
The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World (Hiatus)

Silver, the best assassin of the world was betrayed by the very organization he worked away his life for. However, his soul survived and reincarnated in shinobi world thanks to a miracle. Now with the memories and skills of his previous life, he strives to leave a peaceful life since he is given a second chance. However, in this new world he must become stronger to live a peaceful life. So, he starts his journey to become the best shinobi of the world. However, fate plays a cruel twist in his life. Witness, the story of Kura Yuji, the Rogue Demon of the Shinobi world, hated and feared by the entire world. ---------------------- The story is about a villain cum anti-hero. The MC will kill anyone regardless of their identity, if they stand in his path. The story progression is very slow, so expect another lengthy novel of around 500 chapters. I don't own any rights to Naruto or related characters. My MC is my original creation and this novel is under creative common. ****I don't own the cover and if the original owner wants me to remove it. Please leave a message.**** Check out my patreon for advance chapters:- www.patreon.com/ForgottenLife Join my discord:- https://discord.gg/VB75gxpvyU

ForgottenLife · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
66 Chs

39. A Miracle

The assistant quickly fetches the towels, water, surgery equipment, and lots of cotton swabs and alcohol.

Tsunade picks up a hemostatic forceps. She clamps the blood vessels with forceps and cauterizes them. She wipes the remaining blood on the wound on his arm.

"The wound on the left arm is a flesh wound."

Tsunade uses 'the Mystic Palm technique' to accelerate the healing of wounds. Under the miraculous effect of the technique, the tissues around the wound grow rapidly. She reopens the blood vessels and uses a needle and thread to suture the wound.

"Apply bandage on the arm," Tsunade instructs the assistant and focuses her attention on Yuji's right shoulder.

She applies some chakra in her palm and softens and relaxes the ligament and muscles around the dislocated shoulder.

Snap… Crack…

With a snap, the humerus snaps back into the joint. Tsunade uses the 'Mystic Palm Technique' to accelerate the healing of shoulder tissues. Next, she turns her attention to the broken sternum and the bone fragments of ribs in the lungs. She carefully removes the rib fragment while accelerating the healing with the 'Mystic Palm technique'.

One by one, she reconnects the broken rib fragments and mends them together. Tsunade uses the technique of internal bone fixation by realigning the bone in their correct position and securing them in a place with a special chakra alloy.

"He is still in the growing phase of his body. So, his bones and muscles will grow and heal the damage. This chakra alloy will slowly dissipate breakdown his body in minerals once all the chakra is used up. By that time, the wound would be mostly healed up and the minerals of the chakra alloy will disperse in blood. Later, they will purify by kidneys and discharge through the body during defecation."

Tsunade mends the broken ribs and sternum. She carefully removes the small bone fragments from his body and places them on a tray.

These smaller bone fragments, if left in the body, will turn lethal and might pierce through other organs, causing serious internal injuries and bleeding. She heals the hole in the lung using the 'Mystic Palm Technique' and removes the excessive blood from the gap between the chest and the lungs.

After that, she mends the remaining broken ribs. She reconnects the blood vessels and closes the wound on the chest with a suture.

Sweat trickles down her forehead as she has been focused on the surgery for the past four hours. The assistant wipes the sweat with a towel and observes Tsunade's work in fascination.

'Those refined movements of hands and razor-sharp precision. Not only that the perfect chakra control with the 'Mystic Palm technique' and molding of chakra in various fine tools like needles, scalpels, forceps, and such. The graceful movement of her hand's multitasking is similar to the orchestra of an experienced musician.

Her medical skills, I am afraid, are even higher than Hiroto-san. I have attended several surgery lectures of Hiroto-san and not even he can perform surgery with such graceful and precise movements.'

"Now comes the most troublesome part." Tsunade turns to the tangled mess of veins, nerves, and chakra veins.


"I told him to use that technique. Despite that, I can't even blame him for his reckless action. It will be a miracle if his hand can recover from this."

"Pardon me, Tsunade-sama, but these wounds… I have never seen something like this." The assistant points toward his badly mangled right arm.

"What's your name? I even forgot to ask your name." Tsunade turns to her while disinfecting the wound with alcohol.

"Umm… Tsunade-sama, I am Keiko Senju." Keiko introduces herself.

"Hmm… Keiko… your backbone is bigger than your talent for medical ninjutsu. I am impressed by it." Tsunade praises Keiko's brave act of defying Hiroto's verdict.

Tsunade performs an incision on Yuji's right arm with a chakra scalpel as she continues.

"This little fellow is a friend of my younger friend. I taught him quite a few things since this kid is very talented. Though I am not his teacher, I am a sort of mentor for him. And the wound on his right arm is a result of the backlash of a technique I taught him."

Tsunade shakes her head while infusing her chakra into her palm and transferring it to Yuji's hand to remove the remnants of his dense black chakra from his bones, muscles, and other parts.

'What kind of incredible technique could that be to do such a thing? It must be some sort of forbidden technique?' Keiko speculates.

"This is the result of the backlash from the chakra-enhanced strength." Tsunade breaks the silence.

"Cch… chakra enhanced strength could cause such wounds." Keiko's eyes widen.

"Mm… it's not the regular version of chakra-enhanced strength, but rather his unique creation. It's is quite powerful and so is the backlash."

Tsunade carefully separates the tangled blood vessels with hemostatic forceps.


Next day in the morning,


Tsunade yawns while suturing the wounds on Yuji's hands.

"This is the last one. With this, I am done with the operation." She declares.

There are large black bags around her eyes.

"I am very sleepy."

Tsunade walks towards the door in drowsiness.

Swish… bam…

She slips on a cotton roll and falls to the floor.


The assistant hurriedly turns towards Tsunade.


Tsunade is soundly sleeping while snoring.

"Tsunade-sama!" The Senju assistant heaves a sigh of relief.

"Thank god, the princess is just exhausted from overwork."

She walks towards Tsunade and lifts her with slight strength. She places Tsunade on the nearby couch and covers her with a blanket.

"Tsunade-sama created a miracle. From this day onward, she might as well as be known as the best medic-nin of the entire shinobi world."

The assistant's gaze turns toward an unconscious Yuji.

"Tsunade-sama spent seven hours connecting, mending, and healing each and every bone, muscle, tissue, ligament, blood vessel, tenketsu points, and the most difficult of all the nerves.

Tsunade-sama told me that this is the aftereffect of using chakra-enhanced strength. I can't even use the normal chakra-enhanced strength since my chakra control is too poor for that. But this kid… he… he even modified such a technique."

Keiko shakes her head and cleans the room.

"Sigh… I probably will have to look for another job. There ain't no way I won't be fired after I disregarded the orders of my superiors. Even though I will lose my job, the sight of yesterday was a miraculous one. She didn't perform surgery; she performed a miracle. Even if I have the choice, I will still give up my job rather than miss that marvelous spectacle. Truly an eye opener…"

With slightly drowsy eyes, Keiko exits the room.

"How is he? How is the patient? Is he alright? His life isn't in danger, right?" A desperate voice full of questions entered her year.

Keiko turns around and notices Miina.

'Ah… she is the person who brought the patient here. But her outfit…'

She notices the nun outfit of Miina and hesitates.

"Umm… who might you be? What relation do you have with the patient?"

"I am Miina, a caretaker in Konoha's orphanage, and Yuji's guardian." Miina quickly introduces herself.

"So, you are his caretaker." Keiki heaves a sigh of relief.

"Yuji's life is out of danger. But… but… he has yet to regain his consciousness." Keiko hesitates before she decides to conceal some information from Miina.

'This woman is already distraught at the situation. If I say something unnecessary, then she might really… I would rather let Tsunade-sama clarify the situation since she might know this woman."

"Cc… can I see him?" Miina pleads.

"Umm… observing is fine. But please don't touch him. I just dressed his wound and his body is currently too fragile, slight shock of sudden movement might open his wounds." Keio warns her.

"Thank you so much!"

Miina wipes her teary eyes and enters the room. She looks around and spots Tsunade soundly sleeping on the couch.

'She… isn't she Tsunade-sama from the Senju clan? Was it she who treated Yuji's wounds? Yes, it must be her. She has been too kind to these kids." Miina nods and thanks Tsunade in her heart.

Previously, after the Hyuga medic-nin, Hiroto took hold of Yuji's surgery. He kicked her out of the room, since she might be a nuisance during the operation.

So, at that moment, Miina hurriedly returned to the orphanage to look after the kids. She asked another caretaker to take her position and decided to spend the rest of her night in the hospital.

Her gaze turns towards Yuji. Currently, Yuji's bare upper body is wrapped in multiple layers of bandages. Especially his right arm, which looks more like a club than a pair of limbs. Since she isn't allowed to touch Yuji's body, she concentrates her senses and hears Yuji's heartbeat and breathing.

"His heartbeat and breathing are somewhat normal."

The anxiousness on her face disappears slightly. She clasps her hands and closes her eyes to pray for Yuji's well-being.


Check out my patr eon to read some advance chapters of this series and read my other series Reborn In Naruto as Madara's Grandson.

www.pat reon.com/Forgottenlife