
The soul reaper

What happens when a narcissistic, handsome and very ripped M.C suddenly becomes a soul reaper, he flirts and dates the spirits he was meant to take to the underworld of course. J.K The world suddenly plunged into chaos and people started to awaken a system. After a couple hours after chaos descended .The world governments fails, and collapses , The entire social order also collapses . But when the entire world lost hope ,a 'light' appeared the NHA, this was a group of people who restored balance to the already broken world. The NHA seemed to hold information of what is happening . What happens when the NHA , the so called 'Light' is actually the greatest evil to mankind. I really need your review because this is actually the first novel I'll be taking very seriously . NOTE; 1. I am only 14 , so of the grammar is wrong blame it on my age : ) 2.The cover image isn't mine so if it is yours and you want me to take it down, MESAGE ME. 3. I will try my best to update frequently but since I AM 14, school stuff may affect my release times . so pls bear with me.

staticz · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs


As I stepped out of the lab, a pungent smell invaded my nostrils which caused me to almost vomit. I rotated my head around the hallway trying to find the source of the smell, and then I saw it.

Lying in front of me was a body leaning against the hallway wallls. The body had a hole in its stomach and it's intestines where pouring out of the hole, the body also had plenty of stab marks on his body. The sight in front of me was enough to make the most stone hearted of men puke, but that wasn't all.


I looked at the ceiling to see where the water was coming from , I probably thought that it was a broken pipe. But never in my life would I have thought that I could have been so wrong.

Swung across the ceiling of the hallway where red ropes which were dripping red water, the ropes where long enough to be just above the ground. I moved closer to these ropes wondering who would hang ropes on the ceiling. As I reached closer to the ropes an even worse smell began to invade my nostrils.

I covered my nose with my right hand and when I was about 2 metres from the ropes, the ropes became clearer. The 'Ropes' I saw where non other than the intestines and livers of human beings.

Seeing this, I immediately frowned and continued my wall to the staircase. This sight was enough to make a stone hearted man puke but I just frowned. During my time In the navy I saw many things more gruesome than this, so I am used to sights like this.

As I passed through the livers and intestines, the pungent smell which I smelled earlier intensified. As I was about to reach the stairs, I heard a sound


I looked beneath my feet and immediately felt my anger rising, I then swore " I'll kill every single last gobli inn in this building, even if it's the last thing I do. "

As walked down the stairs my mind started to recall what I stepped on. upon recalling what I was stepping on, I felt a very strong urge to go on a killing spree but I stomached it down. What i stepped on a human being itself, what made me extremely angry was the state the body was.

The body was bloodied and had a hole in its stomach similar the first body I saw, and just like the first body it's intestines where leaking out of its body through the hole, and it was on the bodies intestines I stepped on.

I sat by the railing of the stairs and tried to calm myself, if I were to encounter anything going now I may act rashly fueled by rage, and my actions might cause me my life.

Then a cold feeling erupted inside me, my senses started to tingle and I could taste blood in my mouth. This was my battle instincts kicking in, during my time in the Navy my battle instincts saved me multiple times so I've learnt to trust it.

I stood up from where I was sitting now calm and alert, I began to descend the stairs slowly and when I was about halfway down the stairs I heard a loud sound


When I heard the sound, I immediately descended the staircase as fast as I could . Infront of me where 3 goblins and they where sorrounding 3 people. The goblins where about 12 metres away from me.And each going had a knife in its hand.

The moment I saw the goblins my blood began to boil and my anger was rising. I tried to use my skill 'Soul weapon' but then I received an alert .


After I saw this message I was confused and I thought *It seems that I can't use Soul weapon without there being a soul nearby ,but must the soul be that of a monster or can it also function with a humans soul?. * After seeing the notification my brain began to flood with multiple questions.

Right as I was thinking a goblin charged at the group of people. Then something suprising happened. The only male in the group shouted 'FIREBALL', and as he did so a red magic circle appeared in front of his hands and from the magic circle a Fireball appeared and shot itself at the goblin.


When the fireball hit the goblin , it let out a very loud screech that sent chills down my back. The goblin ran around in circles for about 3 seconds before it finally burned to ashes.


As the goblin burnt to ashes the knife it was holding in Its hand dropped to the ground.

Then the other 2 goblins lunged themselves an the group, I was expecting another fireball to incenerate the goblins but nothing came, I looked at the male who fired the the Fireball to see him panting heavily and was leaning on one of the two girls in the group.

The male seemed to be tired and has probably exhausted his Mana. I charged at the goblins, but realised that I won't make it in time . I decided to try 'Death aura', and with that thought death aura was activated.

The black smoke (which i am guessing to be souls), started to secrete from all the pores in my body. The goblins who where charging at the group of people suddenly stopped and looked at me, the goblins began to shake and quake in fear as I got closer to them. I glanced at the group to also see them quaking *I guess my skill doesn't only work on monsters but also humans * I thought.

As I got closer to the goblins, I stretched my hands out and grabbed the knife knife from the pile of ashes that the now burnt goblin dropped. I stabed the goblin closest to me in its left eye and it couldn't even let out a screech, because I removed the knife from its eye socket and sliced it's neck. All this happened very quickly, and after the first goblin died I lunged towards the other goblin and and stabbed it's neck.

The reason I sliced the first goblin's neck was so that it will not screech, as the sound may attract other goblins.