
The Rise of Dark Pokemon

With an indifferent expression Aoki said “If the sun can't reach me, let the darkness wrap me!" With a different perspective lets look at the whole world of Pokemons again.

samrat_bose · Games
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239 Chs


I don't know how long I have been lying on the ground. When Aoki woke up, I felt my head was about to burst Normal.

Gritted his teeth and slowly sat up with the support of Slowpoke and Murkrow.

Holding the temple on his head with his hand, the pain was slightly slowed down, and the frowning brow slightly eased and barely opened his eyes.

Looking at a pair of worried Slowpoke and Murkrow, gently opened his mouth, the voice is a bit dry and hoarse, "Slowpoke, Murkrow, are you all right? Ghosts?"

"jié jié ~~" Ghosts' voice is also weak, appearing behind Aoki.

The original purple gas on his body is now a lot thinner, swaying in the air, and somewhat frivolous.

Ghosts can be said to be Aoki's Pokemon, the most affected, although Nazi not at all against him, but the aftermath of the sturdy Psychic of Nazi, his body almost dissipated, after all, the level of Ghosts is too It is low.

Seeing ghosts is okay, but the body is a little weak, Aoki is also sighed in relief.

However, when he relaxed, the intense headache started again.

Slowpoke saw Aoki's headache and hesitated. He extended a forefoot and slowly placed it in Aoki's temple position. Then, along with some blue Psychic ripples, Psychic was slowly transported to Aoki's head. .

In an instant, a cool and comfortable feeling appeared from the temple, Aoki's headache was greatly relieved, and the feeling of hemp made him somewhat unable to scream, but fortunately he finally resisted.

Amazingly glanced at Slowpoke, when did Slowpoke's Psychic have a healing effect?

After a while, the pain in the brain has finally disappeared. Although there are sometimes low-frequency pains, it no longer affects his actions.

Aoki slowly stood up, shook the head, couldn't help but say, "Nazi, it's really…temperamental!"

Originally I wanted to say something swearing, but I thought of Nazi, who had just appeared suddenly. When I got to the lips, it became a helpless "temperamental".

Slowpoke's expression is a bit hesitant, as if thinking about something.

Aoki noticed the strangeness of Slowpoke and asked, "What's wrong? Slowpoke?"

When I heard Aoki's problem, Slowpoke's electrocardiogram started, and a squeaking sound rang in his mind. "Master, you seem…should be… um… wake up?"

"Awakened? What do you mean?" Slowpoke's words made Aoki stunned and awakened? What awakens?

At this time, Murkrow also ran a manual on his mouth and flew to Aoki.

Aoki subconsciously took over the book that Murkrow brought, and then saw a thin booklet with the book Psychic Practice Manual (Volume 1).

"Psychic Practice Handbook? Awakening? Awakened Psychic?" Aoki didn't react too much. Was it beaten by Nazi fiercely and awakened Psychic?

Listening to Aoki's self-talk, Slowpoke, Murkrow and Ghosts, the three Pokemons are nodded at the same time. When Aoki was awakened, they did not have the ability to act, but they were all sensitive to Psychic. They did find a copy from Aoki. The weak Psychic that appears in itself.

Although the Psychic is very weak, it is indeed awakening.

"But why don't I feel anything?" Seeing their Pokemons confirmed that they awakened Psychic, but why didn't they feel anything?

This thing, Slowpoke, they are also a doubt.

Murkrow and Ghosts don't have Psychic at all, so there is no right to speak, and Slowpoke will be Psychic, but he is born, and he is not very familiar with this awakening.

At this time, I suddenly remembered the book in my hand. This should be the practice manual that Nazi left for him. Maybe there is the answer he needs.

Fortunately, although this booklet is very thin, there is no nonsense inside. The first page introduces the use of Psychic's most Earl Dervish stage.

In fact, the simplest Psychic use is to attach Psychic energy to an item and then simply move or morph.

For those who have just become Psychic, the best way to test is to move an item.

Just after reading the first page of Aoki, I couldn't wait to close the book. Then I stared at the fist-sized stone on the ground, and my mind gathered and thought about moving the stone.

Until his eyes were bloodshot, both eyes turned into a cross-eyed eye, and there was no movement in the stone.

"Is this stone too big?"

Aoki didn't believe it. He changed a small stone with a thumb size and concentrated again.

Finally, a faint blue Psychic wave appeared on this pebbles, and with the will of Aoki, it slowly floated.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes, and then the concentrated will dissipated, and the pebbles "Pa" fell to the ground.

"It seems that I really wake up Psychic, but it's so weak, it doesn't seem to have much effect." Awakened Psychic, let Aoki have some little excitement, but thought of such a weak Psychic, let alone Nazi, just Even Slowpoke can't be compared, and my heart can't help but feel a little dazed.

"Forget it, I am very fortunate to be able to wake up. Maybe after cultivation, I can improve."

Psychic people don't have one in ten thousand, they can play a big role in life and in future battles, provided that Aoki's Psychic needs to go one step further.

In fact, Aoki didn't know that he didn't have the conditions to awaken Psychic. It was only after the third life, whether it was time or experience, his Inner Focus was better than ordinary people, but even so, he only had awakening. The conditions of Psychic, it is also difficult to wake up.

In the end, Nazi's palm of the strong Psychic made him complete the awakening.

Because Nazi only tried to discipline Aoki and wanted him to lose his mobility for a few hours, he concentrated his Psychic on Aoki's brain, and finally did not intend to open the shackles of his ordinary person. Help Aoki awakened. .

Awakening Psychic was an unexpected surprise, but in the face of the helpless feeling of Nazi, Aoki was very wrong, once again felt his weakness.

Putting the manual into the belt, now is not the time to study Psychic here, although the previous movement is not very big, but after all, it has been a long time, so it is better to leave first.

Use the Great Ball to put down Slowpoke, then let the weak ghosts hide in the shadows. In Murkrow's hesitant eyes, put a black robe to keep him on his shoulders and leave the area.


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