
the progenitor

A small country in the Caribbean that are always at war with international cc countries, a young man tries to become the king of the Caribbean but the families of saint Christopher wanted him dead he was born in a family that has many enemies even in saint Christopher where all seven parishes are fighting only stopping to help Nevis defend themselves. The old ways vs the new age France started to retake former countries that were a parted of their empire as was Italy .Italy and Russia became one empire which force france to team with a next country which would change the fate of the caribbean.

jeremiah_forde · แอคชั่น
83 Chs

the past rewrite it's self flash back

(zume)I woke up to the sound of rain knocking the roofing with a drumming beat my eyes and have you gone mad(Rina) I told he would wake up (Peter) I only wanted to squeeze in a quick water sorry about that (zume)why are you in here(Rina moaning)we came in to ask you if you would like to train with us to improve our skills (Peter moaning) I cumin Rina (zume)I have something's else planned so clean yourselves up and be ready when I'm ready to leave to see the prime minister I am going in the bath and make sure you clean up your cum stain Peter (Peter) don't worry we will be ready. (zume) Find and don't make a seen in front of the prime minister I went to bathed but when I was in the shower I heard the bathroom door open and Rina step in the shower resting her hand on my dick then she to jerk me off then she gave me head and my dick had on morning dirt so I clean off my penis head but doing that made me loose my enlargement so I said you have to bring Johnny back up she began to give me head I told her she already had sex sloppy seconds is not for me I began to throat fuck her till I felt my cum coming I bust in her mouth a good load but what surprised me is that she swallow so much of my cum we washed off then went out the bathroom to change our clothes all of us were ready so we left the house we walked down the road to main road Rina stopped a bus name secret all these buses had a lot of weird names but we were going to get some answers some I was wondering what to ask first we past old road so I can nostalgic thinking about Maria I have a promise to keep my eyes can't cry forever something had to change we finally reach by KFC which took twenty one minutes so I call the prime minister but when I answer so old butler came and said he was waiting for us so we enter the car and the outside of the car couldn't reflect in the car we had so more room Peter was smiling head to toe (Peter) zume would you mind if we had a quick one. (Rina)why do you want to have sex so much I tired from last night.(zume) what happened last night (Peter )we had sex form my house to a backway track to your house to in your bedroom we tried to wake you up but you couldn't even move you but you woke up on the second round. (zume) I told you to control yourself I wouldn't say anything again because we ate guess (Rina)we are guess at the prime minister house omg he's the most sexy light skin I've have ever seen I wouldn't act out of order so Peter no keep your hands to yourself so have to be on our best behavior to not disgrace or family.The performance of one family member represent the entire family in saint Christopher only one family is considered to be a family clan this is the military force Saint Christopher was always a small country that's why All seven continents was interested in the sugar that Saint Christopher produce in the great trumpets war saint Christopher was The only country that benefited the seven continents and other international countries were all lost they suffered a heavy blow in manpower Even in the Caribbean region All the small countries became major supporters as of the world war in every country trade was always important but with the war the seven continents lost manpower ,resources and wealth The only place to find all these was in the Caribbean. we were driving for one hour eating and drinking before we arrived at the prime minister house the car enter a gold gate we drove by two statue of a man and woman in a backshot position for Rina why was the military force consider a family clan? asked zume with the lost of zuki and necole mullet brandishment the seven continents tried invading saint Christopher we were able to repel invaders as always but we lost a huge amount of man power being a small country this invasion hit hard the name of this event was bloody point we had to from a alliance with Anguilla to kill the retreating four hundred thousand invaders we only repel them because Jamaica and Cuba choose to help with this all the Caribbean prime minister can together to make and eight continent any country that was falling behind financially and economically was supported by other Caribbean countries if Cuba had water and Jamaica didn't had any Cuba would have to send water too Jamaica and Jamaica would have to pay our offer equal value for the water This created stability that last until now and America we have Caribbean spies that reported America will try and invision in seven years This forces to sign a non-aggression pack with America, Europe, China Japan and Hawaii with this we were able to stay out of war for seven years with this this dramatically boost the Caribbean time for a next invasion but the country were not satisfied with an aggression act they still want to resources from the Caribbean and tried underhanded topics to receive them because even a leaf from Dead tree was able to heal ten wounded soldiers and will also give them a huge amount of aura because of the leaf remnants the pants gives a huge blessing and a huge curse.

the Anakin castle

(Rina) I tried to break the chains ,but they would not break.so I pull and pull the try get the stone out the walk I was successful I tried again but it wasn't so easy if I did it worng my hand will be lost. the stone took quite a while to come out when it did I felt a joy to make even the devil heart warm.i wrap my arms with the chains and use the chains to on themselves and dash too trying to find a exit I couldn't find any so I started to smash though the walls and find the way out of the Castle and tried find a way back to saint Christopher.

the saint Christopher Forces.

(Mick) I caught up with my squad at JNF I saw puppet's destroyed on my way here I felt huge tremors the fighting had already finished and saint Christopher Forces had already won but I couldn't find mike I was wondering were he was .

(peter)Mr Danvers mike has been critically damage he has a broken cranium and he over used his aura and got burn .

saint Christopher sea port

(Kuni) I got to the sea port to defend saint Christopher form 100 battle ship's I grin at the sight that I mit die you would call me crazy if you saw how hard I was grining .

the Anakin battle ship's

the commanders ship's

(lucky)sir there is a mad man similing hard should we start to attack him? what is your order sir(Aegon) advance with full speed it will not matter he will start to shoot after us I will deal with him.(lucky) if he's going to shoot he will shoot you what makes you sure that you wouldn't get hit. that is simple I'm Aegon leader of the Anakin open the door I'm heading out.

(Kuni) the ship's started to speed up I made a bow out of Aura pressure and start to shoot the ships but then I saw a familiar face that mad me smile hard.