
The Royalty || The Mask

Katherine personally thinks that romance and politics go well hand in hand. What's more fun than to hold a knife behind someone's back as you lovingly embrace them in a sense of false security? Especially when you know how things are going to play out. Alex however believes that everything can either be influenced or strayed from the right path using the correct method inside the palace with it's hidden secrets. He's under the illusion that everyone is predictable one way or the other and that victory goes to those who pay attention to their surroundings. The key to the crown is to embrace the worst possible version of you. Even when he wears a false mask to hide the real him, he's still the winner. What happens when the dark mysterious Prince decides to befriend the Knight who encloses herself among prickly thorns and delicate roses

11 Chs

✎ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ: ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

✇ 10:00 EST; District of Tvaru

Northwest of Aeternum | 3rd Samas: Year 1345

° ᴾʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗ

Eren Anwyll Candestine.

Son of Duke Anwyll Kaiden Candestine. The greatest and strongest survey Knight from Haderekhel, the district that lies above the gates Hell.

He was a demon, metaphorically and literally.

No questions there.

That big, scary demon was also a loving fiancé and close friend of mine.

Said fiancé leisurely sipped a cup of green tea as he sat politely atop the diva, acting like he had no care in the world. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was almost mockingly peaceful, trying to stir a reaction out of me. The servants would say otherwise.

Even though they all stood at least a good measure of three foot away from him, nobody in the room missed the tremblings and whimpers that were emitted every once in a while from some corner at the far end of the room where they all stood, huddled together.

Eren himself knew what was happening and the damn bastard had the audacity to smirk.

He knew what he was doing and the effect he had on people. He really just wanted to toy with the workers of the mansion, didn't he?

To any other Higher Nobel who had divine powers, Eren was merely be the Knight from the well respected Demon clan under the Emperor's jurisdiction. However, to those who stood below any high rank, Eren was the principle example of a living nightmare.

Eren was a half-blooded demon just like all his ancestors or what the Aristocasts liked to call them, "demon mutts" rooted out from the underground. Sadly though, no one had the balls to say it in front of the Duke's face. Usually they would just shit their pants every time they make accidental eye contact with the Duke, Erens father, himself.

Eren was the perfect replica of what a half blood inkling would look like. Inheriting majority of a demons supernatural qualities while maintaining an image eerily similar to a human. There was nothing better to hand out on the tray for the empire to snatch.

Hauntingly pale skin similar to a ghoul, taut over his muscular yet slender frame since he has yet to grow into his newly developed adolescent body. Tall like most adults, Eren was an average spout in terms of demons physical structure. Hair an dark obsidian black that contrasted well with his skin and aura, it lay silky soft and curly on his head. Long enough to cover his eyes, it was always unruly like he had had just recently stepped out of bed.

However his eyes were his best features that the demons could have ever offered to humanity.

Pure enriched unfiltered black.

Exactly like the depth of the underground chambers hell would conjure from the ashes of deadly beasts and plants.

Unreal. Unreadable. Pit bottom deep and soul-haunting.

And they always reflected back the fear etched on your face as you would stare at them, unable to look away.

Fire and pain danced inside them. Sometimes mischief and anger on the undersides.

Erens eyes were a mystery and a gift dedicated to mankind. Nobody could ever get tired of looky at them if you were brave enough to do so at the first place.

The demon lord was also a very good suitor as well if you could ever overcome your natural fear. Handsome, strong and smart. Eren inherited a high social status and great influence in society. Despite being naturally quiet and emotionless, Eren was undoubtedly a woman charmer. It would have been easy to fall in love with him if you were an unsuspecting victim.

But it was unfortunate he had to be a no-good prick.

An arrogant, thick headed, no good prick that I despised with every cell inside my body.

Even now, as a young inexperienced maid came to place a tray of food, the asshole wrapped in human skin deliberately made eye contact, resulting in a shattered plate and more cries. Someone from the back cursed, and a new maid picked up the broken ceramic pieces whilst an older more experienced maid fetched another batch of food, gently placing the tray on top of the table. This time, unbroken and safe on top of the smooth surface; but the smirk on his face was enough for everyone to guess he was waiting for more incidents to occur.

My patience was running thin.

I didn't invite him inside to stare at broken pottery all day.

I hastily waved everyone out of the room. Nobody protested. Like a group of stampede, they all tried getting as far away from the male demon as soon as possible. Eren smiled warmly as the last one flooded out with a squeak.

I shot him a look. "I didn't invite you inside for tea just so that you could harass my workers."

He shot me one back. "The tea is lovely, thank you very much. Your workers on the other hand? I don't know much about that."

He placed a finger against his cheeks, pretending to think, soothingly humming. Never had I wanted to strangle someone so desperately my entire life.

"Staring at the guest and talking shit regarding him behind closed doors isn't the most respectable form of company I could request."

He was right. Unlike me, he could hear things going on for miles. The maids who whispered only a room away were as easy to hear like a rogue who was as desperate to kill. Even I, a Knight without any major divine or cursed power, could clearly hear the hateful words that spitted out of their mouth with ease.

My eyes softened as I looked at him.

It was very rare to receive hospitality when you were a blood spawn of Hell. I doubt any one treated Eren kindly without expecting something in return. The slightest mistakes would result in fingers directed towards him and his family. Eren would brush it off, act nonchalant, but I could see how much it hurted him on the inside. It wasn't easy at all being a Candestine.

I sighed. Killian could deal with the staffs attitude though I doubt it would make a difference. They would always fear the Candestines and nothing could change that.

I decided to put a pin on the thought and think of the actual matter currently occupying my hands.

"Why are you actually here?" I questioned, picking up a piece of raspberry cake with a metal tong. Last I knew, nothing interesting was happening around the borders, Eren had no reason to be here.

"Can't I pay my beautiful fiancé a visit?"

That damn bastard, answering a question with another question. He was pathetic if he thought that distraction would work.

"Drop the bullshit act, Eren." I whisper, rolling my eyes. Absent mindedly, I pushed the cake around the plate, watching as it eventually formed into mush. "You and I both know each other a bit too well for this so-called foreplay. Say what you really want to say."

According to study, avoiding eye contact was a sign of nervousness, timidness and weariness. I wonder which state of emotion coursed through his body currently for the naturally blunt and insensitive demon to avoid looking at me directly. Last I remembered, I wasn't that terrifying nor had I done anything to make him look like a meek helpless lamb.

Deciding not to rush him, I kept quiet; still pushing the cake around my plate. The cherry red frost, darkening into maroon as it mixed with the chocolate fillings and the white vanilla cream helped to lighten the colour slightly. This task kept me occupied for a while longer as I waited for Eren to gather his thoughts. It must have been a pretty big thing for him to become nervous and stay silent.

Regardless of my fake willingness to wait, I sat still.

If my patience had run thin before, it was hanging on a loose thread by now.

That's how close I was to snapping at him.

It was a good fifteen minutes before Eren gathered the courage to look at me. The interaction lasted only for a second though, before be faced the opposing direction. My expression remained stoic even when my jaw clenched in frustration more than once.

I had no idea what's with this sudden cat and mouse game of silence today but Eren realized that I had finally reached my limit when I slammed the plate on top of the table, successfully rattling the other contents.

"The tea is lovely," I mumble. "You should try it before it gets cold."

He could clearly see the underlying message there and still chose to remain oblivious, picking up the now-very-cold cup of tea that sat in front of him. He thanked me, drinking it. He didn't even care that it consisted a days worth of sugar. Ignorant fool.

Mouth open, ready to spew curses, I pose ready to demand answers from his. I was just about to snap again when Eren finally held eye contact with me, mouth wide open.

The next few words rushing out of his mouth were the most disappointing I've ever heard in my life.

"What's the date today?"


Did he just ask me for the date?

An hour of silence just to ask that?

Do I look like a goddamn calendar to him?

Forget the engagement, I was ready to throw hands.

This guy is as useful as a door without a handle and knob.

My cheeks twitched and I vaguely remembered my sister telling me not to push any boundaries with the Duke's son. However, this one time could be an exception.

Fantasizing all the ways I could cut off his air supply, the buffoon sitting in front of me raises his hand, interrupting my flow of thoughts.

"Forgive me, beloved" Eren whispered, trying his best not to provoke me furthermore, "but could you please think hard and tell me today's date and what's so special about it?"

This time instead of anger all I felt was confusion at his dumb (yet slightly concerning) inquiry. Why was he so pumped up about the stupid date?

My eyelashes flutter lightly against my cheek when my eyes close, burying myself deep into my thoughts.

There weren't any birthdays today. No big political events or festivals. No national holidays or any other important days of the year. I don't get what's so important today. Which is why I answer his question honestly.

"Its the third of Samas, the first Monday after the beginning of the new year."

I didn't add the curious 'why' afterwords to my answer. If he wanted to, Eren could state out the facts himself just fine.

Almost bracing himself for something Eren starts murmuring words in native demonic tongue. His words singe and burn the air and a slightly metallic taste inavdes my nose and taste buds. This was bad if he resorted to cursing in demonic.

He stands up only to kneel in front of me. As if he was making up for the time he avoided eye contact, Eren focuses his black eyes entirely on me for once, face completely neutral staring unabashedly.

He leans in and hugs me hardly. Breathing in and out through his mouth.

It wasn't romantic. Not in the slightest. We both didn't harbour any feelings for each other. This was just a sense of comfort and familiarity that came naturally for the both of us.

His scent was comforting. It carried a hint of mint and wild forest raspberry. As his hands completely wrapped around the small of my back, all I could smell was him and his natural burnt ash and metal scent until he pulled away, breathing heavy. Too heavy.

That's when I hear it. So silent it could have almost passed my ears unheard. Two words.

"He's back."

And that was all that was needed to make my blood run cold.

Eren hugged me harder against frame again. Squeezing me tightly. Again and again and again and again, a non-stop cycle of agains. Trying his best to distract me. Trying his best to stop my flow of thoughts rushing in, suffocating me, trying his best to stop the vivid images flashing through my head like a movie one after another as I recall everything that has ever happened and, and, and-

My brain short circuits slightly. It was interrupted from its thousand metre per hour pace as Eren resorts to extreme measures by grasping my throat. Efficiently, cutting off my air supply, still caging me against his frame.

He lets go of me once I returned a squeeze of my own, more gentler than he has been with me today. I understood his reasons although I didn't quite like them. It was only because of Eren I didn't fully panic today inside the reception room. I flinch just by thinking about it. What would I had done if someone other than Eren had delivered the news to me.

If Eren wasn't here to handle my breakdown, I don't know what to happen.

The mushed Raspberry cake that was set on fire alongside some other small items in the room because of me were proof that things wouldn't have gone well if Eren wasn't present today.

This was why Eren has avoided my crystal calls and letters for the last three days. Why he acted extra arrogant and cocky before dropping the news. Why he tried acting like brat in order to piss me off so that my anger could be converted to numbness instead of dread and trepidation.

He did a good job.

My entire body was frozen, unable to react.

I could barely swallow a lunge full of air with the amount of movement that I limited myself with. Eyes blurry, head dizzy, ears ringing with a buzzing sound in the background, I was aware that I wasn't in a safe state of mind.

He made me numb before delivering the news.

Bad idea.

If I was scared I could have at least felt something that resembles emotions. Anything.

Once I'm numb, I feel nothing which is worse.

Because if you at least feel fear, you know that you can feel something except the hollowness of your chest. When you're numb the only thing that surrounds you are the darkness and your own thoughts. There is nothing more terrifying than that.

This was what I had to endure for the next few moments until I felt it was safe enough for my chest to expand and contract, my breathing gradually increasing as my blood circulation regulated in a natural order once more.

The whole time Eren held my hand watching me drift in and out of my subconscious mind. He looked guilty and remorseful even though he shouldn't be. This wasn't his fault.

My mouth moved on its own accord.

Barely registering the words that spilled out of my mouth, my voice eventually reached my own ears, awaiting for his answers.


If possible, Eren looked even more guilty as he winced. Large calloused hands overlapping my own that looked tiny compared to his, Eren rubbing my knuckles with his forefingers, taking a seat beside me.

The ticking of the grandfather clock was almost painful to hear as I anxiously waited. Eren himself looked pained, like he didn't want to answer my question. In the end however, he did.

"Five days ago. We received a letter requesting our presence this morning."

Five days.

Five bloody days since the royal bastard had returned.

And I was only informed today.

I had one question left on the tip of my tongue.

"How long did you know that he was returning?"

Tracing my bottom lip, Eren gulped. "A week ago."

One week and he hadn't told me.

One entire week of staying in the dark.

If Eren had known this one week ago, so did my sister. And she hadn't told me shit. My fingers clenched. I'll make sure to swiftly visit her chambers tonight.

He knew and she knew and they both purposely didn't let me know. He must have a greater purpose behind all this to tell me today.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I ask. He surely had a reason to inform me now, otherwise he would have kept his mouth shut until I heard the news somewhere else.

Eren grimaced. The look on my face must not have been friendly. How sad for him that I didn't care at the moment. I just needed him to say what he needed to say and then to get out. He understood he was not welcome right now, so Eren decided to bluntly lay out the points.

"I'll make this quick," Eren said stiffly. "Attend the social gathering today. Hwa Pyeong will be there and she knows more about it then me. Avoid the counts daughter if possible and whatever you do, avoid talking about the gold mines in the East at all costs."

Eren released a well deserved breathe after he let out all that flow of information at once. I numbly nodded processing everything he said. Some of the things he said didn't make sense but Eren was more well informed about the Rebellion than I ever was, which was why I accepted his conditions.

Only one thought occupied my mind.

Hwa Pyeong knew about this too.

It seems like the two of us had alot to catch up on.

This was irrational and based more on emotions than business, but I couldn't bear to see Eren's face right now at the moment. Clasping my hands I faced my companion.

"If that's all, forgive me I must leave. I have another visit I must pay. Take care, the servants will escort you out."

Standing up, my legs slightly wobbled but I ignored that in favour of leaving this room. I made it to the far end before Eren's voice prevented me from moving furthermore.

"There's one more thing I need to say." Eren announced, voice unsure. He didn't seem quite confident, having an internal battle with himself, thinking whether he was permitted to say something or not. In the end, he passed me a crystal. I raised my eyebrows.

Shrugging, Eren leaned near my ear, his breathe fanning my neck.

"Alex says hello."

That was the only good news I had received this week.
