
The Princess of Saiyans

Bulla Briefs, daughter of Prince Vegeta, runs away from home. She was brutally rejected by her long time crush, Son Pan. Now she finds herself at the headquarters for the Galactic Patrol. Join Bulla on her journey of self discovery, and her desire for power. And of course, being a reincarnation helps her since she just so happens to be so knowledgeable…

Shane_Dalton · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 2

After finalizing the finishing touches to my appearance, I nod, happy at the new changes. Black hair, and tail. I can't do much about my eyes yet, even though we have contacts. I plan on wasting a wish for appearances sake one day anyway. Who knows, mom might have collected them for my birthday. She does random things like that every now and then.

Or maybe I could ask uncle Beerus? Or maybe Whis? I'm pretty vain, so I know I would do something like that. I doubt uncle Beerus could do anything about it though, being a destroyer and all.

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. After taking one last look in the mirror, I walk confidently towards my moms lab. I have always followed what dad has taught me about looking arrogant and prideful. I am a princess after all.

After a couple of minutes of walking, I enter into my lair… Er, I mean moms lab. I casually sit at the edge of the new platform that was recently installed, which is currently housing a spaceship. I've been building it from the ground up for the past month, making sure no mistakes were made. Of course mom has checked on my progress frequently. She stated if I could build it, I could use it. So, here I am, on a daily basis. I usually work on it for a couple of hours before I train, but I've been running diagnostics on it to see if it's operational. It's basically done, just missing the gravity room and the sound system.

I sigh, remembering the past. I loved music greatly, before. Now, I'm usually too busy to look up any playlists. I mean, honestly. How do I never have time to look up music? This new life of mine has proven to be far more different than my previous one. And more difficult.

On another note, I can't believe I was reincarnated. I was a 30 year old man working a dead end job. No wife or kids, just living day to day, barely getting by, and a heart attack got me. Eating a healthy diet is definitely recommended for humans if they wish to live for a while.

The most shocking part was how real everything is here. It definitely isn't an anime or manga. But, I've adapted to this life. Most of the story was real, but a lot wasn't included. And let me tell you, ki manipulation is awesome, impressive, and downright scary if you mess up.

Now that I think about it, I've messed up a lot. Like, accidentally destroying Jupiter. Had to use the dragon balls to restore it pretty quickly. And mom yelled at me for hours explaining about devastating consequences and what not. All dad did was smirk.

The next day he taught me final flash. So yeah, I guess he was just proud that I was capable of destroying a planet, even by accident. And then that one time I accidentally used Hakai. To be honest, I didn't think it would work. But, my middle school vanished almost instantly in purple particles. The awkward part was the P.E teacher having sex with the vice principal. No walls equals no privacy, I guess, heh.

Anyway, I'm getting away from the present. I check my computer for the diagnostic update for my ship, nodding my head at the expected results. "Definitely operational, just needs fuel," I comment with a smirk. I turn my head towards the door, where I see my mother. 'Guess it is time for a lecture on dying my hair without permission,' I think wryly.

Mom starts walking slowly, looking at me with narrowed eyes. I involuntarily move back a step, wary. 'Mothers are truly scary,' I think. I feel my eye twitch, and my palms are suddenly clammy. She stops right in front of me, and flicks my nose. I quickly hold it, eyes widened in disbelief.

"Good job, Bulla. The ship is almost completely finished to your liking. Though, I still wonder why you are here and not eating breakfast like you are supposed to?"

I gulp, and apologize, "Sorry momma, I was just curious. I shall go do that now." I quickly dart past her, and hear distant laughter. 'I swear, she enjoys seeing me squirm,' I think sullenly, completely forgetting my royal demeanor.