
The Consequences

The guy was none other than Jaden Sky Samaniego, the top 1 student who took her place and didn't present himself for the speech this morning.

"How could you not just say so?!" Emerald kept on shouting at the guy when they were outside the library. He just sat on the bench they saw after walking outside the library.

How could I even tell when the librarian was already glaring at me and you're too oblivious because of embarrassment! He wanted to say but just held his aching head. Damn! She could hit really hard!

"Will you shut up?" But that didn't shut Emerald. It made her more mad at what happened there and her day is already ruined because of that Jaden guy who is still unknown to her.

"I'll just leave, jerk!" And she did walk away but took a last glance at him to remember that bastards face but what she saw made her walk back to him again.

Did I hit him that hard? Not guilty though but rather proud. But still, will he tell it to the teachers of what happened? Urgh! He's a pain in my day right now!

"Are you dying?" She casually asked him like she just asked how his day was.

"I thought you're leav'n?" He slowly lifts his head and looked at her. He immediately closed his eyes again when the throbbing headache came back. I'm gonna sue her if something happens in my damn precious brain cells!

"Just go to the clinic—" she stopped when he didn't even bulge. Fine, I'll take him to the clinic. "Come on, stand up."

"Why? You're really kill'n me this time?" He said, still closing his eyes and lowered his head to lessen the throbbing pain.

"Say one more word and I'm really taking that suggestion. It's too tempting to do that right now." She said in gritted teeth but nevertheless helped the guy to stand up and they walked again going to the clinic.


"It's just due to the impact of the accident, nothing serious." The nurse told Emerald after checking up the now sleeping guy she brought to the clinic.

The clinic has everything they need for their students and is more advanced than a regular hospital. After all, it's the school of elites.

She didn't tell the nurse that she was the one who smacked a thick book in that jerk's head. Thought he's dying, well better luck next time.

"Do you attend the same class together?"

I think he's not. It's not that he's the "Jaden" everyone wanted to know.

"He's just a schoolmate." She answered the nurse. She was then given important papers to be filled up about that guy's information. She told the nurse that she doesn't know him and the guy doesn't have a school ID yet.

"Ow, then I'll just have his name from his wallet."

Emerald nodded and just watched the nurse get the wallet from that guy who's just sleeping. She looked at the guy again and he's really good looking if it weren't for that unfortunate encounter just an hour ago, she might actually praised the guy for having good looks. The nurse placed the wallet on her side and she opened it.

She looked at the guy's personal information and looked at the face of the man again and then back to the ID. She couldn't believe what she just read. That guy was the one she's been waiting to bring down. The guy was none other than Jaden Sky Samaniego, the top 1 student who took her place and didn't present himself for the speech this morning.

"You've got to be kidding me."

Jaden's POV

"Mom," I held her thin and fragile hand and tried so hard not to cry in front of her. I didn't succeed though because she reached for my cheeks and wiped my tears. "Please... don't leave me." I sounded like a 5 year old boy who only wanted to have more time with his mother. Well, I couldn't care less. I would rather trade everything I have just to be with her again.

"Baby, I'll always be with you," she said to me in a weak voice. I know she barely have time left before I could never see her warm smile and kind eyes again. We barely had time together. I wish I just spent it together with her so that I could make her at least happy before she will leave me forever. "Always." She continued and caressed my tear stained cheeks. I swallowed the lump on my throat as I prevent myself from sobbing so hard. I don't want her to see me crying on her last moments so I tried to smile at her.

"I love you, mom." I hugged her so tight because I know I couldn't have this moment again with her. I couldn't hold her this close again and couldn't hear her voice anymore.

"I love you more, my son." She hugged me back but not in the same tightness that I gave. I just stayed like that for a minute until I felt her hands slowly slide down from the hug and the beeping sound of the machines telling me that I had the last hug from my mom.

"Mom!" I cried so hard knowing I can never have her back. The doctors rushed inside her room and the nurses trying to let me out but I protested as I witnessed the doctors trying to revive my dying mother, but failed.

I fell on my knees as they declared the time and cause of death and told me that they tried the best they can to save my mom. They were taking out the machines now and patted my shoulders as the nurses left the room. They've known me for a long time since my mom always gets hospitalized.

"I'm sorry, my deepest condolences to you," the doctors said and left letting me have a time to grief for my mom.

I just watched my mom so lifeless. I closed my eyes and tried to remember how my mom used to smile lovingly at me and how she was so healthy before.

I opened my eyes as the past came flashing on my dreams. I immediately noticed the white ceiling and scanned my eyes to register where I am. Right, I am on the clinic because of that woman. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. The headache was gone and I looked at my watch and it's past lunch time already. When was the last time I slept for almost 4 hours? I barely had enough sleep knowing that it will always be a dream about my mom or about that monster I tried so hard to escape.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" A nurse came to me when she saw me waking up. I looked around to see if she was still here but I could not see her. I guess she left after bringing me here. At least she brought me to the clinic before I pass out because of my headache. Damn, that woman could hit so hard.

"You're looking for her?" The nurse seemed to notice who I was looking for and smiled to me.b"She left after filling up the information about you." I just nodded and gave her a thank you for attending on my smacked head.

If it weren't for that woman, I could still attend the afternoon class. Now I'm really late for my afternoon class and I shouldn't have gone to school today. Great, what should I tell uncle about school today? I know he'll ask about it and even if I'll lie, he'll definitely know everything.

"You can go home now. It's still 2:00 PM but I informed your teachers about your situation and gave me a permission to let you go home." She said and I nodded. "Of course I'm not letting you go home without your guardian." She smiled and went on to her station after calling someone outside the clinic room. This is not good. I saw my uncle walking towards me with no void of emotion. I haven't even made my well thought up lie. A great lie is a well thought lie with very much attention to details.

"It's just a day and now I've been called because you were in the clinic," Uncle John said and I prepared myself for a long sermon on the way home.

I just stood up and walked outside the clinic and went straight to where his car was. I get in and he followed afterwards and we drove home without talking. I know he's mad right now and wanted answers as we get home.

"Now tell me," he immediately demanded when we got home. I sat on the couch and I waited for him to sit too but I guess he's so mad that he just doesn't want to just sit and talk about it so simply. "Precisely." He added as I was about to speak up. He knew me so well that I am just not up to tell anyone about what my day was but of course he's my uncle so he should know anything about me.

"I just got a headache." I tried to lie as casual as possible but of course he won't buy it. He suspiciously eyed me and narrowed his eyes on me telling me to tell the damn truth before he loses his temper. Well, the clinic is the last place I should be in for the first day of school.

"I never taught you to lie and I know very well when you're lying to me Sky. You were fine this morning and then you're having a headache now?" He's the only person who calls me Sky and when he calls me by my second name, he's really pissed off.

"Come on, it was just nothing—"

"You knew too well that I take extra care when it comes about you. So now, tell me." I groaned in frustration. I just don't want him to think that entering into this school will only bring me trouble. I know that he'll freak out when it comes to me because my mom entrusted me to him.

He took care of me since my mom died and he's more like a father to me than an uncle. Truth is that he isn't really my uncle. He's my mother's friend and a very close one. He's the only legal guardian that I have for now. My real father? Well he isn't really a father to me since I was a baby and I don't want to talk about him. For me, he's already dead.

Uncle John is sometimes overprotective of me and it's fine because he never had a family of his own because of me so I let him treat me like his son and I also never had a father and he's much more like a father to me. It's like a father and son relationship minus the blood related thing.

"Someone just smacked a damn thick Science book in my head," I murmured hoping he didn't catch up what I said but unfortunately, he heard it and he just stared at me with worried eyes. He sighed and seated on the opposite couch, facing me.

"Are they bullying you?" He seriously asked and when he's serious, he'll think that it's a bad idea that I entered into that school. "I know that you know some self-defense and told you about not using it but if they're bullying or pissing you, you could just fight back a little."

"No, it's not like that." He looked at me with confusion and narrowed his eyes. "It was my fault anyway—"

"You lied to me about it and now you're defending that bully?" His eyebrows knotted and he crossed his arms indicating that I should fucking make things clear right now because he doesn't like what he's hearing from me.

"She just misunderstood what I intend to imply to her when I—"

"Hold up." He held his index finger to shut me up. "So that student is a she?" He confusedly asks and eyeing me like how the hell did I just get beaten up by a girl. "A girl who's probably the same as your age, smacked you in the head?" I nodded and sighed.

Maybe I went too far for teasing her?

"Well it seems to me that the students in there doesn't look friendly. Even a girl beat you up and sent you to the clinic." I knotted my forehead because I know what he's thinking. He was really against the ideal of me entering some elite school.

"I was just caught off guard okay? Besides, she's dumb thinking I want to ki—" I stopped before I could finish what I was about to say. He shouldn't know about that twisted part of my day. He looked at me, confused again of why did I stop. "Kick her." I finished and I didn't really thought of that last part.

Damn, why is it so hard to lie to him? I tried to look unbothered and looked at him straight in the eyes. He motioned for me to continue.

"She was being a brat and will just leave the library without placing back the book she read in the shelf," I remembered how she looked at me with confusion when I held her wrist to stop her. "I grabbed for her wrist and she smacked the book in my head because she thought I might do something to her." Her flustered face when she thought I want to kiss her still makes me laugh. I tried to suppress my smile and looked bored.

"Okay," uncle nodded and looked at me to see if I'm lying. "I still don't think that school is best for you."

Oh come on! It's the damn 5th school I transferred already and I'm tired of transferring!

"It is the only place I can be safe." I coldly told him. "Besides, the scholarship they're offering to me is enough to last 'till I graduate senior high school." He was still unconvinced.

I know why he was against it because it is the school of elites. A lot of rich kids and the risks are big. He prefers if I just enter some normal school but we both know it doesn't work out and that's the reason why I kept transferring.

"You know why I transfer you to different schools—"

"I know and we both know that it doesn't work." He sighed and massaged his temples. "It is my only hope." I almost whispered to him. I know he doesn't have a choice. I stood up and was about to walk to my room when he spoke again.

"Just be careful in that school. It's more dangerous."

"I will. I always know the consequences of my actions."