
The Secrets of Chaos

Chaos, Entropy, the power of causality. The energy that makes every universe slowly decline and finally perish. The Destruction of Taoism, the birthplace of all demons and also the seed that creates universes. A secret everyone knows, but very few carry. Chaos and Causality, two forces that rule the universe itself. A simple goblin, imprinted a dagger and spent millennia chasing after it. Millions of lives and millions of adventures. His fate is one of high importance. One that will decide the fate of the multiverse itself. But who decided his fate? A Goblin with a pitch black dagger, travelling from universe to universe, acquiring strength and wisdom, all for the sake of reversing karma. Reversing the Heavens. Going against fate itself. And who would make such grandiose plans? Why, but the weakest of all creatures... A mere goblin... ---------------------------------------- This novel is bound to be big. I'll be going through a lot of lives, with a lot of different ideas. It's basically going to be all your favourite stories, blended into one protagonist. I haven't written the whole thing yet, so I'm open to ideas. If you guys want to see something specific you can always comment. Have a read, and hope you enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: Cover found on artstation.com

Kyomu_ · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Discovering Chaos

Kote kept fondling the dagger and inspecting it, to see if he can discover something about it. While inspecting the pointy end, a crazy thought occurred.

"What if I kill myself with his dagger? Will I be able to go back to the lattice?".

With that thought, he brought the dagger down to his throat, when,


The dagger fell out of his baby hands.

Kote stared at the dagger that was now on the floor, with a dumbfounded expression.

"Damn it, I forgot I am a baby…", he said while blushing and looking around to see if anyone saw that.

The chances of going back to the lattice, and the chances of dying were playing jump rope in his mind.

Since he was an infant, he could not go down and pick it up.

"Damn it, if someone finds it I'm done for!", he thought. Kote kept swinging his hands and feet trying to move, but nothing worked, after all, he was just born.

"Wait!" he thought,

"If it came out of my chest, maybe that means I imprinted it! If so…"

Kote closed his eyes and imagined the dagger returning to his hand. The dagger on the floor vibrated for a moment and then with a "whoosh" returned to Kote's hand.

"F*ck yes!", he thought he yelled, but what came out was just a disturbing baby moan.

Blushing, once again, Kote further inspected the dagger.

"The dagger is pitch-black, I'm guessing its strong suit is dark magic. Too bad I cannot try it out…

It helped me rebirth so it should have more to it than just darkness magic.

Maybe…Could it have access... to chaos? Then that would explain a lot but... chaos is not something so easy to find."

Chaos, Entropy, the power of causality. The energy that makes every universe slowly decline and finally perish.

The Destruction of Taoism is the birthplace of all demons and also the seed that creates universes.

After Destruction, Creation is imminent.

Burning a forest will create soil that is fertile enough to create another, maybe bigger forest.

Chaos is the highest principle of every universe, whose nature failed to be tamed by even beings that can create universes.

Whenever they create one, for some reason without their understanding, the universe automatically has chaos inside it.

Nobody can trace its origins, but everybody has heard of it. Many have spent their entire lives, which for some meant billions of years, to understand it, and have been miserably unable to.

Now imagine a dagger able to harness such a thing. That would mean Kote holds one of the highest mysteries in his hand.

"I refuse to believe it. There is a chance, but extremely slim. I'll see what I can find out when I can enter the lattice again.

Maybe, with the help of the dagger, I can peek into my soul ans re-live my old lives.".

Knowing he could now manipulate the dagger, Kote made it levitate and-


Stabbed the back of his head giving him a painless death.

When he struck his head, the wasn't even a hint of hesitation. He killed himself with utter confidence.

It was borderline sick.

Everything went dark again, no light or sound.

The goblin was floating in endless darkness.

Suddenly a gigantic light appeared.

It was so bright, it ate away the darkness. Behind the goblin, appeared a giant lattice of doors.

"I AM BACK!", he yelled, triumphantly.

"The dagger must have the power to astral project me inside my memories so I can relive my past lives.

But... I could move…Wait!

Since I could move, does that not mean I can change the past…?

No, that's too much. I think my actual body is inside that bright light, leading me to my new life.

While I can astral project in my past lives and change them, the past remains the same.

Kind of like a lucid dream…".

With that in mind, the goblin looked around, trying to decide what to do. This situation wasn't something that happened everyday.

"I decided!

I am going to go through every life I have ever lived before I go back.

I guess, it's going to take a long time.

Let's hope the time I spend in my soul flows differently…".

And so, the tiny goblin started running through the lattice of doors, trying to find the end of it.

He run and run and run. He didn't get tired or hungry.

He run for days, months, and years.

Inside the darkness, he could not tell day or night, winter or summer, but he kept counting since he had nothing else to do while running.

Suddenly he saw the lattice twisting all around him and by the end of it, a small door.

Smaller than the other but way thicker.

It looked like a safe.

"FINALLY! It's been 50 years since I started running.

I am not tired, but the mental strain was getting to me. A little more and I would have gone mad!".

Standing in front of the door he took a deep breath.

"This is it."

As the door opened, unlike the first one he entered, it shone brightly. He took a step and disappeared within the light…