with a composed demeanour and an impressive figure, clad in a pristine white coat. Two nurses trailed behind her.

After checking you out thoroughly, Dr. Lisa (her nametag) kept her cool and asked, "Remember what went down?"

"Nope, drawin' a blank," Richard replied after a sec.

"You were out in the wild, doing your thing when a mutant monster came at you. Life hanging by a thread. Lucky for you, Awakener Emma from the rescue squad happened to be around and pulled you out of the mess," Dr. Lisa explained, keeping it matter-of-fact. She shifted gears, saying, "But you're pretty banged up, Alec. Traumatized, and the back of your head took a serious hit."

"Probably from the hardcore combat training," Richard suggested briefly before asking, "Any idea who this lifesaver Emma is? I want to thank them properly once I'm back on my feet."

"That'd be Team Starbirds from the rescue crew. Emma Williams, to be exact. No need for the thank-you card," Dr. Lisa shared.

Richard let out a soft sigh. "Guess I'll have to show my appreciation in action."

"I'm cool with that," Dr. Lisa replied, shooting Richard a glance. "It's good that you can crack a joke. Take a few days off. If you need anything or want me to pass on a message to the instructor, just let me know."

"Thanks," Richard expressed with a smile. "Dr. Lisa, you're a real gem."

Dr. Lisa nodded, briefly eyeing the student ID hanging from your chest. Without much ado, she turned and left the room.

As the two nurses completed their tasks and closed the curtain with a swish before moving on to the next bed, the dim light cast shadows on Richard's face. The smile that adorned his features in the doctor's presence gradually faded.

Leaning against the pillow, his eyes flickered with contemplation. The gravity of the recent events weighed on his mind, and the room fell into a silent introspection. He was no longer Richard, he had a new identity now: Alec Mclaughin, a normal human in an apocalyptic world.


The eastern base in the city of Avalon, hummed with normalcy, its operations seamlessly maintaining order.

The strategically positioned Awakener camp stood at the outskirts of the urban area, a deliberate choice for optimal monster combat and the safeguarding of the base city.

Four towering structures—East, South, West, and North—graced the landscape, each armed with an arsenal of thermal weapons.

A distinct sound echoed, breaking the ambient quiet. "Drip—"

"ID: W1012323."

Facial recognition swiftly confirmed Alec's identity, granting him access to the subterranean realm of Avalon.

Beneath the city, student dormitories and training facilities occupied the basement. Only by successfully undergoing the Awakener potion procedure, APP for short and ascending to the status of an Awakener could one reach the ground level. There, individuals stood guard over the base city and engaged in various rescue operations and tasks.

In the span of three days, Alec not only recuperated physically but also delved into a wealth of knowledge about the world through the Internet. The interconnected web of information provided him with insights into the intricacies of this parallel reality.

Each era adheres to distinct survival rules.

In ancient times, power was paramount; in modern times, it was money. However, in this future where human lives hold little value, strength reigns supreme.

In a world where becoming an awakener is a prerequisite for survival, the ability to withstand the onslaught of monstrous foes isn't the only concern. The strong assert dominance, and those unable to ascend to Awakener status find themselves subjected to the bullying whims of those with superior strength.

"Crack." Alec returned to his modest dormitory.

The 15-square-meter room offered limited space. A solitary bed occupied the left side, while a desk, adorned with a laptop, claimed the right. A washroom nestled in the innermost part completed the compact arrangement. Though small in size, the room possessed everything essential for daily living.

Despite it being his first time in this unfamiliar place, an odd sense of familiarity enveloped Alex.

He took a moment to tidy up the slightly dishevelled bed before turning on his phone to make a video call.

"Hey Mom, I'm doing well," he assured.

"It's in the bedroom," he added, gesturing around.

"No, the money is enough," he reassured his concerned mother.

"Okay, take care of your health and look after my sister. I'll be back in about a month," he promised.

"Alright, it's settled," he concluded.

The original owner of the body was the second child in his family, with his elder brother already working and his younger sister still in school. The family, once well-off and prosperous, faced hardship since the catastrophic events that unfolded five years ago.

The pillar of the family, his father, disappeared without a trace, leaving behind a void of uncertainty. Despite the challenges, Alec felt a responsibility to reassure his family, even if it meant hiding the struggles he faced in this unfamiliar and perilous world.

Despite the hardships, Alex couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for the original owner.

In the face of life's challenges, there were still priceless aspects that money couldn't acquire. Growing up without experiencing the warmth of a family, Alex sensed how much this loving family this guy had, gleaned from talking with his mother. He had his memories, but it was still detached.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of your family," Alec reassured, his gaze fixated on the family photo displayed on the desk.

It was a commitment, a promise to the original owner, and the only way he could repay the debt. At the moment of crossing, he gained insight into the events that led to the original owner's demise—the Chimera Fruit.

The original owner, in a stroke of luck, stumbled upon an Chimera Fruit while honing his skills in the wilderness. Filled with joy, he eagerly captured images to share with Class 23, unaware of the profound consequences this discovery would eventually entail.

Tragically, he met his demise halfway back to the camp.

Such things were considered a crime, but in the merciless wilderness, Jenner's four gang members showed no mercy. Were it not for an awakener crossing their path, Alex's corpse might have been devoured by mutant monsters.

In an Awakener camp where the death rate soared to a staggering 33%, mortality was an all-too-common occurrence. Countless students lost their lives daily in the unforgiving wild.

Despite his strength and intelligence, Jenner maintained a low profile, letting gang members take center stage in their brutal exploits.

Alex had the option to report the incident to the instructor, but the most favorable outcome would likely be the punishment of the four individuals who had 'assaulted' him in the wilderness. The harsh reality of the Awakener camp forced Alec to navigate a delicate balance between survival and justice.

If he did anything now, this would trigger Jenner's revenge, escalating into a faster and more intense retaliation that might spiral out of control.

If Jenner's ruthlessness knew no bounds, he might resort to outright killing one of his gang members in the wilderness, cunningly framing others, which just might be Alec.

Amidst these brewing conflicts, Alec faced the daunting challenge of navigating the delicate balance. Any misstep in the Awakener camp could lead to detention, making it difficult to overturn the situation.

In his past life, with a solid background built over years of hard work in the professional realm, Alec held a high position. Beyond his proven capabilities and impressive credentials, he was not one to blindly follow a moral code or embrace blind faith. His principles were straightforward—gratitude must be repaid, and revenge must be exacted.

But the time for retribution was not now. The intricate dance between survival, justice, and personal vendettas demanded strategic timing and careful manoeuvring.

"Become an Awakener, and then settle the grievances." Alec was resolute; he wouldn't remain passive.

Recognizing the cruelty and merciless nature of Jenner, Alec understood that he faced a formidable adversary. The other had already played a cruel hand once, and the odds were high that he would do it again.

Acknowledging his own vulnerability in the absence of power and influence, Alec recognized that self-preservation and seeking retribution for the original owner necessitated only one path—dedicated practice.

Changing into loose attire, he cleared a space by pushing the seat under the table, ready to embark on the arduous journey of self-improvement and Awakener. The quest for strength and resilience in the unforgiving world of the Awakener camp became his singular focus as he prepared to navigate the complexities of this perilous existence.

Embarking on the practice of the Chimera Awakening Mathod, a mystical technique handed down by their instructors, Alec delved into a transformative journey. This method had the power to alter the genome, providing a comprehensive boost to human physical attributes and even unlocking latent potential in the brain.

Over the course of 4 months and 20 days, the original owner's physical fitness score ascended from the initial 10 points—typical for ordinary individuals upon entering the camp—to an impressive 36 points, roughly equivalent to the fitness levels of enthusiasts.

While considered outstanding among ordinary people, this score placed him in the lower middle tier within the Awakener camp. A significant gap persisted between his current fitness level and the graduation standard, which required a minimum score of 60 points for complete inoculation with the Awakener potion.

Among the 100 students in Class 23, only 8 had managed to surpass the 60-point threshold, a feat that included Jenner.

With each Awakener camp training lasting approximately half a year, Alec found himself with a mere 30 days left to achieve the necessary score. Resources were scarce, and the window of opportunity for entering the camp was limited to just one chance.

With just 30 days remaining, the prospect of meeting the minimum standard for inoculating the Awakener potion seemed bleak. Without a significant improvement, Alec faced the disheartening reality of potentially never becoming an Awakener in this lifetime.

The original owner's qualifications were undeniably ordinary. While blessed with a striking, one-in-a-million appearance, the fairness of fate had seemingly denied him excellence in other crucial abilities.

Undeterred, Alec fervently engaged in the Chimera Awakening Method.


However, there was no surge of warmth coursing through his body, no perceptible change. Despite conscious effort and some muscle memory, the execution of the technique proved disjointed and lacked the nuanced details required for success. The challenge ahead seemed formidable, and time was swiftly slipping away.

"What's the problem?" Alec pondered, opening the standard teaching video of the Chimera Awakening Method.


A realization dawned, and Alec resumed his practice.

After each session, he meticulously reviewed the entire process. He would then watch the standard video again, scrutinizing for problems and deficiencies, and methodically implementing improvements.

As time ticked by, Alec's movements became increasingly coherent. Guided by muscle memory, he suddenly grasped a crucial key point, propelling himself into a heightened state.

In an instant, it felt as if he existed between heaven and earth, akin to cosmic stardust drifting through the cosmos, naturally absorbing cosmic energy.


The breathless exclamation marked a breakthrough, a moment of triumph in the pursuit of mastery over the Chimera Awakening Method.

A warm current surged from within, enveloping Alec's body in a nourishing embrace, fortifying and invigorating him with a sense of comfort and natural ease.

"So, this is the law of chimera awakening," Alec marvelled at the transformative power coursing through him.

Suddenly, the depths of his mind quivered, as if activated, conjuring a dim light that materialized into a luminous panel.


C6: Alec Mclaughin

State: Human

Current Active Awakening:

Chimera Awakening Method (Introduction) – Entry Level (+)

Potential Points: 1


Alec's heartbeat accelerated instantly.

Indescribable astonishment and joy surged through his heart.

It was happening!


Being well-versed in online articles, Alec recognized the familiar nature of what unfolded before him.

Awakeners always had access to a talent.

Link to a system, link to treasure, link to adventure, link to memory, link to knowledge...

This was his own personal talent!

"Potential points should be used to increase the level," Alec deduced quickly, realizing that the floating '+' behind the Chimera Awakening Method (Introduction) likely represented the level of improvement.

The Chimera Awakening Method comprised five levels: Entry, Proficiency, Mastery, Perfection, and Profound Mastery.

The original owner had cultivated to the Entry level, while the average Awakener camp student achieved the Proficiency level.

"But what does the first 'C6' mean before my name?" Alec mused, puzzled by the mysterious numeral.

Quickly grasping the concept of his natural ability, the only lingering question was how to increase potential points.

Eat? Perhaps they'll add on naturally while cultivating? Natural growth?

After experimenting with various approaches, but finding no immediate answers, Alec set the matter aside for the time being. It wasn't a pressing concern, and he would likely discover more about potential points when the next increase occurred.

For now, the primary focus remained on practicing the Chimera Awakening Method. The higher the level attained in the Awakener method, the more rapid the improvement in strength would be.

With diligent cultivation and a touch of patience, there was a glimmer of hope that Alec might bridge the gap to reach the required threshold for inoculation with Awakener medicine—60 points—in the remaining 30 days.

After all, he was a seasoned professional!

"Continue to practice, let's save the potential point for now," Alec resolved. Armed with a proficient level of consciousness and muscle memory, re-mastering the techniques wouldn't require much time. The pursuit of excellence in the Chimera Awakening Method resumed, propelled by determination and the anticipation of achieving a breakthrough within the tight timeframe.