
the progenitor

A small country in the Caribbean that are always at war with international cc countries, a young man tries to become the king of the Caribbean but the families of saint Christopher wanted him dead he was born in a family that has many enemies even in saint Christopher where all seven parishes are fighting only stopping to help Nevis defend themselves. The old ways vs the new age France started to retake former countries that were a parted of their empire as was Italy .Italy and Russia became one empire which force france to team with a next country which would change the fate of the caribbean.

jeremiah_forde · Action
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83 Chs

night Fall

the ànakin castle

(Rina crying) I got capture I never been so alone please help. please help me zum-mee!!

(zume)huh?Rina! did I really just Sense Rina she was in a building in chains crying for help I to save her I woke up and the poison ivy was removed from my body so I stood up and check my surroundings I saw children helping old men fight I didn't even have to step in because they had already won the kids strat to gather around me instant (one of the old men) foolish children we are still at war stay on your graud!!(zume)huh ? sniper's four of them I Sense four bullets coming to me and the children I let lighting flow around my body to increase the my speed I jumped into the air I caught one of the bullets with a lighting chop and the other two with my hands but with the last bullet I had to do something that I never did before I renforce my mouth with Aura when the last bullet came I caught it with my teeth but the force push me back and caused my mouth to bleed when I spit out the bullet and stood back up and let out four finger pistol shots in four different direction killing the four sniper's.(one of the old men) it's a pleasure to meet you my name is Cody Johnson I must say you look just like your mother and father you are truely a mullet your not like your brothers and sisters you are much nicer than they are , with that being said I have to warn you the mullets household will come for you because they see you as a bastard son of zuki mullet so they will try something remember cat Walk when dog asleep .(zume) thanks Cody Johnson I will take your warning to heart my mother had already ready told so it's not a big deal did you see who brought me here my body was poison who remove it.(Cody) that Is a problem not worth mentioning .we have too go at JNF hostipal to back up our allies .(zume) I see no problem let's go.

prime minister house

(Nolan) I am stepping in the fight we have been fighting for more than 3 days this madness has to end they are heading to jnf hospital we can't let get there I will troops to each gathering army to block them some of the Danvers and aquarius are heading there already so I will let the inferno's attack the enemies coming from the water.(Nicole) I think my households can help we also have a underwater city.(Kuni)sir I believe that will be a foolish idea I will handle the emimes on the water give me a count of how much of them are coming Nicole you should check on Finn if he gets out we will have a problem .(Nicole) I will check on Finn if you say so but I think Nolan should stay out if he's dies we are Lost .(kuni) I don't disagree on that but he's the prime minister of saint Christopher he makes all the dicison so we have to deal with it.(Nolan) I believe it will soon be time.

(Lucius vs henick)

(Lucius) I take it back you can't be the leader of the Anakin you and me we are strong but we fall short of strength when fighting your captain.(henick) I refuse to hear anything else from you I believe you have said too much if you are looking to for a quick death I will send you by your pass leader in hell .(Lucius) you forget that the last battle we Purge the Anakin it was our leader who let you live,he is probably in hell but I'm not going their no no no I sending you