
The Princess of the Knight

Life seems colourful and fun for princess Adelia until someone she loves gets taken away from her. Adrian is a knight that has been assigned to protect the princess after an encounter that nearly took her life. His stoic and serious expression coupled with his agile build and sarcastic persona makes him the perfect man for the job. He's drawn to the calm and beautiful princess. But he knows her attention is on something else. Adelia is determined to find who did this. She knows she can't do this alone, so asks for help. Who's a better help, than her own guard? The two are faced with many obstacles, but never did they expect her betrothal to a far away prince. Adelia thinks she's faced enough betrayal. Little does she know the pain has just began. There will be love, bloodshed, betrayal, pain. At the end, There will be victory.

flawlessforhim_ · ย้อนยุค
12 Chs



I followed the princess back into her room. It was already nightfall. So I left her to wash up. I stayed outside the room and stood guard. I suddenly felt a presence around me. I looked behind me and saw the General. As soon as our eyes locked, he went back into the shadows.

That was a signal for me to follow him. I went with him into the corner.

"Any news?" He asked.

"She barely does anything. Just walks around, cries and goes to the garden." I explained.

The general stayed quiet for a few seconds, then said

"She's too quick witted, not to be up to something. You just haven't noticed it. Be alert. I know her. She may be picking up a spoon, and that may be a signal to someone."

I just nodded my head. He walked away and i went back to my post only to see the princess out of her room and peeking through the door.

"Where did you go?" She asked.

"To the bathroom, My Princess." I answered

"Mmmmmm. Of course" She replied.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. She walked inside and closed the door.

I heard some noises inside, and i asked the Princess if she was fine, and she said yes.

I wonder why the General needs an eye on the princess. Either way, it wasn't my problem. I was just here to do my job and complete my mission.

A few hours passed, and I wasn't sure if I should leave my post or not. I was sleepy. There had to be a schedule for this thing right?

As I was lost in thought, I heard the door open to a very sleepy princess. Her hair was messy and her eyes were barely open.

"Arent you going to bed? I'm trying to sleep. You're breathing too loud. Go, you relieved of duty." She said waving her hands, shooing me away.

I bowed my head and turned around, leaving. I walked back to the guards room and lay on my bed. I was so tired from standing all day.

Gathering all the strength that was left in me, I stood up, took off my clothes, had a bath and lay back down on the bed.

The sleep I felt while standing at my post, had now suddenly vanished, now that I was on the bed. I tried so hard to fall sleep, until I got tired of that and just sat up on my bed.

I decided to go back to check if there was another guard who had taken over from me, so the Princess won't be left unprotected. As I got closer to her door, I saw a hooded figure coming out of the room.

I felt the urge to jump out and confront the person, but I held back and decided to follow. The person walked to the garden. I stayed behind the wall, a few meters away, but close enough to see everything.

The hooded figure removed their hood, and it was the princess. I wonder what she was doing here at this hour. Another figure came out of the shadows, a few moments later.



"Amari!" I shout- whispered.

Amari came out from behind the bushes.

"Where have you been? I was so worried when you didn't get back to me. I thought something happened to you." I held his face in my hands.

"I'm sorry. I needed more time to come back with as much information as possible. How've you been?" Amari asked.

"I've been good. Any news?" I asked.

"Yes. I spoke to some people and they found out that, the people who attacked that day were from Glacia. Also,....the attack was not an ordinary one. It was aimed at the Royal Family."

"Glacia? That is the kingdom of King Arthur. If he wants his son to marry me, why did he attack us?" I asked, confused.

"Wait....he wants his son to marry you? When did that happen?"

"While you were away. He came around and I don't know what he told my father that made him agree to such a thing. But both my parents have decreed that I'll marry him. And you know my relationship with my parents is not the best. I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt them any further." I explained.

"So they want to marry you off to someone else? We agreed to get married. Why aren't you fighting for us?" Amari was beginning to raise his voice.

"Because I can't fight for something that's out of my control. No one knows about you, so bringing you into the picture would be a chaotic choice. If I hadn't been betrothed, I would have begged my parents to let me marry you. Now, it's out of my control."

Amari sighed and put his head down.

"You really can't do anything about it...." He continued.

"I'm sorry...."

"You lying..." He raised his hand to hit me and I closed my eyes, getting ready for the hand to come down on me, but it didn't.

I opened them back up and looked above me. Adrian had appeared and held Amari's hands from reaching me.

"Who's this?" Amari asked, fiercely pulling his hand away from Adrian's firm grip, but not succeeding.

" Someone you should be afraid of. You want to hit a woman? Not here" Adrian fired back.

Amari laughed and said to me,

"You got yourself a new toy already."

He then turned to Adrian and said,

"You know, she's going to ditch you right? The same way she's been using me for her dirty jobs. She's just going to use you and make you feel special, then dump you. That's who she is. A classless woman."

That was it for me. I punched him in the gut and he doubled over. Adrian then pulled him up by the hair and slapped his cheek so he would open his eyes. When he did, Adrian said,

"Even if she uses me for just her dirty jobs, I'd be more than happy to help such a an amazing woman, who's giving up her happiness just for the sake of her parents."

When he said that, I looked at him. I can't believe he saw me like that. Those were really nice words. Now that I look at him, I noticed somethings I hadn't before.

His blonde hair and blue eyes, coupled with the little goatee he was wearing, gave him a really matured look. His eyes were focused on Amari. His face was pulled to a frown, at the constant groaning from Amari. He looked really handsome.

His eyes suddenly shifted to me and of course, he caught me staring. I gathered myself and cleared my throat.

"Lets go back. It's really cold out." I said, wrapping my arms around myself.

Adrian simply bowed and stepped aside so I would be in front. As I walked towards my room, i was lost in thought.

How did Adrian know where I was and how much had he heard?

I turned back to confront him, but I couldn't find him.