
The Scrummy Bummy Lore

In the infantile state of a new universe were many creatures in their starting phase, one of which was a juice pouch and straw that would challenge any vegetables from the cabbage patch to a round of fisticuffs, ultimately overcoming them and absorbing their power, thus, it became formidable and left behind an entire and complete heritage behind. This being was later known to be none other but...The Succ Sage. The self named Genius Gang, a group of intellectuals with knowledge far beyond the norm of this infantile universe then began to rise and found this heritage, allowing them to begin their ascent to the higher realms. The Scrummy Bummy Lore is an incomprehensive, shortened archive of the real events that the Genius Gang went through on their path. Translator's Note: As the best translator in the world, it is easy to assume that my translation will be complely on point, however, the Scrummy Bummy Lore, being written in the language of the Gods, was far too complex for even a genius like I to translate fully, as I, just like you, am a mere mortal. Please do read this novel with an open mind, keeping in mind that not only are there multiple meanings that we do not understand, but also many that can eventually be understood through comprehensive thought. I myself feel as though I have matured as not just a person, but as an entity in this vast universe that we call our home after reading this novel. In short, I must say that if the human race ever evolves to the point where we can incorporate the Scrummy Bummy Lore into our national curriculum as the most significant subject, I can die knowing that humanity shall live on to achieve great things.

ImmenseEgg · สมจริง
69 Chs

Jos Cot's Bus Trouble

"oh my golly gosh!!" belossa was so very angery she didn't like the fact that bathtub boy had made a mug cake in her pocket to destroy the dimensional walls come say "stop copying me" she then saw bathtub boy breathe and she said "stop copying me!!!1!!!!!!" reec decided to eat the mug cake and got a nice score on his maths test.

since the dimensional barrier had been destroyed the pocket universe became unstable and Birmingham began to go dustyy reec aloe Vera played the stylophone in rememberance of Birmingham.

liking the idea of peeing, the genius gang became body butter they became olive oil oh yes from the depths of the voids grew a mushroom the size of a planet. "henlo" the mushroom said and decided to become flora butter and the genius gang quickly did it to them. surprised by the impenetrable defense of the wenius wang the mushroom was like "suckurmum" but before it could say it the jenius jang T posed, allowing their powers to combine to become an incredibly powerful force.

the mushroom was turned into Heinz tomato soup and this made Jos rusel descend from the void with nuts in his mouth. he sucked nuts and he loves nuts come say "condescending" say "can you Frick off" he decided that spicy tomato soup was a good idea and got a hair cut. from the mushroom a berry spicy boi came out omg it was the mushroom sage the mushroom sage peed and took over the entire dimension say "thanks for the meal" he peed super hard and t posed.

the wenius Wang did it to them to deflect the attack rather than taking it head on and survived with no injuries but they didn't t pose because they knew that this was just a spicy tomato soup test. the mushroom sage was like "hmm yes" like "take off your clothes" he hit that dab looking dapper good sir and a mushroom metamorphosised into a bus for the genius gang to drive in.

Jos cot was ecstatic he felt like drinking milk! he summoned the bus driver and got onto the front seat when the Jinja girl bazia was like "Me pee!"

Jos cot was like "what the fucc you say" he jumped out the bus and beat her to an inch of her life and dabbed in victory haha she deserved it not gonna lie. unfortunately, her bag actually got thrown into the bus and Jos cot was going to intercept it, refusing to lose any front seat territory when his quantum super computer ifone esee got caught in the strap and ascended to heaven. it flew into space and went out of the atmosphere, went all the way to mars, went into Elon musks' bathtub, sunk into the sand of Skegness, became barbacue sauce, went onto the edge of the multiverse, bounced off the barrier onto mr penny's forehead and he was like "what's all that about?"

Jos cot was devestated and cried for a bajillion years he cried so hard that he couldn't even pee. later on bathtub boy asked the Jinja girl why she did it and she said "not my fault" and he swore that he'll avenge the fone.

Jos cot decided to text his mum on his bapple batch and started to pee again he say "get me new fone now!" and his mum give him it but it's not the best fone!!!1!!!! Jos cot like "suckurmum" and his mum dies come say "jacuzzi" oof, successful, the genius gang straightened their sleeves and popped their collars they already knew they were real epic gamers.

Right so basically right. not gonna lie, I thought the genius gang were dapper like epic sirs but they may actually be epic bosses. I'm not quite sure, I'll have to ponder about this for a longer period.

ImmenseEggcreators' thoughts