
The Misunderstanding

Other people might get scared of her and apologize but he was different. He just kept a stern face and smirked, not even intimidated or afraid of her.

"You sure don't want to go?" He groaned when he heard his uncle ask him for the 9th time. He just continued eating his cereal while watching the morning news.

He doesn't care about the time for now. All he wanted is just to eat his cereal and go to his bedroom where his uncle can't bother him. I'm definitely locking my bedroom after eating. He's still gonna ask me if I'll go.

"I'm just curious, okay?" His uncle raised his both two hands, like surrendering to the police when he glared at him. "You sure tried so hard to enter that school and now, you don't want to attend the first day?" Still he didn't bother to answer his Uncle and looked at the TV screen again and looked at the news which he doesn't care anyway.

He just stared at the screen and not processing what the news is all about. He just watched it to make his uncle stop talking because clearly, he's not going to school today. He slowly drank his juice when his uncle stood in front of him, blocking his view to the damn TV and looked at him with a serious face.

"I'm your uncle now," His uncle looked at him in the eyes and he crossed his arms on his chest. "I'm your only legal guardian—"

"I'm not going!" He said annoyed and messed up his hair in frustration. He leaned on his seat and looked at the different direction feeling the intense stares of his uncle.

"I should have believed in my instincts. I know this is a bad idea and now—" he stood up from his seat and looked at his uncle who's having a mental debate about him and his school.

"Just for today," he cut his uncle's speech because he knows that his uncle will just give him a scolding about attending to this school. "I'm supposed to give a damn speech and I just don't want to do it." He admitted in defeat because he knows his uncle will not just stop until he gives his reason.

His uncle immediately understood and nodded. "Then why did you hit the top place if you're not gonna like that attention and speech?" He seated again and played with his cereal. The star shaped cereal was slowly sinking onto the milk as he keeps playing with it.

It's not like I want it too.

"They gave me a scholarship. Maybe if I entered that school and be in that Class A, maybe the school could—could provide anything for me." He just said to his uncle, whispering the last part. He doesn't want to talk about anything anymore. His uncle nodded and deeply sighed, satisfied of his reason. For now.

"I will give anything to make you happy. I took care of you when your mom—" he bit his lower lip and stopped playing with his now cold and melted cereals. He doesn't like it when they talk about his mom.

"I know...I know you'll always be there for me, Uncle John." He smiled and looked at his uncle. His uncle stared at him to reassure if he's okay and smiled to him then walked out of the house to go to his work.

Not eating the cereal, he just stared at the TV screen and tried to listen to the news as he drinks his juice.

"The Sandejas Inc. still manages to be a successful company and built an empire. It is still on the top most successful companies but the Kim Group of Companies is still on the top 1 and manages to be known worldwide. There's a tough competition between these two companies—"

He turned the TV off and put his bowl and glass to the sink. Entering on this school will be like having a normal high school life. Yeah, normal.

He looked at his house where he and his uncle lived for 4 months now. It's just him and his uncle John. He doesn't have much to be able to attend in the elite school that's why he needs this scholarship. He took the entrance exam and knew that he got the top 1 spot. The school will provide anything for him. From his tuition fees, uniform and continuous funding until he graduates senior high school. He even has an allowance which is given to him monthly, still by the school.

His uncle's job can only let them live in a small house and have at least a decent meal every day. His uncle owns a car repair shop and it's enough for the two of them to survive. He doesn't have much but he's satisfied of what he has. He was out of his thoughts when his phone vibrated on his pocket. He took it and read his uncle's text.

I'm at the shop now. I'll be home at 5. GO TO SCHOOL.

Groaning about how persistent his uncle is about school, he took a bath and prepared himself to school.

I'm late anyways. At least it's second period of class now.

After preparing, he only bought his phone, wallet and a pen. He's not gonna enter his class at this hour and he's going to be marked absent anyway so he's staying at the library until lunch and go to his class in the afternoon.

Well, it's the first day of class and it will be just full of introductions so I don't need books.

After arriving at the school, he immediately went straight to the library. Only a few students were there and he looked for an empty spot away from the librarian's peripheral view so that he can sleep.

I'll just take a nap for a while.


Since it's the first day of school, the teachers only let them introduce their selves and let them get to know each other. Emerald just introduced herself and after that, she'll just look at the window and doesn't give a care about her classmates. Luckily, nobody dared to sit beside her so she doesn't have a seatmate—yet.

Everyone was present except that Jaden guy and another classmate whom she doesn't care. He seemed to not give importance about first day of school. She doesn't either but was forced to because of wanting to meet him but unfortunately, he's not around.

I think he's going to be my seatmate then.

Break time came and she can't stand the noise and chitchat of other students so she decided to ditch the two last subjects this morning. It will be just about introductions.

She went inside the library building and only a few students were there. She seated on the far corner and grabbed a book on her way to her seat. She opened the book which she didn't mind what and flipped through the pages.

Human Anatomy. Seems fine though, might as well have an advance study.

She was thoroughly reading and making mental notes when she noticed a guy sleeping on the other table on her left side. His head was on the table facing her way and sleeping soundly. She looked at the librarian and noticed their spot is not on the peripheral view of the librarian. Did he ditch class just to sleep? She didn't know the guy sleeping but as she looked at him, she noticed his physical features. He's quite good looking. He has long perfectly shaped nose and long eye lashes. He's even well built—

"What are you doing Emerald?" She whispered to herself. She mentally slapped herself and just stared with curiosity at the guy. It seems like I'm not alone on disliking this first day of school.

She was about to look away when the guy opened his eyes and they stared at each other for a second. Shock was evident on her eyes because she was just caught staring at a sleeping guy! She looked away and concentrated on her book again but somehow, her mind was elsewhere. She feels the guy's presence so much making it hard for her to concentrate on her thick book.

"You're staring." The guy suddenly said making her jolt in surprise. Will he think that I am checking him out? Gosh! Maybe after he caught me staring at him, he'll think I'm into him! I just find him good looking but really there are a lot of other good looking men in this institute. Just deny!

"I beg your pardon?" She raised her eye brows appealing intimidating. Other people might get scared of her and apologize but he was different. He just kept a stern face and smirked, not even intimidated or afraid of her.

"I said you are—"

"I heard you," she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes to the guy. "Why would you think I was staring at you? I just find it curious how the librarian never caught you sleeping." She said making the guy look at her without any emotion but later on turned into curiosity and smirked at her again. He leaned on the table, resting his head on his hand and looked at her like he was studying her every reaction and having much fun teasing her. She shifted on her seat when she felt so uncomfortable with the guy's stares.

Wait, why would I feel intimidated by him?!

"I was referring to the book." He pointed the book in front of her. Now she's the one who was again confused. What the hell is he—

"You kept staring at that image for more than 15 seconds."

She looked at the book on her table which was still the Human Anatomy she read earlier. Her face immediately turned red and flipped it to the next page, almost ripping the paper on the process. She was so drawn in reading that she forgot she was on the Human Reproductive System, particularly the Male's Reproductive Organ. Darn! The image was in a form of diagram with labels but below it was the real representation of a male reproductive organ


"I was just—" she looked at him again and she can see amusement on his eyes and quite having fun teasing her. Who the hell does he think he is?! She composed herself and tried to act unaffected. "I was just studying. I don't have a perverted mind unlike what you're thinking. Open mindedness is a necessity in Science."

"Ow," the guy raised his eyebrows and tried to suppress his smile. I'm really having much fun right now. The guy thought as he looked at her reaction. "You must be mentally memorizing it? You know, for future references?" He shrugged his shoulders like he just said nothing to embarrass her again.

Emerald gaped and gasped at what she just heard. No one, I mean no one would dare say that to me!

"I said it's not what you think! I was out of my thoughts and not aware of what I was reading—" She hissed and closed the book when she realizes what he's doing to her. She crossed her arms again and glared at the man. I know where this leads! He's leading me on a trap!

"So, you were really staring at me then? You know, earlier."

Did he just corner me? Turning the argument into what it really is all about? He just caught me staring at him and when I denied, he found a way to make me admit it to him?! Just who the hell is this guy?

"Tongue-tied?" He smirked when she was having a hard time defending herself. She clenched her fist in anger, humiliation and defeat. This is the first time someone dared to go against her.

"Nope, I was not staring at you. You're not even worth my time." She stood up and was about to leave when she felt his hands on her wrist, stopping her. That sent chills to her because no one dared to touch an Emerald Sandejas. She looked at him again but with more irritation and anger this time.

"What?" She asked and attempted to free her wrist but the guy just gestured her book on the table and looked at her again. What does he wants now? Still she didn't move and was about to grab her wrist again but the man just tightened his hold on her.

"I swear, if you're not gonna let go—" she stopped when she looked at him again when she was about to really go crazy with anger but halted when she saw his face. He's pouting his lips like emphasizing something but it just made her head boil in anger. For Emerald, it only meant one thing.

Is he asking for me to kiss him?! How dare him! He really thought I am into him?! Hah! The great Emerald Sandejas, kissing some random low-level guy in the library?!

Without saying anything, she harshly let go from his grip and grabbed her book on the table where she was reading a while ago and smacked it on his head. A loud thud could be heard and some of the students saw what happened.

"What the!" The guy looked at her with anger and held his smacked head. "What the hell was that for woman?! Are you crazy??" Damn, that hurts! He complained and glared at the woman who just smacked him and was about to smack at him again when he held the book to stop her.

"Pervert!" The guy widened his eyes from shock. She's accusing me that when in fact she was the one staring at me while I was sleeping?! Women! He thought and thinks that this woman only wanted to make a scene or wanting to have his attention. After all, a lot of women wanted his attention.

"Are you referring to yourself? The last time I checked, it was you staring at me while I'm sleeping!" Fuming in anger, she put her hand on her hips and pointed at the man.

"You were asking for me to kiss you!" Now that they're shouting, some of the students were already watching them and some of them were even taking a video of them.

What the hell is she talking about?! Then it hit him. He laughed so hard and wiped some tears on his eyes and looked at her with amusement and smirked.

"Me?" Pointing at himself, "asking for a kiss from you?" And pointed at her. She, on the other hand, was trying so hard not to punch his face or smack his head again. "I was pointing at the librarian behind you. She noticed us arguing loud enough to catch her attention!" She blinked multiple times to register what she just heard.

"I can't point her using my hands because I was holding your wrist and my other hand leaning on the table to grab your wrist." She then looked behind her and saw the now furious librarian going through their way.

If the librarian could have just walked a little faster to scold us, this wouldn't have happened!!!!!! Emerald thought and just closed her eyes in embarrassment.

"OUT! The two of you, OUT!"