
The Ruler Of All Vampire's Beloved

it's 2150, and vampires have ruled over are earth for 100 years, humans have been fed on locked into cages and sold, and taught how to be perfect pet for vampires. my name is Cassandra but everyone calls me Cassie, and humans lost the fight with vampires over a 100 years ago. and now 5 vampires rule over the earth keeping the humans under check so I want you to imagine this. one night me roaming the streets like usual, hiding from the vampires and their pet shops until you get caught and they have to send you to face the vampire kings, and the king over all the vampires. after all they can't let their perfect community go to shit over a human yeah...I might I cause a little tiny bit of trouble. so now i'm being led to court to face them..................I'm getting led to death. I hope at my funeral they play "i'm walking on sunshine!" damn I love that song!

jessie_mateny · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 6 Strangers

someone laughed from the shadows. "hello?" I asked moving closer into the room someone was there...


walked to where I heard the voice, "hello stranger, and new cell mate" The male voice called, "who are you?" I asked, I could barely make his figure out. "a werewolf" he replied. I gulped "B-But werewolves are extinct" I said trembling from the cold cellar. "who tells you theses lies?" he asked, "the leeches" I said he laughed "you call vampires leeches. I like you already" the werewolf stranger said "yes and I call werewolves dogs" I said with a smirk, his laughter stopped, and his expression turned angry. note to self: don't call a werewolf a dog, they will try to murder you with glares.

I also realized that he was in chains. "ahh so that's the only, reason I'm not dead" I say pointing to the chains

Me, and the werewolf hung out and I figured out his, name is Axle. it sounded like a dog name if you ask me. and he was trapped here same as me, but the reason why he was trapped is because he was the werewolf clan leader, and he was powerful, and.....well...HOT!, he was tall. built and his green eyes match his shady brown hair. And brown skin he reminded me of a "bad boy" I don't know how long we talked, he would tell me about his old days when he was a young wolf, he even told me about his mate, Katie. and the last thing he told her was to "move on, if I get captured if somethings goes wrong. If the vampire's won, get a second chance mate" and she told him "Never" I love that for him. But it really must suck not being able to see your mate, your other half. It made me hate the vampires even more! I can't believe I was talking them like normal. We also talked about the moon goddess, which both vampires and werewolves worshipped. vampires got a beloved, humans got soulmate, and werewolves got a mate.

I heard, someone open the cell door I didn't even hear anyone come down here "time to go" said Vlad "farewell, dog" "goodbye human" I laughed as I said "I'll be back" I said, "no, I'll get you" I gave him a waved as Vlad speed us out of the room, into HIS bedroom "our" Vlad corrected ugh I really wasn't in the mood, "no yours" I said, "what were you doing, talking with that werewolf?" said Vlad, always mad I see.

"I was just getting to know my cell-mate" I said "why are you so inflamed" see I can used big words! Vlad smirked "why are you so vexatious?" said Vlad I can use bigger words. Vlad's annoying voice popped into my head. "game on" I say out loud.

Vlad chuckles taking a step closer to me, I took a step back. Rule number 6 in surviving the vampires, Never get to close.

"I can play this game all, day." said Vlad. "yeah but ill always win" I fired back. He chuckled, taking closer steps. and I took more steps back.

Just then I heard a small knock on the door. "Come, in" said Vlad. I could he was irked.

"Mater Vlad, King Xander and King Hugo. are here they asked me to come get you. they said it was important" the poor girl, looked about 14. and was shaking. and looked like she was about to cry. "Are you okay?" I asked her. Vlad looked at me. with a glare "y-yes I'm f-fine" she said stuttering. "You can leave now" she nodded then rushed out of the room. "I'm taking your talking rights" said Vlad...I'm sorry what??? "what?" "You don't get to talk unless I tell you to" says Vlad in a clam serious voice. "I can do whatev-" "if you say one more word, I'll kill that girl" I shut up.


"I can still hear your thoughts Casanova" I glared at him. he glared back finally he turned away. heading to the door. ha! my victory was short lived when Vlad said "come on Casanova" I sighed and followed him. I remembered that the girl never told us where they were. But Vlad seem to already know. he grabbed my hand. and used his vampire speed.

as soon as he stopped. everything was dizzy, I felt the need to sit down. "Are you ok?' Xander ask concern brimming his eyes. at least someone cared. Vlad just sat there, I scoffed "Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking Xander" I said glaring at Vlad the whole time what a jerk! He didn't look at me once! whatever I don't even care! "so what have you guys called me for?' asked Vlad. "Because the humans are rising against us, 3 more pet shops have been robbed, 4 more schools have been invaded. 2 more villages have been attacked." I smirked, my loyalty lies with the humans sorry leeches.

"does it" said Vlad, awhile Xander said "that will soon change..." I raised my eyebrows what does he mean by that?

I was going to question it when someone burst through the door "He's escape! the werewolf escape!"

oh yeah.....

I forgot.....

about that little plan.....

fucking finally something is going my way!!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have soooooooo many plans sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger!

byeee LOVE BUG!