
2. The Risks of Acceptance

"I'm sure you've noticed that the Ironblade attacks have increased in frequency and ferocity compared to earlier times," Arius, the king, said. He crossed the room and stopped in front of a table. Kalian waited until the King motioned for him to approach. This map displays the attacks they have carried out in the last two weeks. With every one, they get closer to the Faerie Lands."

Kalian looked down at the map, noting all the red pins and their relative proximity to the Faerie Lands and the Vetiti Forest. He realized that Queen Iyan and her sister were as close as Sparrow Haven, as he looked at them. The small city had been their home when they were Humans.

Queen Iyan nodded slightly and joined King Arius. "Our scouts say the closest camp is just a few miles outside of Sparrow Haven, not quite within reach of the Vetiti."

"You think they might cross over?" Kalian guessed. "It would be stupid of them to try that. Even people know that you need the help of faeries to cross those woods safely."

According to Gabriel, "if they're determined enough, they will find a way." "Perhaps they are utilizing the Faeries as pawns to get past the Vetiti because they have captured them. Perhaps they are being protected by Witches who betrayed their own kind. They intend to, no matter how they go about doing it."

"Or, it seems," Esen joined her sister in interjecting.

King Arius pointed to another set of pins and added, "In addition, they have been deploying their troops on the opposite side of the Striga Range." They are gathering their army and transporting it here from all over Orphic. I believe that this invasion of our territory is only the prelude to a larger attack that they are planning. If they are successful, it could mean the end of our species as a whole."

"Which brings us to why you're here." The hazel green eyes of Queen Iyan were fixed on Kalian. "We need someone experienced in spying and glamouring to infiltrate an Ironblade unit and learn anything they can about what the Ironblades are planning."

Kalian rubbed his chin while he kept his eyes on the map. "You want me to do it."

Gabriel said, "You were the best spy King Torin ever used during his reign." And he ruled for many centuries. Apart from that, we know how good you are at glamouring. You have a natural ability to project a human appearance. You are able to behave like a human. You're good at blending in."

"We're asking for a lot," King Arius acknowledged. "The risks are...almost immeasurable."

Gabriel cast his gaze down. "He doesn't need to be informed of the Ironblades' capabilities. He is aware already."

The scars on his back and the outer folds of his wings burned as sharply as they had the day he was given them, and Kalian tensed. It was accurate. He was the most knowledgeable about the powers of the Iron Blades. He most likely had a better chance of sneaking into a unit and staying undercover. But while he worked on this assignment, he would have to put his own agenda on hold.

But then again, Kalian thought, I haven't had a lead after two years of hunting this man. I could pick up something new working with an Ironblade team. He looked up into the King's face. "Have you asked anyone else?"

Arius the King shook his head. "Just you. I doubt many Faeries would be willing to accept the mission given the requirements and risks."

Kalian continued to rub his jaw, considering his options. He had two options: he could accept this assignment or he could keep chasing leads in circles, trying to find the man who killed his wife and daughter. Not only could he stop his people from going extinct, but he might also learn something that would benefit him personally.

The King started to talk again, but Kalian didn't seem to be paying attention. "Yes, I will," he declared.

"You'll...what?" King Arius appeared to have already accepted Kalian's rejection as his eyes grew wide with surprise.

"Yes, please," Kalian said again. "You're accurate. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the few remaining Faeries with any hope of surviving and picking up any useful skills. Yes, I will.

"Even with the risks?" Queen Iyan asked. She lowered her voice. "This assignment could end in your death."

"Then, your Majesty, it is fortunate for me that I do not wish to avoid dying," he answered. He often thought, in fact, that he would welcome it. "I've fought in too many wars to see our people destroyed now, especially at the hands of Humans who drown themselves in our weakness to make themselves more powerful."

"If you're sure..." declared King Arius.

"I'm certain. Yes, I will.

"After that, I would advise you to join the squad that is stationed outside of Sparrow Haven. There is a Commander allegedly in charge of that group. Compared to a captain, a commander will know more about future plans."

And, Kalian thought to himself, they might also know something about earlier plans. "Do you know which Commander?"

Arius, the King, shook his dark head. "So far, no one has been able to identify who it is. I assume you'll let us know as soon as you learn more?"

Kalian corrected, "I'll report to you when I can." "I can't teleport myself or objects from place to place like you and Gabriel." Few Faeries were able to. Only the strongest Faeries were born with the rare ability to teleport. "I'll have to send reports when I can contact a Witch to deliver them for me."

"I'm fine. Use every safety measure at your disposal, and only get in touch with us when you can. Our own scouts and spies will keep an eye on the Iron Blades from the outside."

Kalian gave the King and Queen a respectful bow. "Your Majesties, indeed. I'll head out right away." He pivoted on his heel and began making his way back to the door. Although Kalian knew Gabriel was pursuing him, he paid the man no mind.

He went into the hallway and circled back the way he had come, intending to get to the front doors ahead of Gabriel. Something overhead drew his attention. It was humorous. A child's laughter. Kalian jerked his head back. His breath left his body when he saw the little girl at the top of the steps.

With a gleeful laugh, she hopped onto the banister, spread her wings, and descended to the main floor. Kalian was six years old. She wouldn't be able to try flying until she was eight years old, if not older, due to the weakness of her wings. That had not seemed to discourage his young Princess any more than it had Yara.

Standing at the foot of the stairs, Princess Rhosyn staggered. Instinctively, Kalian extended his arm to grasp her hand and provide stability. She gave him a grin full of teeth. "Thank you."

"Your Highness, you need to practice your balance," Kalian whispered. "Landing is all about your ankles."

"Yes, Sir." Removing her hand from his, Princess Rhosyn skipped down the hallway. In a moment, she disappeared into the office.

Gabriel arrived just as Kalian straightened. "You still have heart," the man said with a laugh.

"I wish I hadn't done it sometimes," Kalian answered. "Then everything would hurt less."

Gabriel's eyes became gloomy. "How have you been holding up?"

"You know how." Kalian slowly made his way to the front doors.

"I want to hear it from you personally." Kalian remained silent. "Are you still hunting him?" Still nothing. "Are you still abusing Iron Blades in order to obtain data? murdering them?"

Kalian continued to walk, ignoring the General. Someone reached out and grabbed him by the arm. With magic dancing at his fingertips and wings flaring, Kalian jerked away. True. Yes, I still have that fucking bastard on my radar. Yes, I continue to kill and torture Ironblades in order to obtain information. Furthermore, I have no leads. No, I'm still not nearer to locating him.``

"Then maybe it's time to stop looking."

"You wouldn't be saying that if it was your wife who had been murdered."

Gabriel gave a headshake. "Kal, I am familiar with you. This is corroding your spirit. Peace won't come to you until you give up. Until you decide to let it go and go on."

"You didn't know me," Kalian clarified. "You no longer do. I'm not even sure who I am."

"More justification for stopping. Is this how Calandra would like to see you? Should she be aware of what, what would she say?

"Stop," growled Kalian. Please don't turn her against me. Please don't turn either one against me. I am able to accomplish that on my own."


"I'm not going to let this go. I'm never going to let go. I'll never be able to relax. Not until the man is no longer able to harm anyone else and has taken them from me." Without saying another word, he stormed down the walkway.

Gabriel did a good job of continuing to follow. "I'm fine. I apologize to Kalian. I'm not going to claim to know what you've been through. I will say this though. Looking at the cold, irate man you have become, it's difficult for me to imagine the warm, vibrant man you once were."

"That night, every ounce of warmth was taken from me," Kalian whispered. And I seem to be unable to get it back no matter what I do. I have to locate him because of this. I'm not going to stop until he gets paid for his actions."

They strolled silently for a few minutes. "Do you think you can pull off this assignment?" Gabriel finally questioned.

"I am. How come? Do you believe I'm incapable?

Gabriel grinned, though not quite to the point of his eyes. "I was the one who suggested we summon you."

Kalian gave him a quick glance as his mouth's corners lifted. "Well, if I fail, at least I'm not the one who will be blamed."

"If you fail, you'll be dead." Gabriel returned his look. Did you really mean to say that to Iyan? Do you not want to live longer?"

I intended it. I wouldn't struggle to survive if death were to claim me."

"Did you ever try to..."

"Once." Kalian raised an arm so Gabriel could see the raised scar on his wrist. On the opposite side, there was an identical scar. "Only a few days following their passing. However, a Witch discovered me and would not allow me to perish. menacing old lady."

"She has my gratitude."

Kalian sighed and spread his wings, saying, "I guess she has mine too." "She also treated the burns on my back and wings. I probably wouldn't have been able to fly again if she hadn't." A few drops of rain started to fall as he raised his face to the sky. "And that is the one thing that has kept me sane these past two years."

"Hopefully doing something productive will help with that as well." When they arrived at the gates, Gabriel stopped. "Kal, good luck. And use caution. If an iron blade strikes you in the wrong spot, not even a witch can save you."

Kalian gave the General a dipped chin. "I'll do my best." Alone, he continued past the gates and, once he was safely away from the manor, he jumped into the air.