
The Punisher System

At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. A frightening past hunts her as she searches for clues related to that incident. In doing so, she sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss. However, just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that appeared out of the blue and guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First, take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real-life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. Discord:- https://discord.gg/mk9kTgPU8M If you like this book, want to support the author or read more chapters, please do so on patreon. Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/beautifulscarlet

Scarletwaves18 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Save The Flowers

Two days later…

It was nighttime in the bustling city. But although the sun had long set, in the city that never slept, the day was only just beginning for some.

In these streets, there were buildings lit with bright light, night food stands and scantily dressed women standing by the roadside, all powdered up.

"Hey, handsome. Do you need someone to keep you company? I assure you'll be satisfied." A short woman wearing tight clothes approached Daniel, who had alarming bags under his eyes.

Following her steps were two other ladies in similar attire, who surrounded Daniel and attempted to grope him.

"Excuse me." Daniel let out with a rigid face and tried to escape their encirclement, but was stopped by a taller lady.

"Aahahn. Fine boy. Relax na. We no be ghost (we're not ghosts). But we can be if you want us to. You get?" The lady smacked her lips and spoke suggestively.

Her hands roamed Daniel's arms and even through his thick hoodie, he could still feel the unwanted touch on his skin.

He frowned and looked at the surrounding women.

Daniel never liked coming to this street. Especially at night. He faced the same thing whenever he did and honestly, he was getting fed up.

Usually, he restrained himself and tried to exercise a little patience with these women, but he had been working none stop for days and right now apart from feeling tired, he was starting to feel irritated.

"Get off me. Unless you want to be charged with assaulting an officer." Daniel uttered coldly as he took out his badge. The eyes of the women then widened cautiously before they released him and stepped aside.

Daniel glanced at them briefly before walking away triumphantly in the direction of a clubhouse.

'Using the badge is still the best.'

Daniel passed a few more buildings before coming to a halt in front of an establishment with neon orange lights.

"La club… what a catchy name." Daniel looked at the name on the plaque and spoke sarcastically.

Soon after, he rubbed the sides of his forehead and walked into the club.


"This place is so noisy…" Sitting alone at an isolated table was a frustrated Tejumole who looked on at the clamour before her in annoyance.

It had been over a week since she completed her previous mission.

She was working late today at the university when, out of the blue, the system issued her a compulsory task with a time limit of two hours.

She had to rush halfway across town to find this place, else she would lose all her hard-earned points!

To think the system would coerce her in such a manner. How shameless.

In her rush, she had to let Haoyu leave without her and hurry to this noisy place alone, as she couldn't bring a child to such a shady establishment.

A growing child is easily influenced by his surroundings, was what she thought.

"Ranta, has the system developed a weird habit to make me come here on a Friday night?" Tejumole folded her arms and leaned into the long seat.

She could hardly hear herself with the loud music, and she felt stuffy being in a place as crowded as this.

Luckily, she could use her skill, Lucid Fantasm to mask her presence and even make people stay away from her position.

Or else, her night would be worse if she was bothered by people here.

[Active Skill: Lucid fantasm

(Lucid Fantasm LV2 EXP:28/40–Allows the host to obscure her presence until she is almost intangible. This skill grants an ability to influence the surroundings, making people subconsciously ignore the area.

However, an inquisitive person will discover the host's presence if further investigation is made.

In addition, by sacrificing a bit of vitality, objects can pass through the body unhindered.

— Skill can be used successively for 20 minutes.

— Cooldown time after use is 10 minutes.)]

Ranta glanced at his host and stifled a laugh. His host presently was like a child being forced to do something she didn't want to.

It was fun to watch.

Clearing his throat, Ranta responded telepathically.

"Patience, host. We've only been here for fifteen minutes. There should be a reason why the system issued the quest. Let's wait a bit." Ranta shook his tail and glanced at the active people around.

His body was about the size of a palm, with grey fur and green lines running along his back. His tail shook excitedly, and he stood on his hind legs doing something that Tejumole thought looked like a person having a spasm rather than dancing.

In contrast to Tejumole, Ranta was having the time of his life as he wiggled his small, squirrel body to the beat of the playing music.

"Get your tail out of my face…" Tejumole pushed the bushy tail away, and sighed helplessly when she saw her S.A.I ignore her predicament.

'Traitor…enjoying yourself, huh?' Her eyes narrowed slightly before her lips hooked into an impish smirk.

She suddenly had an interesting thought while looking at Ranta.

The clueless S.A.I was still moving his squirrely butt to the beat when he felt a chill run down his spine.

He turned his head sharply in time to see Tejumole reaching out to his tail.

They stared at each other, locked in a stalemate.

Tejumole had her hand outstretched with a razor sticking out of it, while Ranta stood in place and watched her with widened eyes.

'What do you w-want…?'


'Why do you have a razor?'

'… No reason.'

Although no words were exchanged, Ranta and Tejumole understood what the other meant through their eyes.

Instantly, before Ranta could react, Tejumole grabbed him by his tail before he could escape. Her grip tightened at the end of the tail, only a shy breath away from missing.

She gathered the struggling squirrel into her arms and effortlessly restrained his movements.

"Let go! Host, let go!"

"No." Tejumole responded curtly. She pressed Ranta on the table and brought the razor to his tail.

'I've never shaved a squirrel before…'

"Stop. Host whatever you're trying to do, don't do it! T-this…this must be a violation of some sort. Let me go. Gyah! Boo-boo…"

Ranta was so frightened that he started to weep. He even began shouting for help even though no other person could see him.

The last time his host got like this was when she had to attend a formal meeting for a mission.

It was the most traditional gathering he ever had the displeasure of attending.

At the time, his host was bored out of her mind and began to pluck his feathers!

Unfortunately, he took the form of a bird that day and when she was finished, he was already a plucked chicken!

Ashamed and traumatized, Ranta hid himself for days in the system.

That was about a year ago, but it seems history was about to repeat itself.

'No!! I don't want to be ugly!'

Tejumole ignored the pitiful squirrel's resistance and brought her razor to his tail.

She proceeded to cut off the hair, but stopped when she heard a female voice calling for attention.

Ranta escaped Tejumole's grip and scurried to the far end of the table. He clutched his tail tightly and kissed it while thanking his stars.

"I'm saved…boohoo…" He shed tears of joy while Tejumole glanced at the woman on stage.

"Good evening everyone. How una dey (how are you all doing)!" A woman with long straight hair shouted into the microphone.

Her holler was met with the enthusiastic response of the crowd.

The club was overflowing with the smell of sweat, and the suffocating stench of smoke and drinks.

It was a place packed with youthful energy. An outlet to let loose after a long, tiring week.

"Tonight, we have a special event for you all. Can you guess what it is? Okay, I'll tell you. Here, on this lovely night, La club has been graced with the presence of an angel~ Ahh, don't be anxious. Instead, why don't you relax and enjoy the show for the next fifteen minutes? I'm certain you'll understand why I'm so excited after then." The woman flipped her hair and spoke in a passionate voice.

She looked around at the patrons who had their attention on her and continued.

"I won't keep you waiting any longer. Please welcome our special guest, Iffy. Who I'm sure will steal your hearts, he-he. Also~ as a courtesy of the club, everyone gets a drink, on the house!"

"Woo-hoo!! That's what I'm talking about."

"Get me my drink. Babe come here. Let's go to our corner, huh?!"

"Stop it~ People are watching…"

The crowd erupted in chatter and most people left the dance floor to find seats. Honestly, they felt pretty tired after dancing.

Daniel drank from his cup and placed it on the counter, asking for a refill.

"I should get going…" He said checking the time on his watch.

Amidst the clamour, a beautiful voice began to sing.

It was a soft and soulful female voice that drew the crowd's attention, putting the club in a strange silence.

Accompanying the music was the sound of a guitar. The voice and stringed instrument fitted seamlessly together, creating music that captivated every person present.

On the stage was a person sitting with a guitar on her legs. She wore simple clothing and had a rabbit mask on her face.

Tejumole rested her body on the seat and admired the masked girl's singing. However, in the next second, her gaze changed when she saw the message that appeared before her.

[New mission alert.

Grade: 2.5stars

Time limit– inactive

(Main Mission: Save the flowers– 0% completion.

An inscrutable cancer that threatens society. It ruins the lives of others and gives pleasure to the rest. The damaged souls are trapped and forced to commit atrocities by their captors.

A silent battle taking place under warps in the city. These sinners have committed grave sins and must pay for their crimes as the host sees fit.

Clue – destroy the illegal prostitution ring from the root. Save the flowers.)]

"The heck!?"

Scarlet: Three important characters in the same place. Mmm...will they make contact? Should they suffer a bit? Ahh, I'm feeling tempted~

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