
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 30: Arrot Salarson

Jaron Charged at Arrot like a mad bull and managed to push him back sending him through a few massive rock structures.

Jaron tries to use his larger size and extra two arms to overpower Arrot But Arrot doesn't make it easy for him as he gives him a solid kick to the gut causing it seems as if his foot went through him of course that was Arrots intention but Jarons skin and body had become too strong and hard to be easily injured, so Arrot concluded that he would need more robust methods to beat Jaron.

Jaron used all four of his arms to grab Arrot's Arms and legs he then proceeded to pick him up and slam him into his knee. This seemed to have affected Arrot as it caused him to release a scream of pain Jaron continued to slam Arrot into his knee for some time until he stopped but his torment did not end there as he threw Arrot into the air and then shot eye beams out of each of his four eyes.

They hit their target piercing Arrot who fell to the ground hard forming a massive crater.

Jaron had a stoic look on his face replacing the one of pure rage this was because he wanted to keep calm he still had the feeling that something wasn't right with his opponent the attacks he dished out would have killed many, in fact just his transformation had won fights but this Arrot kid he was fighting was strong enough to contend with his transformed state which had destroyed may intergalactic criminals and tyrants in the universe.

Jaron had only ever chosen to use his form when facing an extremely powerful opponent and for this child to contend with him was only proof he couldn't let him reach adulthood

"He's too dangerous to be left alive" was all Jaron said before he shot a massive energy ball at the creator Arrot was in.

Boom!!! it made contact and formed a massive cloud of smoke and the creator only became bigger and deeper. to the point, that one could not even see the bottom.

Jaron took a peek down the hole but as he did he was hit by something in the chest that pushed him back causing him to the role to the floor and hold his chest in pain, the finally looked at it seeing two holes releasing smoke he didn't have time to examine his wounds any further when something flew out of the hole at an incredible speed and cam crashing towards him, he was about to roll away when he felt incredible pain on his gut that caused his body to sink into the ground he hoped to catch his bearings quickly. Still, the pain continued as he kept sinking deeper into the ground as Arrot who was the one causing so much pain kept on continuously stomping Jaron deeper into the ground.

Arrot stopped stomping on Jaron but did not stop the torture as he pointed a finger at him with a sinister grin and yelled

"Pain beam"!

And a blue laser beam shot out of Arrots finger hitting Jaron and causing him to scream this was because this spell was a tutor spell that fried every living cell in the body this was used as a torture method to extract information from a prisoner but was later used just for executions since it would more often than not kill the victim but was banned because of how inhumane it was, so knowledge on its use was lost until Arrot discovered it.

Jaron continued to scream as he struggled to get back up again with each attempted step Arrot would increase the power causing him even more pain. But Jaron would not back down

It got to a point where Arrot decided to end things as it was Clear Jaron could not handle any more pain he had even stopped screaming but he was still alive but he had lifeless eyes as if he had died on the inside.

Arrot extended his arm and formed a spirit sword similar to the one Vegito, Zamasu and Goku Black used, Just as I raised my arm for the killing blow Jaron opens his mouth

What w-what is your name" He asked with a raspy voice

Arrot squinted his eyes before replying "You know my name it is Arrot"

He moved around a little as if shaking his head "No no no I mean your full name last name and all...don't you have one?

Arrot paused for some time and shook his head "nope now that I think of it I never had one, but so what?


Jaron chuckled a little it was a painful action for him to do but he still chuckled.

"You seem to misunderstand young one to my people a name is a power and I can give you a name, that is if you want"



Before Arrot could say anything Rin began to bombard him to stop.

What is it Rin?

"I think you should take him up on the offer, it would be extremely beneficial to you".

"You sure okay"

Y-your not even going to argue?

Nope, I read up on all species and races in the west galaxy remember I know of the ritual, could it be that the all-knowing rin forgot?

"N-No!! i-i was just making sure you didn't mess anything up b-baka!

"Not gonna lie Rin that was kinda cute but also really cringy still cute...

Uhm kid who are you talking to?


Arrot soon realised he was talking to Rin out loud and looked like a freak again

"oh sh*t not again, I have to stop doing that!!, anyway let's just begin.

"Okey young one do you have a parent that has significants to you? even a guardian or parental figure is fine".

"Well I do have my mother, her name was Salary"

"Salary huh okay"

Jaron began to write Salary on the ground with his blood Arrot already knowing how the ritual goes began to write his name in his blood, Afterward, Jaron began to speak

"Now I bet you're wondering why am I giving you the last name"

"No, not really"

Huh c'mon man I wanted to tell you"

Is it because you kind of find it an insult to be killed by a warrior with no name and you realise that even if I were to let you go you would die so you would rather give me a name.

Jaron was shocked at how he knew so much about his reasons" well yes that's part of the reason but what about...

"Is it also because you somehow deduced that I don't have a parent figure in my life due to them being killed so you took it upon yourself to have me talk with them one last time"

"Okey kid your a creep how do you know all this cough! cough! cough!

Jaron began to roll on the ground in pain due to his injuries

Okey kid won't last long so here we go Jaron then proceeded to clap his hands and the blood began to glow and with a flash of light Arrots mother Salary's ghost was floating above him. she looked surreal with the halo above her head, she looked down and saw Arrot staring at her. She opened her mouth to speak

"Oh you thought it was important for a second"

"Wow lady that cut deep!

hahaha "just kidding kiddo just kidding" hahaha jeez where did your sense of humour go?

I don't know maybe it died with you?

"Wow there kids no son of mine will become some edgy punk"

Hey, I'm not edgy, although I have been invading planets and colonising them having them deem me their supreme overlord.

Pshhh that's not an edgy kid that's just our culture except you're not selling the planets, well completely.

Yeah, Bean did suggest we sell them but I don't want to have to lose control of them so I just have chumps that need a home to live on them for rent and loyalty ...

Okay, Dork okay this whole empire-building thing isn't what I came for, I came to talk to yah about you and your friends.

"Oh, those crazy knuckleheads hm what do you think of them?

Well Broly's a little cute freak of nature just like you be kind to him

Abb is a fun arsonist keep him away from anything burnable and give him his freking cult.

Umpki just seems like a nerd give him some books or something

Lett well he's some sort of bipolar simp

Bora is just a little attention-seeking kid hug her now and then

Beans is a good kid just a little stiff give him more days off to loosen up but he keeps you focused

And Toma is a little bundle of crazy energy if I didn't know she intentionally wants to make people mad I would have said ditch her on a desert planet but she would make the sand go mad so you seem to be stuck with her.

Hmm seems like an honest enough opinion of my friends.

hehe, I'm just glad you have friends take good care of them okay.

Hey, mom w-would you like me to...

wish me back nope sorry but I'm kinda enjoying being dead pretty fun if you don't count the being dead part it's all good just don't be in a hurry to come to visit.

"Well goodbye then mom"

Hhehehe well bye Arrot I guess I do love you"

"Love you too"

With a smile, Salary vanished leaving Arrot and Jaron who had collapsed dead on the spot due to using the last of his energy.

Arrot looked at his name written in blood that now read Arrot Salarson


Authorword: I've noticed I use a lot of blood in these rituals maybe it's signifying something

anyway here you go

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