

Gazing at the map that was laid out on the table in front of him, the King of the Night Faeries thoughtfully stroked his jaw. There were a lot of red pins in certain places. Places that the Human purger organization known as Ironblades had recently attacked.

It didn't appear like Arius's hope that support for their goal would wane as quickly as it had gained was realized. They were getting more and more individuals to support them. The extinction of all Faerie Kind might result if their power and population kept increasing.

The Ironblades swore allegiance to the destruction of Faeries and all those descended from them. Just as pureblooded Faeries were targeted, so too were Scindoes and Witches. No matter how diluted their bloodlines might be, the Ironblades didn't care. A person swiftly met their demise if they had magic, or even only a drop of Faerie blood. Usually at the end of a blade made of iron.

That was how the gang got their reputation. For pureblooded Faeries, iron was lethal, and for anybody descended from them, dangerous. Knowing this, the Ironblades took advantage of the weakness. They were armored in iron. They had iron weapons with them. They even added iron to the poisons they created. When a faerie encountered an Ironblade, they seldom left, and when they did, it was usually not intact.

"Arius?" His shoulder was stroked by a soft hand covered with tattoos of gold and black.

Arius brushed aside his thoughts and turned to face his spouse. "We have to do something."

A woman with white hair stated, "I don't see what we can do." With her hand firmly planted on her hip, she took a position across the table. Her wings were big and membrane-like, like those of a bat, and snuggled tight to her back. "We've already spoken to Brandr and Aurora, and the Human Governors won't do anything."

Arius's sister-in-law sneered, "The Human Governors are cowards." With her long auburn hair tucked over her shoulder, Asena placed her palms firmly on the table. "I thought you already knew that, Esen."

Esen rolled her crystal-clear eyes. I carried it out. I just didn't realize how strong their cowardice was."

"Can we blame them?" Once more, Arius' wife spoke. With a tired sigh, Iyan rubbed her forehead. "What can they hope to do against the Ironblades if we can't even stop them?"

"It's time to pass some laws or hold some public executions," muttered Arius. "Worked well enough in the past." Magic flooded through his veins, causing the silver swirls on his dark wings to flash. After a few moments, he let it settle instead of unleashing it. "It is now irrelevant. Neither the Day Faeries nor the Governors can save us. It will be necessary for us to act independently."

"Esen scowled "As usual." To his cousin, Arius inclined his head.

"Well, it's obvious they're planning something big," said Asena. "The ferocity of their techniques is rising. Casualties have increased. Every time they launch an attack, their forces get closer to our territory. There is activity happening. Find out what we need to do."

Gazing thoughtfully through amethyst eyes, the second male in the room moved closer to the table. While Esen looked curiously at her twin, Asena remained silent, waiting for her husband to speak. Lifting his head, Gabriel found a few locks of charcoal hair dusting his forehead.

He said simply, "We need someone on the inside." "We aren't going to learn anything just by watching the Iron Blades slaughter our people."

"Right now, no human will consent to collaborate with us," Iyan said. "They're all too afraid and Witches can't glamorize themselves to blend in."

"Neither Scindoes nor Faeries can be sent, either," Esen continued. "During the day or night. It won't be significant. It's too risky. No Faerie is willing to take that chance."

Arius sighed, "We're short on time and options." The Ironblades won't have as much difficulty traveling across the nation as the snow melts and spring arrives. They could attack on a massive scale without any problems. Gabriel is correct. We require an insider. I'll do it if none of the other candidates are willing."

Already, his family was shaking their heads. "You're too recognizable, even if you glamorize yourself," Esen replied.

"And what about our people?" Asena fixed a shrewd brown gaze on him. "Who will lead us if you're killed?"

"Iyan will," Arius answered without hesitation.

"Our lives are bound. Have you forgotten that?" Iyan asked softly. "What about Rhosyn? Do you think she could bear losing us? Do you think she could lead our people at only six years old? Do you think Rho deserves to lose her parents the way you lost your mother?"

Arius froze, his memories surfacing unbidden. "Someone has to go," he bit out.

"I might know someone who would be willing," Gabriel said, knitting his brows as he thought. "He worked as a spy for your father for years, and I believe he's an assassin now. He's exceptionally skilled at glamouring and knows Ironblade tactics and protocol."

"Who?" Arius prompted.

"The Shadow of Death."

Arius tilted his raven head. "Kalian Deirdre". I remember him being a skilled warrior and spy, but an assassin?"

Esen nodded. "And how does he know so much about Iron Blades?"

Gabriel hesitated, as though contemplating how much to share. At last, he spoke. "Kalian has been hunting Iron Blades for the past two years. He's learned about them from experience."

"Why is he hunting them?" Esen asked, arching a brow.

"That, I can't say." Gabriel's gaze slid to Arius'. "But he is skilled, and if you remember how he fought, then you remember how devoted he is to our people. If anyone can do it, he can."

"The question isn't if he can," Iyan murmured. "It's if he will."

"I guess we'll find out." Arius straightened, folding his arms over his chest. "Summon him. We don't have much time to waste."