
The Punisher System

At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. A frightening past hunts her as she searches for clues related to that incident. In doing so, she sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss. However, just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that appeared out of the blue and guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First, take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real-life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. Discord:- https://discord.gg/mk9kTgPU8M If you like this book, want to support the author or read more chapters, please do so on patreon. Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/beautifulscarlet

Scarletwaves18 · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Take An Angel By The Wings

"…your next drink is on the house!"

Standing backstage, Ifeoluwa could hear Cynthia's voice as she addressed the crowd.

She felt nervous.

She was to go on stage in a few and sing in front of numerous strangers.

But even though she was wearing a ridiculously heavy rabbit mask, she couldn't help the apprehensive feeling that crept up her skin.

"Well, Iffy. What are you waiting for? Go on stage." Cynthia said, looking at the masked girl. She was a seductive woman with a slow-paced voice and an ever-present teasing expression.

Cynthia saw the girl still standing in place after seconds had passed, and folded her arms with a smirk hanging on her lips.

"Oh? You scared, little girl?" Cynthia asked teasingly. Her tone was sweet, but Ifeoluwa knew not to take her lightly.

Cynthia was the kind of woman who could ruin a person while donning an innocent smile on her face.

In some ways she reminded her of her mother but, in contrast, Priscilla was more explicit.

Thinking about it, Ifeoluwa concluded that her mother wasn't as tricky to deal with as all the people she had met in the past five days.

Ever since she was thrown out.

"I'm not scared." Ifeoluwa said, feigning composure even though the hands holding her guitar had turned clammy.

"Good. Don't embarrass me, okay? I went through great lengths to get the boss to let you sing here. You can't even imagine. Better not waste this opportunity, dear." Cynthia spoke solemnly.

"I won't." Ifeoluwa responded candidly. She felt grateful to Cynthia.

After wandering about for days, she visited various establishments searching for a job.

Before she left, Priscilla had sent Naomi to give her some money to take along.

However, it was only enough to last five days. Something she was sure her mother calculated.

This was the only place that gave her a chance to work. As she was still a minor and couldn't work here officially, she was asked if she had any special qualities.

The job offers in a club were not exactly child-friendly.

The only thing she could do was sing as a side attraction, but tonight was only a trial.

If she was unable to get favourable responses from the patrons, she would be fired.

Ifeoluwa thought about all this and inhaled deeply. She steeled herself and started to walk.

After a few steps, she paused and turned to Cynthia, who looked back at her.

"…thank you." Ifeoluwa spoke softly, gazing at Cynthia from behind the rabbit mask.

Cynthia looked at her with curved eyes before urging her on.

"No need dear. Just don't fu*k up on stage. That'll be enough. He-he, it'll be even better if you could bring in more money for the club~"

The teenager stared at her before lowering her head. She then turned around and left the place, leaving Cynthia to stare at her departing figure.

Looking at the crowd, Ifeoluwa's repressed nerves tensed once again. The uneasiness she felt caused her to take a step back reflexively, but she took a deep breath to calm herself and closed her eyes instead.

This way she wouldn't see anyone and wouldn't be as anxious.

'Relax. There just people. There are pumpkins. Yes. Do this for…for mother. If I get this job, I'll prove to her that I can survive alone. Then she won't abandon me…'

Ifeoluwa chanted these words to hypnotize herself and they seemed to calm her down. She steadied herself on the stool and balanced the guitar on her legs.

Thereafter, she looked at the microphone and began to sing…


"Old soul, your wounds they show…

I know you have never felt so low…

But hold on, head up, be strong…

Oh, hold on…

Hold on until you hear them come…

Here they come…"

Following the gentle singing was the silence of an entranced crowd.

The club was so quiet that you could almost feel it. It made it so that the singing echoed throughout every corner of the room.

Ifeoluwa felt herself in a trance as she channelled all her restrained emotions into the song.

The pain of separation, the subtle feeling of betrayal, the self-hate at disappointing her mother… every emotion in her heart that she quelled but could never express…she conveyed them all in the only way she knew how.

Through music…

"Take an angel by the wings…

Time to tell her everything…

Ask her for the strength to stay…

You can, you can…

You can do anything…"

The girl in the rabbit mask had a voice that seemingly came out of a fairy tale.

There was a magical quality in her singing that took them directly into the scene described by the song.

They could feel every emotion portrayed by the singer. Sadness, desperation, determination…

The way she could lead their emotions overwhelmed, fascinated and terrified them at the same time. Tejumole included.

Yet, just as she was beginning to immerse herself in the soulful singing, Tejumole's view was blocked by a string of words. There was a new message flickering mischievously on the system's black screen.

"You have a new mission host."

Ranta moved closer to Tejumole as they both looked at the screen.

He was just as baffled as she was.

The mission this time was really strange. First, the system practically forced Tejumole to come to this bar, and now she was issued such a bizarre mission with an inactive time limit.

Just then, a new message floated across the screen, making her narrow her brown eyes in thought.

[(Side Quest:

1. Find the puzzle piece

To kickstart the main mission, the host must find and establish contact with the key individual. You must also keep them safe during this period. Harm to this individual will result in the ultimate failure of the mission.

Failure will result in devastating consequences.

Reward– 70EXP points

2. Connect the Dots

Due to the complexity of this mission, the host is expected to acquire the necessary skills before venturing into the den. The host must also find the important individuals that form the foundation.

The host has ten days to do this.


<50EXP points

<Unlock a new skill}

3. Restore the vase

Sometimes eliminating pests and weeds is not sure to restore a flower's beauty. Restore the broken vase so that the flower can have a home to bloom.

<180EXP points

<New skill)

–Failure to complete this mission satisfactorily as deemed by the system will result in severe punishment and heavy point deduction by 90%.

Good luck host.]

With narrowed eyes, Tejumole looked at the person on stage.

She wondered what connection the girl had with the mission.

Though it was strange, Tejumole speculated that this girl was the key piece needed to complete her task.

She couldn't explain why she felt so, but it was like there was a voice telling her that she was right.

Also, the girl gave a familiar feeling.

Not the kind where they met physically.

No, it was different.

She seemed to recognize the depressing aura surrounding the girl.

Her tone indicated a subtle despondency that was easy to slip unnoticed.

But to Tejumole… such overwhelming feelings…

They were…nostalgic.

"Host, this task won't be easy." Next to her, the fluffy, grey squirrel whispered.

"When has it ever?" Tejumole deactivated Lucid fantasm as she responded. Her previous thoughts were discarded with Ranta's interruption.

She said so but agreed with Ranta.

Although none of the missions assigned by the system were simple, this one was different.

It was obvious from how unusual the instructions were. Some were straightforward and others, not so much.

Normally, the system would just give her a new mission out of the blue.

Most times it was in riddles and hardly discernable; however, it was always explicit with a definite goal to work towards.

This was the first time a mission was triggered by something.

A person per se.

It was strange but…

As Tejumole looked at the girl on stage, her lips hooked up slightly.

Ranta who saw her expression felt his heart skip a beat.

Not because she looked good while smiling, but because whenever she had this expression, Tejumole would become a different person.

Ranta gulped and steeled himself. His host had taken a great interest in this mission, and he could only sit tight and ride the rollercoaster that would soon take off.

Tejumole placed her hand under her chin as she drummed her fingers on the table.

She closed her eyes and let herself flow with the tune of the music.

She felt like a leaf floating on a water surface.

"What beautiful singing. I might need an autograph. Don't you think…?" Tejumole uttered slowly under Ranta's gaze.

Since she found the possible piece, Tejumole decided to keep her around until the end of the mission.

Therefore, while the clubgoers were immersed in the beautiful singing, Tejumole decided to watch the singer closely.

And also keep her near.

Scarlet:Hello,dear readers~

I'm not sure if you noticed but,I was pretty sad when writing this chapter.My little bunny is so pitiful!She's still so hung up on a ‘mother’who probably doesn't give a rats as* about her.I'm so annoyed!

*Bites handkerchief*

Also,*scarlet whispers*don't you think Teejay was a little creepy in this chapter.I mean I was shocked*hand on chest*

Tejumole:are you done?

Scarlet:eerk!When did you all get here?

Scarlet is caught gossiping by the family.Guess what they did…

Scarletwaves18creators' thoughts