
NightWolf Reborn

I wake up and my mouth is dry "This is why I keep a water bottle next to me when I sleep." I say to myself as I grab my water bottle and down the whole thing then throwing it away in my trash can In the corner. I then put my ear piece on and tap it to talk. "A.L.E.X. ONLINE... Good morning sir." says the A.I. Tony built. "Morning A.L.E.X., so what is on the agenda today?" I say as I put my shirt on for the day.

"Looks like you have today up as a intense training session until 7:00pm and then Mr. Naomasa set up a meeting with you to meet All Might and a student that will be in the same entrance exam with you." Says A.L.E.X. showing a holographic time chart to me "Is this the same child that the Metor all most hit last night?" I ask as I put a chip on the back of my neck for it to start pairing. "Sir you said today you weren't going to use your suit." 

"Oh yeah, Thanks for reminding me." I say as I take the chip off my neck.

"lets start today then." I say as I walk into a white room. "Diagnostic 104 sir?" Asks A.L.E.X. making the bots I've been fighting for the last week pop up. "Yeah, and remind me to make new bots." I say as I get into my fighting stance "Yes sir."

-------------------10 hours later-------------------

"Tony Wolfe!"

"Pause the diagnostic!" I say turning around to see who was talking.

"Hello?" I say to find out if anyone will answer. "Tony Wolfe, you have been chosen to be the successor of the darkest power." then a shadowy figure raise's from the ground with red eyes in knight's armor. "Yeah... good luck with that I already have that." I say making my eyes turn black with darkness.

~Then I guess you should have it any ways.~ Then in one motion the figure appears in front of Tony entering his body and inter locking Tony's dark powers with the figures. I then scream out in pain as my pupils turn red, I then start to paint from the power I was forced to have. - Shit.- I stand up and raise my hand towards the wall to my right and focuse my powers and blast the wall with a enough power to blow up the earth. -This is not good, but I'm still the same me so I'm fine.- I say clenching my fist in anger. " Sir your power just tripled." Says A.L.E.X. showing me a power chart from before to after -Well let's work with this and try to use it to my advantage.- I say throwing punch's sending gusts of air in the direction of the punch. -At least It hasn't changed how I act.- I say as I start to walk towards the meeting room to meet All Might and the student.