
The Royalty || The Mask

Katherine personally thinks that romance and politics go well hand in hand. What's more fun than to hold a knife behind someone's back as you lovingly embrace them in a sense of false security? Especially when you know how things are going to play out. Alex however believes that everything can either be influenced or strayed from the right path using the correct method inside the palace with it's hidden secrets. He's under the illusion that everyone is predictable one way or the other and that victory goes to those who pay attention to their surroundings. The key to the crown is to embrace the worst possible version of you. Even when he wears a false mask to hide the real him, he's still the winner. What happens when the dark mysterious Prince decides to befriend the Knight who encloses herself among prickly thorns and delicate roses

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11 Chs

✎ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ: ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏᴜʀ

✇ 13:00 EST; District of Tvaru

Northwest of Aeternum | 3rd Samas: Year 1345

° ᴾʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗ

Killian was suspicious.

Very, very, very suspicious.

He had been on edge the whole time ever since he came back from training the Dragon Knights outside.

I don't blame him. He had the right to be.

It wasn't every day he saw his youngest sister smile at him deliberately without any malice filled intentions accompanying them. Likely re-thinking every miniscule action he had performed in the past twenty-four hours that might've possibly pissed me off, gradually caused a whirlwind to form inside his head.

Oh well, if he wanted to waste his braincells on useless thoughts, who was I stop him? I'm completely fine on my own. I was too busy smiling like a damn fool.

Ever since I received that crystal message from Alex, nobody was able to wipe that smile off my face. Even Kathleen looked alarmed at how bright I suddenly became within the span of an hour or two.

If my happiness triggered my brother's natural safety mechanism and fear, then that was a 'you problem', not mine.

Leaving Killian alone in the reception room with his fear after double checking someone escorted Eren out, I realized there was a dilemma to face on my own.

The bloody social gathering Count Stewarisès's daughter was hosting.

Don't get me wrong.

I love attending a gathering every once in a while, hosted by some noble who had the latest gossip to spill.

This time however, I didn't have the energy nor will to plaster a fake smile on my face as I would have to compliment every female I come across. It was tiring and despite how happy I was, Eren's sudden cause of intrusion didn't spare my mind.

The Royal Prince was back.

After an entire year of isolation, the rumours of the young Prince returning from this mysterious academy the Royal Family claimed to attend was undoubtedly going to be a hot topic for the public when he makes his first annual appearance since God knows when.

This would cause a mass debate inside the Royal Palace on whose side they would support.

The Emperor's or the Empress's.

The Empress would most likely be ecstatic that her child is back from whatever hellhole his father sent him to. It was no hidden secret the Emperor despised his child more than his enemies.

There were even rumours that the Prince was an illegitimate bastard the Royal Queen conceived and the Empress was only alive for public and political purpose. Others claimed that the Emperor planned to replace someone who could properly handle the burden of the throne. Although he was the successor, the Prince had no say in this. He was not allowed to object.

Without a doubt, the Emperor would do his best, trying to hide the sudden visit for as long as he could. That was until the Empress unexpectedly throws a ball for the sake public appearances. As result, it would only take a few hours before all the talk would begin. Discrimination towards the Emperor, new scandals related to the Empress and a whole new bunch of gossip about the Prince.

This would not go without the royal family taking action. Charging the accusers and handing out punishments, slot of people will get involved one way or the other. Once all incidents occurr, this will no doubt be a major hassle to clean. I'm surprised the King hasn't killed his own son yet with the amount of trouble he caused.

I guess the Emperor has his reasons.

Besides the basic facts, it was most likely he had already sent a letter to my father for a quick return to the capital. His way of preventing any more leakage of valuable and personal information throughout the courts. 'For how long though' was a good question. If the news reached Eren's ears, it wouldn't be long for the Duke Denbrough to hear it as well. Then thee good for nothing Empire's dog would try to convince the Emperor to make his own biological son the heir while lapping up to the Prince.

How pitiful, he couldn't even be called the Crown Prince despite being of age.

I quietly snorted when the butler mentioned a public forum the Empress's henchmen nailed against the walls of the town hall. Something regarding a masquerade ball held on the night prior to New Year's Fest. So the side chick already made her move.

If you thought I disliked the Emperor, hated and feared the Royal Prince then I absolutely loathed the Royal Bitch.

Not just me but the entire family. The feeling of hate was also returned by our beloved Empress who complained and moaned about our family with all her might.

Losing count of the times she suggested our position be stripped due to some false claim from the Aristocasts, the Emperor had threatened to wipe out some enforcing members of the Aristocasts who were on her side, which made her hate us even more. We seemed to have the Emperor's approval and loyalty. Something she herself didn't acquire. Her son was no different either.

Wondering about the devil walking amongst us made goosebumps rise atop my skin. I would just have to do my best to avoid the menace if I couldn't help escape the festival.

Even Kathleen, a person who spent years mastering her expressions and features, couldn't help look surprised by the sudden free for all invitation, I doubt she would know about the letter Duke Candestine received. Which not only proved that Kathleen hadn't hidden anything from us but also the fact that none of the members of Marquess Ramanova family had learnt of the unexpected news. This made me really wonder whether the Emperor himself knew of their turn of events or the Empress had set all this up by herself and her royal followers.

She clearly had the upper hand here then.

God only knows what's going on inside the Royal Palace. I'm lucky I don't have to witness it at this very moment unlike the other Dukes.

When the time comes, I'll come to that.

I'll light up the fire only when I have to.

✇ 15:30 EST; District of Tvaru

Northwest of Aeternum | 3rd Samas: Year 1345

° ᴾʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗ

Two Hours.

Two excruciatingly slow painful hours.

That's how long it took for me to get dressed and dolled up enought to fit the unwritten social standards all other female socialites nobles complied with.

This was a routine every female had to follow since birth and had yet to grow used to. I was no different.

By the time I was done, I longed to lay down on the couch exhausted from sitting like a lifeless doll who couldn't move it's limbs.

I distinctly remember after my little dress up, the maids rushed to quickly place a pair of expensive shoes below my feet as Kathleen walked into the room. Imitating a gesture meant to signal others to get out.

Bowing they leave as quietly as they can, not wanting to disrupt the peace we achieved to keep inside the house. Blearily, I eye my sister who sits across me. Her expression of neutral interest, looking back at me. Waiting for me to react. Unless she had exciting news that involved a certain royal bastard or a proclaimed Duke, I wasn't that interested.

Guessing my lack of will to cooperate, Kathleen breathed in through her nose. This wasn't going to end well.

"I received a letter," she began.

What was I supposed to say?

Okay? Congrats? The mail arrives on time, thank God for that? I'm was kind of confused if I'm going to be honest.

"And what were the written contents?"

Struggling to properly form her words, Kathleen opened and closed her mouth like a gaping fish. Not the best look on her I'd admit. Hesitance showed clearly in her eyes. Waiting for her to speak had been torture because despite all my denial, I was very curious and interested.

Only after she deemed it long enough to put me through a silence filled agony did Kathleen finally speak.

"The Empress is hosting a masquerade ball. She has kindly iinvited us to the party."

Restraining myself from laughing out loud, I looked at my hand intently as if my life depended on it. Only a few hours and the She-Devil was already plotting her move. How shameless could she get.

"And the theme?" I tentatively ask. Every year was dedicated to a specific theme. Always different, never the same. Last year the theme was a swans purity and the theme of the year before that was the brightness of a sunflower. I wonder what idiotic cosplay will we have to wear now.


I froze.

Looking up, hoping she'd deny the words slipping pass her mouth like this was some sick joke, my mind was lost in a haze of confusion, anger and frustration. "What?"

"The elegance of a rose."

My sister didn't look so composed either. This incident was also a harsh blow to her, helping re-open old forgotten wounds. Hands trembling, her eyes held a certain hollowness to them I had only seen once before. I was instantly reminded that even though I suffered the most at the hands of the wreched Empress, my family didn't escape her claws unharmed either.

Avoiding the topic altogether wasn't going to solve it.

But it would relieve me of some headache currently and that's all that matters right now. I just needed one thing to ask.

"Where is it being held?"

A look of ponder flashed briefly on her face.

"The Gardens of Czuangra, it's an outdoor hosting but the green rooms will be converted into diner holding refreshments and banquets."

My brain still slightly fuzzy, nodded at this new piece of information slowly. I felt dazed. Too much information at once.

The Prince was back.

Eren knows something he isn't willing to share.

Alex's letter.

The clash between the Emperor and the Empress.

The sudden ball.

The goddamn theme that held much more meaning than what others thought.

Not to even mention the three traitors we found and executed yesterday along with the weigh of their personal baggage.

In the quiet of the room, my sister laid her hand over her protruding belly staring fondly. Is this what our mother looked like when we were inside her? I would never know. Kathleen might, but she might also grow cold. Best not ask her.

Getting up, I plopped a ring off my finger watching it sparkle. Shiny things were so pretty and so very useless. That's why I loved them.

Alot of things were shiny.

Jewelry. Polished metals. Reflective items held in the perfect angle. New things were shiny too.

Hwa Pyeongs and Wills unparalleled thinking might have formed a new plan already. Completely new and unheard of and without a doubt I knew I was going to love this just as much as I loved anything that shines.

"Alright." I answered, motioning for her to continue whatever she wanted to say.

If she was surprised she didn't show it. Instead she grimaced. Mouth tight, brows furrowed, lips bitten and all that there was to be needed to complete the look.

"The Emperor has requested our presence privately tomorrow night."

Times like these were when I was annoyed that I couldn't school my emotions as well as my sister. Practically looking like a confused alpaca, I motion for Kathleen to continue.

"In simpler words, we think he's doing this to make sure we prevent any more rumours of his 'lack of order' from growing. Insults are able to reach his ears as you know by now."

While the Emperor was quick to be a target of insult and mockery, he also had the absolute authority over all the branches, and insulting him would be a grave error.

My eyes narrowed. I knew exactly what the Emperor was inferring. He was hinting us to threaten or execute the person who started this. My fists clenched in anger, thinking carefully about my next words.

If I do it then-

But if I don't then also-

Either way, our family name will be stained. Not his.

What is the Emperor thinking?

What is father even thinking?

"What does father have to say about this matter?" I question. It doesn't matter what we say, the choice is all in father hand anyways.

Folding her hands Kathleen hands me another letter. This one less elegant than the previous. It had our House's Royal Seal.

There were also only 3 words inside:

Palace. Tomorrow Night.

That explains all. The choice was already made.

The just decided to inform us.

"Is father coming for the ball?"

"He might not have time after the execution."

"He can do all this for the crown but not for his family?"

"This isn't his choice Katherine. We can't do anything about it. Only once the Emperor is satisfied can father rest."

"Doesn't matter," I scoff. "If you don't have anything else to say, I'll be leaving."

Picking up the hem of my dress so that I don't trip, I head out before Kathleen grabs my shoulder. I peer at her over my shoulder, a silent look of question. She had a look that was a mixture of slight amusement and pain.

"Idris will also be there. today. Enjoy."

With that she leaves the room like I'm not standing there shell frozen, unable to move.

Well fuck, I'm screwed.