
The Strongest Awakening System

In the distant expanse of the future earth, an unforeseen event unfolds—a crimson beam descends, setting off a chain reaction that propels the rapid evolution of flora and fauna. As this cosmic anomaly ensues, ten enigmatic cosmic monsters materialize seemingly out of thin air, plunging humanity into an unending spiral of catastrophes. Enter Alec, a temporal traveller armed with a unique gift, a talent akin to cheats that allows him to accumulate [potential points] boundlessly. In the face of impending crises, he emerges from humble beginnings, methodically shattering the impasse that binds humanity, all while navigating a legendary journey. Embarking on an epic quest to conquer myriad races, Alec aspires to ascend as the vanguard of the human race and ultimately, the undisputed master of the boundless universe.

Space_Sphagetti · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

In the quiet dawn, Alec, deeply immersed in his practice, was interrupted by an incoming call from Alicia, the former flame of the body's previous owner.

The sudden intrusion made him wonder, "Could this be because I haven't responded to her message?"

Without a moment to spare, Alec decisively powered off his phone.

Being an ordinary man, he naturally appreciated the allure of diverse women.

"This guy's ex is truly charming, and her presence could easily divert my attention from my objectives. But now is not the time."

With clarity, he recognized the crucial need to remain focused on his current priorities.

"There's a specific goal I must concentrate on right now. No distractions."

Understanding the importance of the moment, he reaffirmed his commitment.

"Continue the practice! Enhance the Chimera Awakening Method!"

The morning class slipped through Alec's fingers, its importance dwarfed by the pressing need for cultivation—the gateway to awakening through the awakening potion.

Actual combat, weapons, and intellectual pursuits took a backseat; without meeting the stringent physical standards for undergoing awakening potion, all other endeavors seemed futile.

To fall short of becoming an Awakener meant the inevitable return to the mundane grind of the workplace. Even if he amassed millions, it would be inconsequential. Affording a sizable residence in the base city was an unattainable dream in his present state.

In this new era, the currency of importance wasn't money; it was the transformative power of Awakening.

Becoming an Awakener was the sole answer.

With an unwavering determination, Alec submerged himself in the Chimera Awakening Method. He rehearsed its techniques with an obsessive zeal, his every waking moment consumed by the pursuit of physical perfection. His movements, once disjointed, now flowed with increasing coherence and freedom as the quest for enhanced physical fitness became the centerpiece of his existence.

In a sudden burst of realization, Alec felt a surge of inspiration coursing through his heart, propelling his movements to newfound speeds, and the once elusive rhythm became crystal clear.

Accompanied by his rhythmic breath, wisps of ethereal cosmic energy seamlessly merged into his body.

[Chimera Awakening Method, Entry → Proficiency]

A breakthrough!

It was an overnight transformation.

"The potential points haven't increased, so it must have nothing to do with the awakening method," Alec contemplated. In the intervals between practicing the Chimera Awakening Method, he had experimented with various techniques, yet none seemed to boost his potential points.

His attention shifted to the '+' symbol appended to the Chimera Awakening Method.

[Do you want to spend 1 potential point to increase the level of the Chimera Awakening Method?]

To upgrade or not?

Alec found himself deep in contemplation.

From entry to proficiency, an entire night was dedicated to refining both his consciousness and muscle memory.

Yet, progressing from proficiency to mastery seemed to demand a more substantial sacrifice—neglecting sleep and sustenance for approximately half a month.

Time was of the essence.

As the level increased, the Chimera Awakening Method absorbed more cosmic energy, hastening the process of body strengthening.


With the confirmation, a vague cube outline materialized in the recesses of his mind.

In an instant, a radiant beam enveloped him.

It felt akin to entering a profound realm of consciousness, where he practiced the Chimera Awakening Method repeatedly.

The speed accelerated, and his movements became increasingly skillful...


Suddenly, he realized something.

Alec now possessed a more profound understanding of the Chimera Awakening Method.

His body moved in perfect harmony with his breath, effortlessly merging with the world, and the absorption of cosmic energy doubled in an instant.

Chimera Awakening Method, Proficient!

The decision to further practice and enhance the effect was clear—it would be doubled!

He pressed '+' once again.

[Do you want to spend 2 potential points to increase the level of the Chimera Awakening Method?]


[Insufficient potential points.]

No other hints.

Alec found himself distressed by the revelation.

He now faced two options.

Either continue practicing and rely on personal comprehension and time to elevate the Chimera Awakening Method to the level of Master.

Or tap into potential points to achieve it.

"Let's do it, I find out what makes them click," Alec chose the latter without hesitation.


The basement of subterrain Awakening center, the training ground.

"Jenner, that kid's a no-show," a young man in a trainee training uniform approached, whispering to Jenner.

This guy was Paul, Jenner's right-hand man in his ventures. Born a refugee with a humble background, Paul was a living example of resilience.

"Got it." Jenner, towering at 1.85 meters, sported a complete set of Flame Serpent combat uniform, making him stand out among the students. His tall and robust frame radiated unshakable confidence.

"Should we cut him some slack?" Paul sneered. "The kid looks scared, and he didn't even report to the instructor."

"No point in him reporting; just find someone to give him a little scare," Jenner said coldly. "Whether he's genuinely scared or not, let it slide for now. If he's missing, the camp will look into it, and we can deal with it later."

"Want to keep going?" Sun Yang gestured, mimicking a neck-wiping motion.

"Enough of that!" Jenner glared. "I showed you the right way to handle things; none of this nonsense! If you don't straighten him out today, he might awaken one day, and you'll regret it!"

"Yes, Sir Jenner!" Sun Yang nodded.