
The Ruler Of All Vampire's Beloved

it's 2150, and vampires have ruled over are earth for 100 years, humans have been fed on locked into cages and sold, and taught how to be perfect pet for vampires. my name is Cassandra but everyone calls me Cassie, and humans lost the fight with vampires over a 100 years ago. and now 5 vampires rule over the earth keeping the humans under check so I want you to imagine this. one night me roaming the streets like usual, hiding from the vampires and their pet shops until you get caught and they have to send you to face the vampire kings, and the king over all the vampires. after all they can't let their perfect community go to shit over a human yeah...I might I cause a little tiny bit of trouble. so now i'm being led to court to face them..................I'm getting led to death. I hope at my funeral they play "i'm walking on sunshine!" damn I love that song!

jessie_mateny · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 3 Sleeping Next To A Vampire

"nope!" I said trying to get out of Vlad's grip, and he just held my arm tighter, this had been going on for the past 47 minutes, everything was out of place pillows were on the floor. sheets, and blankets were everywhere painting were ripped, even the closet, and bathroom was a mess. with bottles of soaps, and conditioner we're on the floor.

why? you may ask because no way in hell would I be sleeping with this leach. somehow I got out of his grip, and rushed to the door almost touching the handle before I was pulled back again 3 steps forward, 4 steps back. I manage to quickly get out of his hold, and throw a bottle of shampoo at his face. so now his prefect room was a mess, and huge mess. Vlad still wore a smirk. across his perfect face. his eyebrows raised leaving him distracted. I kicked him in the balls and he looked like a deer in headlights. first shocked, pain, anger, more anger. And time for me to go. I raced out of there. with an extra pep in my step.

I raced down the steps we had gone up, when I bumped into the devil. Vlad "off in a hurry, casanova?" he questioned.

what the hell. that's the ugliest nickname ever. "wait until to hear the story behind it" Vlad said. I flipped him the bird, and he got mad, no furious. he picked me up and over my shoulder, before I could make another sound Vlad said in dangerous low voice "say another word, and I will put you in a cage" I shut up he placed me down on his bed

damn I guess he wins! "I always win, casanova" said Vlad and I just shook my head. and went to sleep. the next morning or night? honestly I don't know if it's night or day. there was no windows in his palace, or castle. Don't vampires have a different sleep schedule? I questioned myself. Just then did I noticed, the cold-hearted vampire strong arm around my waist. I looked at his face. He looked so innocent, and so human like. Not like a complete jerk that I knew him to be. but I guess everyone looks innocent when there sleeping. he also looked so cute, and nice, and as much as hate to admit it breathtaking, drop dead gorgeous. suddenly I saw a small smirk on his face.

wait what?!.....was he awake this whole time listening to my thoughts?....Well duh why else would he smirk it's not like his ego needs to be higher though.

I tried to get his arm off of me, I just kept failing though. stupid vampire strength I thought "you know you love how strong I am" he said chuckling. "get off of me fat ass!" I said he gasped in a dramatic tone, while pointing to himself "it's pure muscle baby" I rolled my eyes "I don't care idiot get off!" I shouted "that's no way to talk to your king, apologize now!" he demanded in a somewhat serious tone. "I'm not sorry can you get off now!?" I asked he got on top off me, and pulse quicken. damn I hate that he's hot why can't he be ugly? I tried to push him off again but I was clearly not strong enough.

he smirk at my thoughts. quick think of unicorns and rainbows! he leaned in closer. and closer static electrically was everywhere and every time he brushed my hair out of my face. Or touch my hands and fingers, sparks would fly. I blushed deep red since he was still on top of me and still leaning down.

until he stopped right at my ear. biting my earlobe slowly and softly. I blushed again a deeper red this time. licking my earlobe my breath quicken. and then he whispered "I'm not getting off until you say sorry" I moaned in pleasure what was he doing to me?

I needed this to stop right now! before I do something I'll regret like kiss him. "I'm sorry" I said in a whisper. "sorry Casanova, I can't quite hear you" he said in a low whisper. I swear to god! "I'm sorry" I said a little higher than before. he was still licking my ear kissing my jawline. and he was getting closer and closer to my lips. he was still on top of me so I knew that it wasn't enough. I moaned again against my own will. what? it's not my fault he so hot! and I get tingles every time he touches me.

his perfect lips brushed against my jawline again. I need to get him to stop, humans aren't supposed like vampires. And definitely aren't supposed to like them kissing them. "I'M SORRY" I shout he smirks and gets up. I guess that all it meant to him playing with my feeling just get his way. the kiss didn't mean anything else to him.

but it meant so much to me, and I have no idea why....

-to be continued