
The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Satoshi Sera, a prodigious law student, is summoned to the tumultuous world of Shield Hero. Brace yourself as he establishes democracy in a northern country and introduces modern industrialization and sweeping reforms! With catastrophic waves striking, gargantuan beasts awakening, and dangerous foes emerging, the only way for the small countries to survive is to unite. And who better to lead this new Confederation than the Bow Hero! (The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction, Replacing the Bow Hero)

Alexanderctn · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
56 Chs

Chapter 14 - A New Companion

The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Chapter 14 – A New Companion

Author's Note: Alright, some of you were freaking out because you thought Indigo was going to become a slave. No! He is not a slave, just got a monster crest applied on him to make him stronger and give him some other benefits. Satoshi is going to treat him just fine, I promise. Also, INDIGO IS NOT A TRAP!


The giant bird that was before me just a moment ago disappeared. Instead, what stood before me was a stunningly handsome man. This put even Motoyasu, the most handsome of us four heroes, to complete shame.

He had purple hair, like the color of his feathers. He was tall and lean, only a bit shorter than me, with vibrant purple eyes and an ovular jar. He had feathery wings that were around a meter in wingspan, that made him have the appearance of an angel. If I was back in America, this guy would definitely become a fashion model, no questions asked.

Strangely though, this man was buck naked.

"Y-You," I trembled. "Are you my filolial?"

"Yes," The man responded. "I am the same Indigo that has been traveling alongside you for the past few weeks."

"B-But how?" I stuttered. "How did you turn from that big, fat bird into this lean, good-looking dude? Anyways, can you turn into a filolial again?"

"Sure thing, bro!"

With another puff of smoke, the man standing before me reverted back to his original form.

"Sorry, please wait a minute." I spoke nervously. "I have to tell Rojeel something."

I sprinted out the tent, through the building and into the street.

"Rojeel!" I shouted. "Would you please go to the tailor, purchase the cheapest set of clothing, and hurry back? It's an emergency!"

I dropped a few coppers into his hands and bolted back into the tent.

"Alright. Now that that's sorted with, we need to talk. Beloukas, what the heck happened here?"

"I'm not so sure myself. You see, I've never seen a filolial king or queen in my life, and I've certainly never seen one turn into a human before."

"Well," I spoke. "Thank you, Beloukas. This was a great success. I didn't trust you at first, but I followed my gut instinct and followed through. Guess that was the right choice."

"Indigo." I continued. "Sorry for all the pain and discomfort I put you through, but I hope you will forgive me. The upcoming waves are going to be tough, and I did what I thought was the best thing to do."

"No problem! It didn't feel that bad, it just felt funny and that triggered my instincts, so I tried to flee. Now, I feel a lot stronger, and I could pull carts for days! Apology accepted."

Suddenly, Rojeel came bursting through the door, holding a set of clothing in his arms.

"Satoshi! Here's your clothes. What did you need them for?"

"Thanks, Rojeel. We're almost done here, please just wait outside for a bit."

Rojeel turned around and headed for the door.

"Here, Indigo. Try on these clothes for a bit. We just need to get you some basic garments for now, and I promise I'll get you some top-notch stuff in a bit."

With another poof, Indigo turned back into a human. He casually slipped on the clothes, and then sat back down.

"Well, our work here is done. Beloukas, have a nice day, and hopefully we'll meet another day. Since you did such a good job on the crest, here's another 15 silver as a bonus."

Indigo and I headed out the door and walked up to the carriage. Eda and Welst stared at us in bewilderment, while Rojeel just stood there.

"Wow!" Eda cried. "Where did you find such a handsome man! Is he going to join us?"

"As a matter of fact, he's been with us the entire time. Indigo, please change forms."

With another puff of smoke, Indigo expanded into his filolial form. The three party members were absolutely amazed, and then proceeded to chatter with each other.

"Well, I think we should get Indigo here some suitable clothes. These rags he has on him will not suffice. Come on, let's head to the best tailor in town."

After strapping Indigo to the carriage, we headed down the main road towards one of the well-known tailors that Eda had told me about. Indigo turned into a human as we walked into the shop.

"Hello." Eda greeted the shop owner. "We are here to buy clothes for our new friend. Maybe you would have a suggestion?"

"Indigo," I asked. "Can you please turn back into your human form."

With another poof, Indigo transformed into his human self. This time though, he had no clothes on.


"Turn back now, Indigo."

Indigo shrugged and transformed back into his normal self.

Wait, why did that happen? Since there was so much smoke after he transforms, I didn't see everything. Maybe his clothes tear off every time he transformed? That would make sense, since his filolial form is massive.

"Sorry for that." I apologized. "Do you know any place that has a type of fabric that doesn't tear when you transform?"

"Y-Yes." The shop owner replied. "Just head down the road, and you'll be there. They sell magic threat, which doesn't tear during transformations."

Embarrassed, I grabbed Indigo and ran out of the store. The rest of my party followed.

As we walked into the magic thread store, I waved towards the shop owner.

"Good afternoon. Do you have any magic thread we could purchase?"

"Sure. Go to that spinning wheel over there and use that to convert your mana into magic thread. Then, you just have to pay me and then you're done."

I quickly took off my cloak and threw it to Indigo, who was waiting outside.

"Indigo, please go sit down in front of the spinning wheel and create some magical thread."

As he was transforming, he quickly threw on the cloak, which barely covered the front of his body. He promptly hurried over to the wheel and began spinning.

I could tell he really wanted a new outfit, considering how embarrassing it would be to constantly have your clothes ripped off.

Chapter 15 out tomorrow!