
Episode 8

I feel really bad for Rosie. She's been out sick for a week now. I've been bringing her work to her house, but we're not allowed to see her so we don't get sick. But, I wouldn't care if I did. I just want to make sure she's okay. Mr. Hurricanes been quiet for awhile. I wonder why? Sapphire hasn't reached out either. I wonder if we know each other in real life? How cool would that be if we went to the same school or something. Damn! I just need to know!


I feel like crap. I've been sick for a week. I haven't been able to see anyone! I haven't been able to see Echo either. I have to sneak out. He needs to know I'm okay. I'll do it tonight.


*Later that night*


*cough* "Hey Echo!" I say trying not to sound raspy.

"Where have you been?! It's been like a whole week since I've last seen you!"

"I know. I've just been really busy in real life. A-ACHOO!"

"Bless you. Hey wait! Are you sick?!" Echo asks

"No uuh it's just allergies."

"But it's the fall." Echo says

"Yeah Umm I'm allergic to the trees changing. Heh. "

"You're lying. I can tell. You do that thing with your nose. You scrunch it up. And you're the guardian of Earth and nature I would be really surprised if you were allergic to something you can control."

"I'm telling you. It's just allergies. I'm still human ya know."

"Sure." "Just allergies."

"So when are we finally going to reveal our identities to each other?"

"Echo, you know it's a bad idea." I say

"I don't see why." Echo says annoyed

"It is because if we do know each other in real life, it could ruin things."

"Fine. Also, how long have you been having these "allergies"?

"I don't know the last couple of days. Why?"

"Just wondering.. anyways I'll find out who you are someday."


As I said this Echo started walking towards me.

"So if it's just allergies I can get close to you right?"

"I wouldn't do that."

"Oh so "allergies" are contagious now?"

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. Our faces were almost touching.

"I really wouldn't do that."

"Why?" Echo says smiling

"Okay Fine! It's not allergies! I've been sick!"

Echo jumps back.

"HA! I knew you were lying! So what is it? The flu? Strep throat?"

"It's the flu! Jeez! Will you ever let up!"

"Nope! I told you I'm really good at finding things out."

"You pressured me!"

"Yeah that's how it works."

"Well if you think you'll find out my identity by pressuring me you'd be wrong."

"No I know pressuring you is wrong and I won't do it again. But, I have my ways."

"Ooh I'm so scared."

"What if we're like friends in real life?"

"I'd doubt it." I say

Things were quiet for a few minutes.

"Hey Echo?"

"Yeah Sapphire?"

"Are you actually going to try to find out my identity or are you joking?"

"I'll try not to."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Okay I just had to make sure. I should really get going. Bye Echo."

"Bye Sapphire. I'd hug you but I don't wanna get sick." Echo says smirking.

"Oh so funny."

I turn and leave. Sneaking back into my house is going to be an adventure.


"Why was she so hesitant to tell me she was sick? Also, where have I seen that nose scrunch thing before?! I could've sworn it seemed familiar.


The next morning I wake feeling tons better! I could breathe, I wasn't coughing and my fever was gone! I never thought I'd be saying this but I'm actually excited to go to school. I haven't seen anyone in days except for Echo. I start walking towards school and see Daniel!

"Hey Daniel!"

"Rosie?! I thought you were sick?"

"I was but all of my symptoms went away!"

"That's good. Have you gotten your schoolwork?"

"Yup all 300 pages of it."

"Yeah there was a lot this week."

We start walking up to school and I see Amarille!

"AAH! Rosie! You're here! You're not sick still are you?"

"No I'm better now."

"Yay! These last few days have been really lonely. But that's fine because your here now!"


We head into school and get to our classes. I have science first.

"So do you understand anything from this week?"

"Yeah some of it but not all of it."

"Do you want some help?"

"Yeah that'd be great!"


*At Rosies house*

"Thanks Daniel this really helpful."

"No problem."

As I say this I notice a picture of Rosie with a man.

"Who's that?" I ask

"Oh Umm that's my dad."

"Really?! I'd love to meet him!"

"Oh well he died when I was little."

I noticed that when Rosie said that she scrunched her nose.

"Are you lying?" I ask


"You scrunched your nose."

"Well yeah I'm sorry I don't like lying. Especially to friends."

"It's okay but what actually happened to him?"

"He left my mom and I. So he basically is dead. At least he is to me." As Rosie said this she seemed to get angry. I can see why.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I shouldn't of asked."

"No it's okay. It's his loss."


"I've got to get going."

"Alright thanks Daniel!" Rosie immediately brightened up after she said that.

"You're welcome! Bye!"