
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs

chapter 29: Your fight is with me

General POV

On a rocky wasteland, two figures landed on two massive rock mountains facing each other

This was Arrot and Jeron Elsieson They had decided to move their flight from the city to a better fight Jeron hoped to keep casualties low and Arrot hoped not to damage his soon to be property too much after all reconstruction was expensive.

They stared each other down for some time until Jeron flipped his hat and pulled out a box of cigarettes, he put one to his mouth and then lit it with a small fire from his finger.

He made some shapes with the smoke, as Arrot stood in silence unamused. Jeron noticed this and finally spoke.

"I was hoping to ease some nerves by performing a little trick I do for me kids back home, But you don't seem amused.

He spoke softly whilst staring at the distance.


So tell me Arrot, what's ya the last name?

Arrot looked at Jeron with a questioning gaze "What good would give you my last name do?

Jerone continued to smoke and he looked up at Arrot "Well yah see boy, in my homeworld, we are not born with last names, we choose them once we get to a certain age.

"So? Do I look like I'm from your planet?

No no no you miss the point, let me finish explaining myself, You see we choose our name after a parent that has accomplished something great or meant a lot in our lives, a parent that meant a lot to us like for me it was me mom Elsie hence I named myself Elsieson son of Elsie, pretty cool huh.

Arrot was about to ask him why he was telling him this but he continued anyway.

Ya see my mom was a tough lady she would always scold me when I did something wrong and give me some candy when I did something right, never was the best feller at school but I was always a good fighter and always got into trouble so...



Before Jeron could continue Arrot had interrupted him

"Listen here Mr Elsieson it's not that I don't care but well honestly at the moment I am in no position to care about your people's traditions, Nor do I care for how you continue to try and guilt me or try wiggle in the thoughts of calling off my invasion.

Say those are your troops out defending against mine correct? You know I can pay you more than what they are offering if you just...

"No way boy!

Jaron didn't even seem faced but continued to smoke "Listen here boy, I tried to get ya to change your mind on this whole conquest thing of yours but your too darn stubborn oh well, Anyway as tempting as a better pay is my mom always told me to never go back on my word.

Arrot narrowed his eyes as he got into a fighting stance.

Jaron reached for the pistols on his waist as he spits out his cigarette as pointed his pistol at Arrot ready to fire Arrot had already blitzed right underneath him and punched him straight in the gut sending him flying, but he quickly recovered and pulled the trigger firing numerous amounts of lasers at Arrot who deflected them all with his bare hands.

Jaron didn't give Arrot a chance to rest when he started to fire even more lasers his way but this time they took the shape of growling wild dogs.

Arrot was going to try deflecting them but something told him to dodge the dog's bite he flew into the air just as it was about to strike but even tho he managed to escape the first one 8 more surrounded him they each lunched at him and bit his arms legs and one reached for his throat but with each bite they exploded.


Jaron watched the smoke from the explosion with cold eyes he was about to reach for another cigarette when he narrowly dodged a blue laser that could have pierced his skull.

He looked at where the laser came from with his pistols pointed in the direction his eyes still showed no sign of worry despite the creature he thought he had killed floating with not even a few scratches.

Arrot now floated in the air stretching his arms and legs.

"hmmm it seems what I've heard about you is correct after all Jaron, you are an exceptional warrior.

Jaron scratched his chin with his pistol whilst donning a lazy expression

"Geez kid I don't know what to say here you are complimenting me and here I am just wondering how a freak of nature like you exists"

"oh, Mr Elison I think you will find that I am by far the more normal among my comrades but I suppose to you I could seem like quite the monster.

Arrot said this as he prepared his next attack a red sphere of energy that continued to grow till it was the size of the bus he then threw it at Jaron who pointed his pistol and shot it causing it to explode before it reached the ground but before he could do anything else Arrot punched his in the face then proceeded to kick his right arm bending it unnaturally.

This caused Jaron to drop his pistol and cough blood but he didn't let the pain distract him he pointed his left pistol at Arrot who grabbed his wrist and broke it making him drop the pistol and then Arrot proceeded to toss Jaron into the nearby rocks and cliff's

Before he could get up Arrot grabbed his head and then smashed it into the ground with his foot again and again.

He backed away then he began to charge a blue laser "Is this all you have to offer? and after I gave you such high praise as well, you disappoint me.

Arrot then pointed his blast at the city then fired it in the blink of an eye Jaron appeared in front of the blast and deflected it into the sky.

Arrot looked at him with a neutral expression "So have you decided to get serious Mr Elisone?

Jaron's arms had repaired themselves and his ki was a bright green his eyes now looked serious as he stared at Arrot.

"Hey, the kid I was fine with fighting you all out but would you have destroyed the city and killed all those people?

Arrot gave him a light smile "Maybe I would have but you stooped it didn't you, so all well.

His answer only seemed to make Jaron angry as his normal uncaring expression was gone replaced with one of incredible rage, His ki began to turn red same as his skin, his eyes became white as his muscles began to grow, and he grew an extra pair of arms and two more eyes he lost his hair as it was replaced by a fish-like fin.

Vanes formed on his forehead and His power began to double no triple his power caused the rocks to crumble and storm clouds began to gather in the sky his power had taken a magnificent increase.

Arrot smiled at this event as he was hoping Jaron had the power to transform and give him the fight he needed.

Arrot then got into his combat stance ready to fight.

Jaron finally stopped transforming and looked at Arrot with cold eyes he now toward at Arrot as if he was now a massive red beast, he had a resemblance to a four-armed alien from a show Arrot used to watch


Jaron turned his head to the city and frowned as he turned back at Arrot who had a mad grin on his face.

"Listen here, This fight was just between me and you Brat no one else just me and you got that?

Jaron attempted to hold some authority over Arrot but Arrot was not going to let him have his way Immediately Arrot activated Aikari making Jaron fly back and take a more defensive stance.

"Now listen here you insignificant worm, I have allowed you to speak your mind for long enough, it is time that you realised why a peasant should not speak on the level of an Emperor"

And so the real battle was about to begin Between Arrot and Jaron.


Author word

Hello, there I realised late that we had finally hit over 1K collections yey!!!!

I wanted to release an extra chapter but best I keep things realistic for myself, unfortunately.

but I just want to say thanks for reading my story especially to those who are still here after all this time I love you guys and to those who just joined us I hope you stick around and enjoy the ride also if you guys have any suggestions for the story go ahead I'm all ears.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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