
The Rise of Dark Pokemon

With an indifferent expression Aoki said “If the sun can't reach me, let the darkness wrap me!" With a different perspective lets look at the whole world of Pokemons again.

samrat_bose · เกม
239 Chs


Once again, I went back to the black market. Aoki went to the Pokemon sales office and found a store. I sold four Pokemons that I had forgotten to sell. I got a total of 50,000 Union coins. Although not many, it is better than nothing. .

Then I went to the largest grocery store in the black market and bought a ring with a storage capacity of five cubic meters on the right hand index finger.

This ring looks very ordinary and takes the 50,000 Union coins that Aoki just got.

The belt that was previously distributed on the trial island's Team Rocket has only one cubic storage space. It is still too small for Aoki, and the logo of Team Rocket on that belt is too obvious. It can't be walked in the future. Also, use that belt, so buying a new storage tool is imperative.

I have to say that in Pokemon World, the research on such space storage items is still very developed. This five-cubic-capacity space ring is only worth 50,000 Union dollars.

But if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense, because Poké Ball is not a kind of space items? One of the most common Poké Balls, but also two hundred Union coins that's all.

Transfer all the items in the Team Rocket belt to the newly bought ring, and this ring will be his main storage tool without any surprises.

Then non-stop to the Pokémon food store, not to buy the ability block, just want to make some Top Rank Pokéblock, the required materials are not just ordinary Berry and medicinal ingredient.

And Aoki wants to make some Pokéblocks that match every Pokemon situation, and you need to configure some special foods, so rare items are essential.

Turning a blind eye to the variety of Pokéblocks in the store, even the top Rank Pokéblock in the store, there is not much interest.

But when I saw the price of the Top Rank Pokéblock, Aoki still consciously re-sighed again, really making money.

One of the most common, universal Pokéblocks that can be used by all Pokémons, the value of one is five hundred Union coins. This is just a price. To know the normal amount of Pokémon, it may take dozens to eat stop. And the higher the Level, the greater the food intake, so the frozen rice that consumes tens of thousands or even a few thousand is sprinkled.

Every time I see this price, Aoki has some eyes, but his current strength, Top Rank Pokéblock is not what he can sell.

If you let others know that his current strength, actually has the ability to make Top Rank Pokéblock, then it will not be wealth, but disaster.

The store is run by several Breeder homes in Saffron, and there is a Top Rank Breeder home among them, so even in the black market, no one dares to mess around in this store.

In the eyes of the clerk selling the fool, Aoki spent a full 1 million Union coin.

Others in the Pokemon food store are buying power blocks, but Aoki turned a blind eye to the hot Pokéblock, but was very interested in those weird items, which is why the sales look at Aoki's eyes.

But this is only for an ordinary clerk. If those who really understand Breeder see what Aoki bought, they will definitely guess what level of Breeder his identity is.

Aoki bought a dead quasi-Elite-level Houndoom with a tip-grinded powder with the most Dark Type energy, a dead quasi-Elite level than the carved feather, the two of the different things for making the Murkrow Pokéblock, Crucial role.

Prepared for Slowpoke's Psychic and Water Type is a poor quality sage stone powder and a piece of scale that has faded from the Elite Gyarados.

Ghosts need more energy, and is the most valuable item in Aoki's purchase, a small piece of Poison Type's inferior Black mud making material, and a Ghost tape that has long followed Ghost's Pokemon.

As for the unborn Skorupi, Aoki will also prepare Pokéblock in advance, so this time I also bought an item that matches his Attribute, a Heracross's Poison Type material.

It is because of these strange, but high-priced and surprising materials that have spent a total of Aoki 1 million Union coins.

However, if these materials are paired with the appropriate Berry and medicinal ingredient, the Top Rank Pokéblock produced will definitely be worth more than ten times.

After purchasing these materials, other special Berry plus medicinal ingredient also used Aoki hundred thousand Union coins.

When I walked out of the store, Aoki had only 70 tens of thousands of Union coins left, and then transferred the Union Coins under the help of the clerk to the bank card bound to the Union ID card, which would be the unnamed Black. Bank cards are discarded directly.

Although the bank card is anonymous, I don't know if Team Rocket has any hands or feet on it, or just discard it.

The three hundred sixty million that I just earned, in almost a day, there are only tens of thousands of 70 left. It can be seen that how much money Breeder Pokémon is, this is just Aoki's own ability to make Pokéblock. Under the premise, the average person wants to really cultivate a Pokemon, which is really a huge investment.

And these are just some of the consumption of Pokemons for a while, and after Pokéblock has finished eating, they will have to buy again, and as the Pokemon Level increases, the materials needed will get better and better.

A little tired of the body, Aoki walked out from a black market exit, did not cause any attention.

As for Slowpoke's Teleport, in Saffron City, Aoki no longer dared to let Slowpoke use it anymore. Nazi left him with enough heart shadows, even if she awakened Psychic, but no one wants to face herself. A powerhouse with no resilience.

After the black market, I found a remote corner and changed all of my dresses back to the previous league members.

Hit a car and head straight to the Pokémon Center in the city centre.

When I reached the center of Pokemon, the sky was completely dark. The original time was quite generous, but it was directly comatose for three or four hours by the sudden appearance of Nazi.

After presenting the alliance identity card, a room was opened in the Pokémon center, and then some Union coins were spent, allowing the staff to send the food of themselves and the Pokemons to the room.

After gorge oneself stopped and lay down on the bed, the things I experienced today are quite a bit more messy, and Aoki is a bit tired.

Coupled with the headache of just awakening Psychic, it has not been completely eliminated.

The huge sense of exhaustion spread to the whole body with the body that relaxed in bed, and eventually fell into a deep sleep.

In the Pokemon Center, although the room environment is Normal, it is almost absolutely safe. As long as there is no war or terrorist attack, the Pokemon Center is a symbol of the Alliance and represents security.


Recommended in the afternoon! Seeking collections and recommendations!