
the progenitor

A small country in the Caribbean that are always at war with international cc countries, a young man tries to become the king of the Caribbean but the families of saint Christopher wanted him dead he was born in a family that has many enemies even in saint Christopher where all seven parishes are fighting only stopping to help Nevis defend themselves. The old ways vs the new age France started to retake former countries that were a parted of their empire as was Italy .Italy and Russia became one empire which force france to team with a next country which would change the fate of the caribbean.

jeremiah_forde · แอคชั่น
83 Chs

saint Christopher greatest defensive fight

(Finn) you think I killed Muji how low do you think of me but I won't deny it on the body of my dead wife I won't deny it.(Nolan) on the body of your dead wife you don't even know that kuku is still alive.(Finn) what did you just say?I watched her die .(Nolan ) I will say talking is over there's a special place in hell for person like you.Red lighting:net.(Finn)A large net was about to capture me I went straight to the ground .(Nolan) I was hoping for that light cage I trapped Finn and I in a underworld deal so that we can't leave until one of us is dead.(Finn) traping of here in a barrier is so like you Nolan.(Nolan) I taught you said that my tricks would not be able to work on you but look at you now.(Finn) I saw Nolan body vanished away from my sight.you bastard you trick me.i will kill you myself (Nolan) state state state state. big talk from someone trap in a barrier.so why should I fear you,you bring Shame to you noble family.

(Finn)your not a feared I will give you fear, I shot a signal flasher.

(Nolan) what are you planning You spineless man huh "how did so many ships arrived at our cost line with out any alert"what did you to our watchmen. damn it I have no time to argue we are being invade by a large army I didn't have much time so I left Finn I trapped in a cage and I went straight to the prime minister house I took up zume swords and started to flash step on my way I felt his body an there wasn't any heat so I was wondering what happened to his body I reached at my house I let Kuni to treat zume body I went to a secret place in the house I walk down nothing but steps a pitch black room no lights to be found by any one with a empty throne in the center I took a seat and when I sat down I could see the entire country also All the war ship's I wonder on how so many ships could entered the Caribbean and reached out so far to attack saint Christopher I wonder what if the Caribbean is turning against saint Christopher I promise as the the prime minister I will protect everyone.

(zume) huh ! Finn. I woke up in the prime minister house I didn't even remember how I got here I was falling form the sky so how did I get here and my body feels weird but it's a good weird am I on some kind of drugs I tried to walk but my feet was too weak .(Kuni) oh I see your awake young mullet.(zume)who are you and what am I doing here?(kuni)one question at a time .I was the one who heal all your wounds I found out something about your body. you have reached that age were your eyes are awakening.

(war council noble family)

(Nolan) I believe in this moment saint Christopher is fucked,we are being invaded by the Caribbean and other international treats.(Muir) this is foolish we all been fighting for many generations why should we care if the Caribbean is coming after us .(Jin yon) I AGREE! we have been in many wars you as well why would you call us here instead of preparing for the invasion.(kugi) I think we should give the prime minister time to talk,he did not call us here in the war room just to talk so be a man and shut the fuck up.(Nolan)As kugi just said as strong as we all are they aren't coming for land or slaves but for the treasure saint Christopher had made since zuki mullet era.(Damme)well they are wasting there time only person from saint Christopher can't you use our weapons on less they are form saint Christopher

(Nolan) with that I apologize for this but we do have a problem,we were betrayed by Finn.i believe they are coming to saint Christopher because for a small country to cause a large countries they were Bond to join an alliance to destroy saint Christopher I propose that we seal All of the treasure books and everything Aura weapons in the shallow dimensions,let me clear we have all lost many love ones just because we rubies and gold to export we all were fighting as 9 year old,I want to ask you a question as boys we all had many friends of who we saw dieing in front of our own eyes lovers saying good by why were we all fighting we didn't had any other reason but to protect saint Christopher?

All who agree with me sealing everything Aura Base In the shadow dimensions say aye? and those who disagree with me say nor.

aye, aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye aye ,nor nor, nor nor nor nor nor nor nor nor.so it's been decided so go prepare now.(kuni) Nolan Sir I think what you are doing needs more explain a bit better.(Nolan) you will all see in time but is not the time.(kuni) I understand sir .