
Midoriya Reborn

Midoriya wakes up and throws his blacket off of him and jumps out of his bed and rushs to the kitchen and notices that his mother was sitting at the table "morning mom!" but she says nothing back but instead she starts to melt into black sludge, Midoriya then pulls out his phone but its too late his mother was already a puddle of blackness on the floor "Midoriya" says a voice "wake up Midoriya" all of a sudden Midoriya jolts up awake in a hospital bed "Where am I?" asks Midoriya as he looks around the room.

"Your in a Hospital" says a voice in Midoriya's head "who said that!" Midoriya then starts to look for the person who talked to him "I'm in your head I had to attach to you so I could survive, but If you wish for me too detach from you, I will do so." Midoriya instantly realized what had happened "No, you can stay... who and what are you." There was a moment of silence as a nurse passed through the hall "My name is Venom, and as for you're other question I am what my people call a Klyntar or in you language I'm a Symbiote and my people are a race of aliens that arrive at planets conjoin with the animals there, once we do we conquer and destroy the planet but, sense I didn't agree with my people I became an outcast and am not welcome on my planet anymore." Midoriya looked puzzled at this. "I have looked through your brain and found that you don't have a so called "quirk" like the rest of society and that you are going to inherit All Might's quirk, is this true?" Asked Venom but before Midoriya answered he thought about how this would help him.

"Young Midoriya I could help you become more stronger with the quirk your going to acquire from All Might but that would mean we need fully link together." Midoriya thought about this for a second. "Do It"

"Fair Warning this will hurt for both of us." and after those words a black mass forms over Midoriya but even though Midoriya was told it would hurt he screamed in pain. All of a sudden the door bursts open. "I AM H- WHAT IN THE HELL!" says All Might raising his fist get ready to punch. "No!, All Might don't stop him." All Might then put his had down and wondered if this was one of his friends then Midoriya fell out of bed and once he hit the floor both Midoriya and Venom were inter locked.

"What is that?" Asked All Might Midoriya then looked at All Might as the black mass formed a suit around Midoriya revealing teeth and a long tounge. "We are Venom."