
Act 15. A Lonely Town

Yvoxy was surprised to hear Rae's statement earlier. She even looked at Rae with a confused expression on her face, then asked to make it clear, "Could it be? A wizard, or a human?"

Rae immediately answered Yvoxy's question firmly, "That girl, according to my grandmother, will be born from the womb of a neutral wizard, however, her lover is a human!"

Yvoxy suddenly felt annoyed after hearing that answer, then looked at Rae with an angry expression on her face, then said, "No way! A wizard dares to have a relationship with a human? You're crazy, Rae. Dreams are dreams! If Ramona in your dream said that, it means that Demona can never be defeated, Rae! It's impossible, what kind of wizard would give birth to a child from a human she loved?"

Rae suddenly became confused after hearing Yvoxy's words, she could not help but take a deep breath, then said, "You're right, Yvoxy. Dreams are dreams. Alright, instead of just sitting around here, how about we find out what caused Lyxia to break Demona's seal. Didn't you promise those talkative senior wizards for three days?"

Yvoxy was then stunned for a while after hearing Rae's words just now. She just remembered that she only had three days to find out what happened to Lyxia before that girl actually got Demona back to rise.

"You're right, we should first find out what has happened in the human world before," Yvoxy said with a suddenly fresh face.

The two of them then rushed over, Yvoxy raised both her hands forward, then with her magic power, she created a portal to the human world. Yvoxy then entered first into the portal and then Rae followed her. They then arrived at a forest whose scenery was very beautiful.

The portal disappeared immediately after they had entered the human world. Yvoxy immediately rushed to take quick steps towards the small town next to the forest. Rae then followed her from behind. After running a while, they finally arrived at the small town.

The two of them had been running fast before, but now they began to slow down. For some reason, the town was usually busy during the day and had now become a bit quiet. Only a few people were seen walking around the market with extra care.

Yvoxy looked at the atmosphere of the small town with a surprised expression and began to mumble, "Usually, during the day, this town is always busy with people going back and forth, doing their activities like selling, buying goods, and it's not uncommon for me to even see some lovers, walking hand in hand. The dining area is also busy, but why is it a bit quiet this time? Even some places are closed?"

Rae nodded, then replied, "Normally during the day there will be a lot of people around here, Yvoxy, let me ask what has happened in this town so it's quiet."

Yvoxy nodded. Rae then walked towards an old woman who was cleaning the yard in front of a deserted fruit stall.

When she arrived in front of the fruit stall, Rae then asked the old woman, "Excuse me, Grandma, ah, introduce me, I'm a dancer from the next town. I just arrived from the big city over there, to teach ballet dance for the children in this small town. If I may ask, grandma, is the main theater open today? Because when I see this town today, it's a bit quiet. Is it a holiday here?"

The old woman immediately slammed the broom she was holding, then looked at Rae with a face full of fear. Rae herself immediately felt frightened too from shock.

The old woman also suddenly pointed to a road to the right of her fruit stall, then exclaimed, "Hey girl! You'd better go home! A few days ago, a young man died, all his body was turned black, even his face was unrecognizable! His house was over there, that way! How scary! We all believed it was the work of a witch, a wizard, a mage, or else they are called!"

"There was no way a human could kill and burn that man, but leaving his entire body turned into black without turning into ashes! All the council members in this town then agreed to limit people's activities, so that we can catch that damn witch as soon as possible! I think the man has done something bad with that witch, so he was cursed!"

Hearing the old woman's confession, Rae herself was immediately surprised, however, wanting to dig deeper information, she then asked again, "Grandma, what do you mean? How did you know that it was a witch's work?"

The old woman then replied, "Girl! I told you, there's no way humans can make a person's body burnt but still intact, like that! Even a burnt body will instantly turn to ashes! His body is all black and burnt but not turned into ashes! We can't recognize his face, but his body is still very intact, even his clothes are still in a good condition!"

"If you don't believe it, you can look directly into that young man's house! None of us want to touch his body! Young girl, even his body doesn't smell rotten even though it's been more than two days after we found his body! Never mind, I don't want to talk about it any further, this conversation is really making me sick!"

Then the old woman went straight into her fruit stand, leaving the stall open. Rae had heard all the words of the grandmother just now, but still looked confused. She then walked back to Yvoxy who had been waiting for her behind a stall that was closed today.

When Rae had arrived in front of Yvoxy, she immediately said, "There is a young man whose house is located over there," Rae said, pointing to a road, then she continued, "He was killed about two days ago, however, according to that grandma before, some people has seen his body intact, but it is very odd, his body is blackened but his clothes are still looked good and it doesn't look like he has been burnt by human, not even his body turned into ashes or got rotten."

"Yvoxy, do you think this was the work of a wizard from our world? Because according to the grandma earlier, the people here believe it is the work of a witch, thus, they limit their activities, even during the day, to catch the witch. That grandma even thinks that man was cursed because he has done something bad with a witch."

Yvoxy looked at Rae with a face filled with curiosity, and asked, "But we are wizards, not a witch. Ah, just where is that man's house? We have to find more clues, and it looks like a wizard's work. Humans' bodies will turn into ashes if they are burnt and will rot by hours after they have been killed, but you just said his body is intact and his clothes are still in good condition."

Rae immediately replied, "The grandmother I just asked earlier, pointed the way to the west but she didn't say the characteristics of the house of the young man, but the grandmother said that the young man's body was still in the house because there was no one would move him or bury him, or even touch his body out of fear of witches."

Yvoxy then nodded. She then took a deep breath, then together with Rae, she looked for the young man's house. They hurriedly walked towards the west, in the direction the old lady had pointed out before.