
the progenitor

A small country in the Caribbean that are always at war with international cc countries, a young man tries to become the king of the Caribbean but the families of saint Christopher wanted him dead he was born in a family that has many enemies even in saint Christopher where all seven parishes are fighting only stopping to help Nevis defend themselves. The old ways vs the new age France started to retake former countries that were a parted of their empire as was Italy .Italy and Russia became one empire which force france to team with a next country which would change the fate of the caribbean.

jeremiah_forde · Action
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83 Chs

first day being the pritme minister

(Nolan) Butler I will like to know your full name I will like to know your full name I will not be calling you Butler I see that as degrading.(Butler) I assure you I have no problem with you calling me Butler my name is kuni Thora.(nolan)Aw I see Thora house hold its said you are gifted with lighting release and are descendants of Thor the son of the Norse god Odin the high father how old are you if you don't mind me asking.(Kuni) I am 78 years old.

woah! woah!woah!woah!

woah! woah !woah !woah !

(Nolan) then how could you look so young or even say alive in zuki mullet era . that could only mean your form a different era before saint Christopher had a name your form one of the indinginous groups separate from saint Christopher your a Carib fighting for saint even before I was born.(Kuni) Don't mind me sir for all that's in the past were only fighting with bow and arrows against people with guns, you have to attend the school assembly so let's getting going.

(Nolan) fine I guess I have to go.

I got into the car with Kuni driving me to verchilds I was looking out the window watching how much saint Christopher had changed "was I the best choice to become prime minister I don't even know ".(kuni)sir we are here but some thing is off look at that it's a barrier high class one no less

(Nolan) it's a dome barrier strong in enough to keep allies and enemies inside but that means it's easy to get in so let's not waste any time.

I got out of the car and touch base of the barrier high wind speed started to push me and it confirmed my theory I broke the barrier with easy an Kuni and I saw a sight that made my blood boiling I saw the future of saint Christopher dead front of my eyes, Bodies on the ground I could even remember there faces I felt to my knees as I stood their around dead bodies with the future of saint Christopher blood painted the grass red with their blood (A Burst of bloodlust fill the air in saint)(kuni) I Know how you feel sir but we don't have much time some of them are still alive.(Nolan) I know this just makes me sick call the police and start a investigation and I will like to have a meeting with saint Christopher noble families I leave the rest in your hands Finn hasn't left yet I can sense him fighting so I off

zume vs Finn

(Finn) I think if you wanted to save your friends you have stayed with them (cuffing up blood)(zume)"we bin fighting for a while now I reaching my limit I can't any keep my eyes open I losing concussioness I falling out of the sky I'm going to die being so high but I can't give up now. I have to go higher .( Finn) do you think going higher will help you it surely didn't help lukang haves and his sister. (zume) Shut up!!! shut up! shut up! make no misstake I will make you pay in blood rocket crimson boost, I rushed at Finn with bursting killing intent "now cry my blade double final slash! I didn't realize yet I lost concussioness without even touching him I dropped my swords "my body hurts to much",why am so weak all of a so then? (Finn) such a foolish child (chchch)(Nolan) I finally reached, so was it you Finn.(Finn) I told you I was leaving saint Christopher are you shock.(Nolan) "the boy body is burning is going through some kind of awakening"it will be bad if I fight in the air with him I went to the ground to put him down I saw is swords on the ground so I lay them right by his side and went back in the and flu back to that bastard (chchchc) I took a kendo stances how could you do something like that you know what zuki always wanted (zuki mullet past speach ) how can we take take pride in our country when the future of our country is being are killed in wars.(Finn) those are only words form a dead man you help kill are you feeling regret.we aren't talkers you and I we have seen many wars do you will go to heaven after all that .(Nolan) I don't care weather or not I'm going to heaven once I can drag you to hell with me.(Finn)do you think those cheap tricks will work on .(Nolan)oh I think you fall for my tricks you best know who your fighting I'm the prime minister of saint Christopher .(Finn) you are forgetting I was also a prime minister of saint Christopher will you keep talking forever. (Nolan) no I will not "lighting wolf"(Finn) "fire wolf", both spells clash and cause a massive explosion I moved Swiftly behind Nolan but he sending a fire chop at his neck but he doudge and he tried to cut off my entire hand I enfuse Aura in my left hand to catch his sword but I realize this was and illusion he was behind me,I doudge his sword by the hair on my head I created some space between us.(Nolan) I taught you said my tricks would catch you it's almost like you fell for my tricks .(Finn) down get cocky "IP man" you haven't even cut me yet and do you think I will reveal myself without a plan this is not like you to come here without knowing the situation .

(Nolan) be that as it may I know one thing you are going to hell, I could tell you were the one killed Muji .

(Finn)ha ha ha you are just like batman.