
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · ภาพยนตร์
42 Chs

Chapter 18

POV Vega

Vega maintained his position above the site where Mjolnir rested, his keen eyes fixed on the approaching figures of Thor and Jane Foster. He could sense the conflicting emotions emanating from them—the god of thunder's determination to reclaim his weapon, and Jane's quest for answers in this bewildering situation.

Thor's confident stride betrayed his belief that he could effortlessly reclaim his enchanted hammer. Vega listened intently as the Asgardian engaged in a heated exchange with Jane, the tension in the air palpable. As the argument escalated, Thor's frustration became evident, leading him to dispatch S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with an almost casual ease.

With every blow that Thor delivered, Vega couldn't help but be awed by the god's raw power. Even without his full abilities, Thor's physical prowess was a force to be reckoned with. Vega's earbuds crackled to life as he heard Phil Coulson's voice, and he nodded in agreement with their cautious approach.

"Why haven't you intervened yet, Vega?" Coulson's voice sounded in his ear. Vega's lips quirked in a slight smile as he watched the scene unfold. "He hasn't killed or hurt anyone," he replied softly, his focus never wavering.

As Thor attempted to lift Mjolnir from the ground, Vega observed the god's struggle. The hammer remained steadfast, a testament to its enchantments and the lesson that still eluded Thor—the lesson of true worthiness. With a determined exhale, Vega descended from the sky, his presence commanding attention.

Thor's confusion was evident as his gaze shifted to the mysterious figure before him. Vega's distinctive black suit, red cape, and the emblem on his chest seemed to exude strength and authority. Vega's voice carried through the air, addressing both Coulson and Barton, as he shared his assessment.

"He's trying to claim what he believes is rightfully his," Vega revealed, his words laced with a hint of amusement and respect. The situation had taken an unexpected turn, and Vega's interactions with the legendary god of thunder were unlike anything he had anticipated.

Vega's attention turned to Thor as he gently urged him to stand down and accept capture. The god's resistance was palpable, his frustration and disbelief evident in his eyes. Vega watched as Thor was escorted away by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, his thoughts focused on preventing any unnecessary civilian casualties.

As Coulson and his team began to interrogate Thor, Vega's gaze remained fixed on the scene. He observed with a keen sense of awareness as another figure emerged—a presence that was unmistakable to him. Loki, the enigmatic and treacherous brother of Thor, had arrived, shrouded in illusion.

Vega's enhanced senses allowed him to see through Loki's façade, his perceptions unaffected by the god's tricks. He listened attentively as Loki confirmed the news of their father's demise and Thor's continued banishment. As the pieces of Asgardian politics fell into place, Vega's mind raced, considering the implications and the potential fallout.

The weight of responsibility settled on Vega's shoulders as he contemplated his next steps. He couldn't predict the twists and turns that lay ahead, but one thing was clear—the interplay between gods and mortals was shaping the fate of Earth in ways he could scarcely imagine.

As Vega descended once again, his landing catching the attention of Phil Coulson and Agent Barton, their questioning gazes met his. "Why didn't you intervene, Vega?" Coulson's voice held a mix of curiosity and concern. Vega's eyes held a steady gaze as he replied, "Thor is trying to reclaim his hammer. That's his primary focus right now."

Agent Barton's brow furrowed, his hawk-like gaze assessing Vega. "You could've helped him, prevented this whole ordeal," he pointed out, his tone hinting at a sense of frustration.

Vega's lips quirked into a faint smile. "Sometimes, people need to learn their lessons on their own terms. It's a part of their journey," he offered, his words tinged with wisdom.

As the conversation lingered, Vega's attention was suddenly drawn away. He sensed the impending arrival of the Destroyer—a formidable and ancient artifact, poised to unleash its destructive power upon Earth. Vega knew that this was a test, a lesson tied to Thor's growth as a person and a hero, a part of King Odin's grand design.

With a nod to Coulson and Barton, Vega propelled himself back into the sky, his senses honed to anticipate the arrival of the Destroyer. He positioned himself strategically, ready to intercept any potential threats and safeguard the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents below.

His enhanced hearing caught snippets of Thor's interactions with Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, and Darcy Gray, revealing the god of thunder's growing connection to humanity. However, Vega knew that Thor's lesson had yet to fully sink in, his arrogance and impulsiveness still at play.

The Bifrost's descent heralded the arrival of Thor's companions, his loyal friends and warriors. Vega observed their exchange, recognizing the urgency in their voices. But before they could depart, the Destroyer materialized on Earth, its imposing presence casting a shadow of dread.

As the Destroyer began its relentless assault, Vega sprang into action. With hyper-supersonic speed, he intercepted the onslaught, saving the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in its path. The clash between Thor and the Destroyer unfolded, the god of thunder's attempt to reason with Loki ultimately falling short.

The destructive rampage escalated, and Vega watched with a heavy heart as Thor sacrificed himself to protect the mortals. The Mjolnir answered Thor's unwavering conviction, returning to his grasp, and proving his worthiness.

Yet, the Destroyer's threat persisted. Just as it was about to unleash its devastating power, a resounding boom echoed across the land, and Vega descended from the heavens, his presence exuding strength and determination. With unparalleled might, he seized the Destroyer and ascended into the skies.

In the vast expanse of outer space, Vega dismantled the formidable artifact with precision and efficiency. Piece by piece, he unraveled the Destroyer's power, leaving nothing but scattered remnants in his wake. As the cosmic debris faded, Vega returned to Earth, the weight of the momentous battle hanging in the air.

Vega's gaze turned to the recovering Thor, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. The god of thunder had overcome his trial, proving his mettle and learning the value of humility. Vega's role, too, had played a part in this intricate tapestry, a cosmic dance of destiny and heroism that continued to shape the fate of both gods and mortals.