
Act 14. Instructions From Ramona

Rae had a dream in her sleep. She met her grandmother, Ramona, who was wearing white dress, white hair, with dark brown eyes, and her face was not aging. Ramona then looked at Rae and smiled at her.

Rae was surprised to see her grandmother smiling, because ever since she managed to seal Demona with the shards of her heart, all that Rae knew was that Ramona could not smile at all, let alone feel love, sadness, loneliness, disappointment, and other feelings.

Ramona smiled at Rae, and said "Rae, you never saw me because I died before you were born but, it seems that your parents told you everything about me, Rae."

Rae immediately ran, then hugged her grandmother who she had never even met.

After hugging her grandmother for a while, she then said, "Grandma! I finally got to meet you, for the first time! Ah, did you know that Demona has awakened? Someone has broken the seal, and Demona, she killed people… Including the girl who has broken the seal for her, and used that girl's body to become her own!"

Ramona just chuckled hearing the story from her granddaughter.

"Grandma, is it because of the Demona's seal that broke, and you got the shards of your heart back, and now you can smile again? They told me that you couldn't smile at all until the end of your life!" Rae asked curiously.

Ramona looked at her granddaughter, stroked her head, then replied, "Rae, you're all grown up now. I'm sorry I couldn't give you love when you were little, because I had to leave first. However, Rae, this is just a dream. I didn't get my heart shards back. I can smile at you, only just because this is a dream."

Rae just heard the answer from her grandmother, then her face suddenly got sad, and she said, "Grandmother, they don't let me dance anymore. I'm annoyed, very annoyed! They all blamed the beautiful ballet dances, just because of Demona!"

Ramona chuckled, then said, "Rae, I can't linger here for long. I will just tell you quickly. The seal I made for Demona, I will admit, was not that strong. Who was able to break Demona's seal, was someone who had a very strong evil intention in her heart? Who was the person who had succeeded in breaking that seal? She really had strong ambitions… And a big grudge in her heart."

Rae then lowered her head after hearing her grandmother's words. Ramona then hugged her, and after a while, she took her granddaughter for a walk.

Ramona was holding Rae's left hand, then said, "One day, the war between black wizards and white wizards will harm the neutral wizards, who don't belong to any group, be it black or white."

Hearing her grandmother's words, Rae immediately replied with a sad face, "Grandma, is there no other way to stop Demona? Even though I am a direct descendant of you, however, my strength is not that great. I don't want to get involved in all this, I just want to dance, Grandma…"

Ramona smiled at her granddaughter's words, then held her tighter, and said, "Rae. Listen to me. One day there will be a girl born from the womb of a neutral wizard, who loves a human. She can destroy Demona, however, in the early days of her life, things will be very hard for her. She might choose not to fight against Demona, for fear of her own power she has. But, if she is already able to control her own power, Demona then can be defeated forever… Or else, she can choose to seal Demona again, with her own heart shards like I did before."

Rae suddenly stopped walking, and made Ramona startled, so she looked back, then looked at Rae with a surprised expression, then Ramona asked, "What's the matter, my granddaughter? Why did you stop walking?"

Rae immediately asked her grandmother, "Grandma, if that girl is destined to fight Demona, if she succeeds in sealing Demona back, then one day, this event is going to occur again, right? I mean, someone will break Demona's seal again, and we will continue to fight against Demona, over and over again, and in the end, it is endless.”

Ramona smiled, and immediately replied, "Yes, dear. But if that girl agrees to help the wizard world, she will be able to destroy Demona forever, and the two worlds will return to calm and peace. Ah, yes, I want you to convey this to Yvoxy. Perhaps you will lose the girl, because she realizes that she is not a wizard, but a human, even though she was born from the womb of a neutral female wizard."

Rae was getting more and more confused, then asked again, "Didn't you say just now that the girl has magic powers, then why isn't she a wizard, then?"

Ramona then stroked Rae's head, then replied again, "Lady, you don't understand. Humans are interesting creatures. Their powers are not magic, however, the powers they have are feelings and emotions… And it is true, their feelings and emotions are more powerful than our magic power.

Rae suddenly woke up from the dream. She had returned to the real world. Surprised by her grandmother's last words in the dream earlier, Rae immediately sat on the edge of her bed, with a very surprised expression on her face.

Cold sweat started to run down her face, and she immediately mumbled to herself, "That girl... I have to find it. Grandma entrusted her to me. I have to find her, but, how? How do I know who this girl is and where to find her? Grandma, can you please show me the way?"

Rae immediately got up from her bed, and ran out of the room, opened the door without closing it again. She immediately put on her shoes, and opened the front door of her house, a moment later, she ran out after slamming the door.

Rae ran towards Yvoxy's house in a rush, however, she saw many black crows flying here and there, and the sky was still dark, without sun at all.

Paying no attention to that, Rae continued on her way quickly. When she arrived in front of Yvoxy's house, she then knocked on the door so loudly that Yvoxy, who was resting on her couch, was surprised to hear a loud banging from the door. She opened the door, then surprised to see Rae who was already standing while gasping for breath because she was running too fast.

"Rae! Ouch, are you stupid or innocent? You're a wizard! You can use your magic powers, right? Why didn't you just create a magic door rather than running like that?" Yvoxy asked with a surprised expression on her face.

Rae smiled after hearing that old female wizard, and after she finished taking a deep breath, she then replied to Yvoxy, "I forgot that I am a wizard, ever since I can dance. Ah, Yvoxy, my grandmother said something to you, I met her in my dream."

Hearing Rae's words just now, Yvoxy immediately smiled broadly, and invited Rae to enter her house, then asked Rae to sit on the floor with her by the fireplace.

"So, what did Ramona say?" Yvoxy asked with a pleased expression.

Rae then approached Yvoxy, and whispered very quietly, "Yvoxy, my grandmother said that we don't need to repeat this thing, over and over again. Sealing Demona is useless because one day she could rise again if there was someone who really had strong ambitions and evil intentions within her. However, later, there will come a time, that a girl is born from a female neutral wizard with her relationship with a human, to defeat Demona forever with her mighty power! And that's all my grandma said in my dream!"