
The Princess of the Knight

Life seems colourful and fun for princess Adelia until someone she loves gets taken away from her. Adrian is a knight that has been assigned to protect the princess after an encounter that nearly took her life. His stoic and serious expression coupled with his agile build and sarcastic persona makes him the perfect man for the job. He's drawn to the calm and beautiful princess. But he knows her attention is on something else. Adelia is determined to find who did this. She knows she can't do this alone, so asks for help. Who's a better help, than her own guard? The two are faced with many obstacles, but never did they expect her betrothal to a far away prince. Adelia thinks she's faced enough betrayal. Little does she know the pain has just began. There will be love, bloodshed, betrayal, pain. At the end, There will be victory.

flawlessforhim_ · History
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12 Chs



I let go of the fool I was holding and he fell to the floor in pain. I wonder how much strength the Princess put into punching this guy. Well, it's not like I'd want to find out.

I turned around to follow the princess back when Arnold said,

"You know she's just using you right? I don't know what she promised you, but she's not going to give it to you. Don't trust her."

He slowly stood up, holding his stomach. I watched him walk away and disappear into the shadows.

At that moment, I heard the princess call my name. I ran up to where she was.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing my Princess. I just wanted to make sure he left and didn't cause any more trouble."

"How did you know I was here?" She asked

"Let's get you inside, My Princess. It's really cold out." I said, avoiding the question.

We both walked back into the palace and into her room. She sat on her bed. I gave her a blanket, I saw on one of the chairs.

"How did you know where to find me? How did you know I was there?" She started

"I came back to check on you, and I saw you leaving the room. So I followed. And I'm glad I did."

As I said that, she looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks for saying what you did back there. "

I just bowed my head and remained silent.

"I want to believe you would like an explanation for all this drama."

"If you'd like to explain, My Princess".

She sighed and started.



It all started one day when I decided to go out of the palace. I was tired of being cooped up in here and wanted out. Also because Arnold had begged me to come see him. I didn't want to go. alone , so I told Nita I wanted to spend time with her.

"Do we have to go into the city? We can just be together here." She said

"It'll be boring. We'd just walk around the garden and do nothing. But the city has so many things to do." I countered.

We left the room and walked to the courtyard. No guard suspected us. Now we just had to pass the guards at the gate. I threw a big branch in the other direction so they would be alerted.

And they were. Both guards rushed to where the sound came from and Anita and I used that as a means to run for it. The Palace was not far from the town.

So In 15 minutes, we were already at the outskirts of town. I brought some money along, so I bought some sweets for Anita and I. We had to use blankets to cover our faces so that the people won't know it was us.

We walked around the city, seeing the people going about their day to day activities. The market was really busy with traders and customers.

I finally found the reason I came into the city. I ran to him.... Amari. He said it wasn't fair he was always the one risking it to see me.

He pulled me into his house and we hugged.

"You made it. I'm so happy you could." He said smiling at me.

"It wasn't easy. But I'll do it for you." I said smiling back.

He started kissing me and i was fine with that. What I wasn't fine with was when his hand went under my skirt. I broke the kiss and said,

"Amari, stop. We've talked about this before. "

"What's the big deal? We're going to get married, either way. Why do you keep denying me?" He said, raising his voice a pitch.

My attention was drawn to the sound of children shouting. Maybe they were just playing.

"Let's get married first then."

The next thing I heard was Anita's high voice screaming my name at the top of her voice

"LIA!!!!!! HELP!!!!"

I hurried outside, and saw Lia on the shoulder of a very large man. I ran after them as I tried to catch up with them. Anita was still screaming my name. The man ran into the thick forest and I chased after him. I fell down as I twisted my ankle on a branch.

I cried out in pain and tried to get up so I could follow the man who had my sister. But I just fell back down to the ground. At this time, I couldn't find the man anymore. It was also getting dark out.

I limped back to the palace, although it wasn't easy, sneaking around the guards with an injured ankle.

I made it back into my room, and went straight to the bathroom to wash the dirt off me. My ankle was killing me. I changed into new clothes and lay on the bed.

The pain was too much. I lay down on my bed, thinking that would ease the pain. I guess that just worsened it. I was forced to go to my mum's room.

I knocked on her door and entered. When she saw me limping, she immediately got up from her bed and walked over to me.

"What happened to you?" She said worried

"I slipped in the bathroom and fell on my foot." I had to lie to her.

Adrian cut me off and said,

"Were'nt you thinking of your sister at that point? Didn't you want her to be rescued?"

At this point, i was already in tears and hearing him say that, just made the tears pour out more.

"I did. I honestly did. I just didn't know how to tell my parents that my sister had been taken away because I snuck out of the palace and forced her to go with me!" I said with tears streaming down my face.

Adrian sat down beside me. . He pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to me.

"Its fine, My Princess. Stop crying."

"Let me finish." I said

By nightfall, after my mum had treated my foot, I was laying in bed, when she ran into the room and shook me saying,

"We can't find Anita. We've searched everywhere."

I got out of bed, my heart beating as loudly as it could. In the hallways, guards ran to and fro in search of her. I went into the throne room. I heard my father saying to the General,

"Send troops out. Check around. Don't come back without my daughter."

The General bowed and left and I walked up to my Father who was pacing around. He turned to me and placed a hand in my shoulder.

"Its going to be fine. Don't worry. She'll come back safely." He said, when he saw the tears in my eyes.

Little did he know the tears weren't because my sister was missing, but because I knew what happened.

I returned to my parents room, to be with my mum who had been crying since she got the news. I hugged her till she fell asleep as she was worn out form crying too much.

I also fell asleep as i was tired of everything that happened today.

I woke up to the sound of the door opening. My mum had woken up and was leaving the room.

I followed her out of the room and held her hand as we walked to the throne room, hoping to hear some good news.

We walked in on the General speaking with my dad. I didn't see my sister anywhere around. This time around, I began to panic.

"Any news?" My mum asked expectantly.

"Well, my Queen, we found her." The General started. But the look on his face, wasn't one of joy.

"Well, where is she?" My mum asked anxious to see my sister.

"We found her.....in the forest. Her neck was in a wrong angle and she was naked." He said, while bowing his head down.

As soon as he said that, I fell to the ground in shock. My sister was dead. I sobbed and said

"I'm sorry. It's my fault."

My dad said,

"What do you mean, it's your fault?"

All eyes turned to me and I explained what happened.