
The Secrets of Chaos

Chaos, Entropy, the power of causality. The energy that makes every universe slowly decline and finally perish. The Destruction of Taoism, the birthplace of all demons and also the seed that creates universes. A secret everyone knows, but very few carry. Chaos and Causality, two forces that rule the universe itself. A simple goblin, imprinted a dagger and spent millennia chasing after it. Millions of lives and millions of adventures. His fate is one of high importance. One that will decide the fate of the multiverse itself. But who decided his fate? A Goblin with a pitch black dagger, travelling from universe to universe, acquiring strength and wisdom, all for the sake of reversing karma. Reversing the Heavens. Going against fate itself. And who would make such grandiose plans? Why, but the weakest of all creatures... A mere goblin... ---------------------------------------- This novel is bound to be big. I'll be going through a lot of lives, with a lot of different ideas. It's basically going to be all your favourite stories, blended into one protagonist. I haven't written the whole thing yet, so I'm open to ideas. If you guys want to see something specific you can always comment. Have a read, and hope you enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: Cover found on artstation.com

Kyomu_ · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Looking at the stars

Iono was laying on the ground, resting. It took him almost eight days to completely finish everything.

He was looking a bit sad, since he felt that the energy rings holding this place together got destroyed, meaning this was now a normal cave and would collapse the moment he left.

"Not cool, man! ", he thought.

While staring at the ceiling, he noticed something, it seems he was seeing double.

He rubbed his eyes, only for the feeling to become stronger.

Suddenly his eyes started expanding, they became bloodshot, and rolled back into his skull.

Iono started screaming to the top of his lungs, the pain was even worse than him grinding his own spine.


He had his head between his hands and he was rolling on the floor.

After a few minutes the pain stopped.

Iono was surprised, and moved his hands, when suddenly his eyes turned back to normal.

The only difference was that their blue was now much, much deeper, and if one looked carefully, he would see stars inside his pupil.

Iono didn't see the change in his eyes, but he was also surprised because of the scene in front of him.

"What... Is this? ",

He said staring at a wall of dirt, which he presumed was the outside of the cave.

"I can see... through the tungsten?"

He looked around him only to see that same thing. Apparently he could see through the hard metal, and almost through the thick wall of dirt.

"Is this one of his Bloodline Inheritance? I can see so many things it's making me dizzy. I was hoping to inherit something, who would have thought it would be his eyes. I don't know what powers these babies hold, but I guess I'm going to find out!"

Iono was smiling as he looked around the cave trying to see through things.

But he remembered the promise he gave to his father, and given that, four hours have already gone by outside, and time no longer bends inside the cave, he should probably get going.

When he first stood up, he felt extremely light. His agility and dexterity rose highly with the integration. He also felt like his body was tighter than before, he could feel the hardness of the bones.

"Just like changing a shirt... ", he muttered.

He walked to the entrance of the cave, and the sunlight assaulted his eyes.

Iono instinctively tried to block the sunlight with his arm, only to see right through it.

He could see all his muscles, blood vessels, energy channels, and bones, even his marrow. He just had to focus on one thing and it would be visible.

He also realised his eyes were immune to sunlight.

"I am getting even more excited!"

As he walked past the entrance, he took one last look back to the cave.

"Ophiucus of the Thirteen. I shall remember this kindness to the end of my years, and I shall treat your brethren as mine. Your legacy will live through me, and I will avenge your death. I promise you on the name of the Mad Hound."

Iono gave a last vow to his benefactor, before leaving the place.

The cave behind him started collapsing, but he didn't turn back.


In a yellow field, two figures were staring intently at each other.

One of them brandished a purple sword, while the other one, held his daggers in a defensive stance.

Suddenly, the one with the sword dashed, and swung his sword vertically on the other one's head.

The smaller figure crossed his daggers trying to stop the attack, only for his legs to stagger under the power of the swing.

The small figure tried to get some distance, seeing that he was lacking strength, but the other one chased after him relentlessly.

They clashed their weapons a few times, and during those clashes the small figure could only redirected the slashes.

Suddenly he ducked and a sword went over his head. Just a moment slower and his head would become fertilizer.

But he didn't stay passive, and used the opportunity to sweep the bigger figure's leg, making him stumble.

While the bigger figure stumbled, the smaller one swapped the way he was holding his dagger, and tried to stab the other guy's chin.

But his attack only hit air, as the bigger figure bend his body backwards and swung his sword from a weird angle.

The small figure bend his body to avoid the sword and retreated to a defensive stance.

"You're getting better little monkey, that was a nice move. Next time though, follow up with another attack. Be sure that you're the one setting the rhythm of the fight and not your opponents."

"Okay dad. Thank you."

Iono and his father were having a training session. They were having and old-fashioned fight, with no energy, seeing as Yusef wanted to teach his son battle tactics.

Teach the millennia old monster battle tactics... Hah!

Anyway, Iono was more focused on something else, because he realized that with his new eyes, he could see the energy channels and core of other people.

When he saw his father's core he was surprised. His father was at the Mana and Aura Constitution realm. This was two whole realms higher than the Foundation realm, and it was two realms away from the god realm.

He was mid-tier in terms of strength, but what was praiseworthy was the effect his nature as a goblin had on his physique.

Although he was at the Mana and Aura Constitution realm, his body was many times more refined than normal humans or demi-humans. After three evolutions, he was closer to an awakened beast that other demis but also closer to a human than any awakened beast.

So he could fight other experts on the Mana and Aura Constitution realm, but also fight a bit higher. He was currently on the 5th out of the 9 tiers of the Mana and Aura Constitution realm, and he could probably take on a 7th or 8th tier. Jumping a tier while fighting was a big deal, especially in higher realms such as Yusef's. The higher the realm, the bigger the difference between tiers.

What actually surprised Iono, was the fact that he could see then energy circulating inside his father's body.

Which means he could see when, and what, his father would attack him with. He could see the Aura that was gathering in his hand and feet, before he used them to attack him, which would help him predict his opponents movements, and he could also see the Mana gathering in his core, preparing to be cast as a spell.

"This is insane! This means I'll be one step ahead in fights. Unless someone has such perfect control over energy that he can hide its movement, or he is way too fast to follow with my eyes, I can predict almost every attack. But focusing on only energy based attacks, would make me susceptible to normal one's, since I wouldn't see them coming. Nothing is ever without flaw. F*cking Karma."

Father and Son clashed a few more times, and Iono surprised Yusef with his ability to predict his movements.

"Still, I wonder what's the name of this inheritance...?", Iono thought, while parrying Yusef's sword.