
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs


Sampson stood in the courtyard, stuffing as much food as he could in his carrier bag. It was going to be a long journey and knowing Linshanth there wouldn't be very many breaks. Sampson skin broke into a sweat just thinking about it. Minnie and Perity were tending to the horses behind them.

They had both never ridden a horse before and so it was decided last minute that they would ride with the knights. Sampson had put out a word of protest but Linshanth had explained that their riding party needed to be kept small and having two extra bodies was too much of a risk to take.

Both Minnie and Perity had agreed but he could see the wary expression on their faces. They were taking six knights with them, Leonardo, Dmitri, Lockhart, Ethereal, Adonis and to Sampson's despair Onyx was also accompanying them.

To make matters worse not only was Onyx accompanying them but Master Duncan too. He was adjusting the stirrups of his horse, holding his cane with the other hand. Seeing him from a distance he looked frail. His skin looked wrinkled and worn with a sheen of sweat from being at the mercy of the hot sun. He fiddled clumsily with the stirrups as he struggled to do the task with one hand.

Sampson watched him for some time. He utterly loathed Master Duncan, even as he watched him struggle he didn't feel an ounce of sympathy. How many times had Sampson struggled and he had barely cast him a glance or even dare to say one word of comfort? It wasn't out of sympathy or spite why he was compelled to walk over and take the stirrups from him and without a word buckle it through the belt securing it tightly. Just as he expected the old man didn't breath a word of thanks but merely cast a glaring eye in his direction.

He walked back over to his horse, waiting for the Prince. He had been to deliver the letter to the King and had yet to make an appearance. With every passing minute Sampson felt his chest tighten and doubt started to seep into the tiny pores of his skin. He worried that the King wouldn't accept Linshanth forfeiting his rite to the throne and demand that he stay. If that were to happen then Sampson would have the death sentence hanging over his head once more.

Sampson packed some more things in his bag, busying himself with menial tasks when he felt himself being tapped on the shoulder. He turned around to find a timid servant standing before him. The boy was half a foot taller than him and looked no more than 12. He eyes darted to the space between Sampson's eyes instead of looking directly at him.

"The King has called you to his chambers", the boy spoke and before Sampson could utter a word of reply he turned on his heel and fled. "What was that about?", Perity asked the moment he left. "The King has called me to his chambers", Sampson murmured in response. He felt a sharp tug on his arm. "You can't go, what if he tries to kill you?". Minnie's bottom lip trembled as she spoke the words. Sampson patted the top of her hair, smoothing the hair in front of her eyes and tucking it behind her ears before he cupped her cheeks and kissed the bridge of her nose.

"The Prince is there. I will be fine". He lingered there for a moment before he let her go and hurried into the castle. He couldn't be so sure that Linshanth would have any say on the matter. If the King wanted him dead then his word was law. No Prince could ever save him.

Sampson walked slower than his normal speed, enjoying the autumn air and breathing in the cold in case it was his last time. When he made it to the King's chambers he bowed to Xavier and Quinne, who stood guarding. They didn't speak a word as they pushed the doors open and allowed him to enter.

The first thing he noticed was the furniture that had been pushed to the floor. The chairs were thrown and there was a scatter of the paper that looked a lot like the letter Linshanth had wrote the night before. The King was speaking to Lord Ferimis in a hushed whisper. Linshanth had his back turned to Sampson, as Sampson approached Linshanth turned around and Sampson mouth gaped open before he could stop himself. The left side of his face was bright red like he had just been hit.

"Was this your idea?". Sampson jumped when he heard the King, turning away from Linshanth and bowing to the King. "Forgive me your highness". Sampson wasn't sure what he was apologising for, only that he knew he had to apologise. He go down on his knees and pressed his head to the floor. "Did you think you could poison the Prince and not get away with it?".

"It is my idea to leave. He has nothing to do with it", Linshanth suddenly spoke. He stood in front of Sampson, blocking him from the King's path. "I'm not talking to you". The King tried to shove Linshanth out of the way but he barely budged, holding himself steady against the King's forceful shove. "You're argument is with me. Not him".

"If you do not move out of the way I'll kill him right now", the King sneered. Linshanth waited a moment before he hesitated but moved. Sampson had yet to lift his head up from the floor and being how angry the Prince was he was afraid of what the King would do to him if he did.

Linshanth was standing at his side. He felt somewhat better that he was but whether he could save Sampson know was a different story. The King had already tried to kill him once, it didn't mean he couldn't try again.

"Look at me". Sampson shoulder was kicked harshly causing him to land on his back. "What spell did you use to brain wash the Prince?", he asked threateningly. His hand was wrapped into a tight fist and was hovering over his face. "I didn't use any spell". The King slammed his fist to Sampson temple causing blood to rush to his head. His head hit the back of the concrete floor. Linshanth squeezed his fingers until his fingers turned white.

"Answer me", the King roared. "What did you do to him?". "I didn't do anything", Sampson mumbled incoherently. His head was fit to burst as he rolled his head from side to side trying to shake his blurred vision. When his vision settled he saw the Prince looming over him menacingly.

"What right do you think to mess with a future King of Toombak?". Sampson knew anything he said the King was unlikely to believe and so he kept quiet. It would do anything to help his case if he were to tell the King it was entirely Linshanth who wanted them to travel to Vahda to dispel the curse and find a way to control the souls. He was too blind with rage that Linshanth was forfeiting the succession he couldn't see that he was doing it for the good of the Kingdom.

"Do you think my son is weak Sampson and can be easily manipulated?". "It is his own decision whether he wants to come or not", Sampson muttered, casting an eye to Linshanth who hadn't spoken a word. "You have messed with his mind ever since you became the lost son". Sampson couldn't help but be confused with the King's words. Linshanth had acted the same incorrigible self as he did when Sampson was a servant. The only difference was where they once stood far apart they had now been pushed together with no chance to escape from one another.

"I'll teach you what happens to people that betray the Toombak family". Sampson had no time to react as the Prince grabbed his golden staff and brought hit down. Sampson shut his eyes, already preparing himself for the onslaught of pain. He heard the grunts of the King as he brough the staff down over and over again and yet he felt no pain.

Sampson opened his eyes finding Linshanth hovering over him. He was using his body to stop Sampson from being hit by the King. The King didn't stop, bringing the staff down on the Prince over and over again and yet the Linshanth didn't make a sound. Every so often his body would dip slightly causing their lips to almost brush with how close they were. Sampson's head was abuzz, his body felt red hot. Their eyes were connected for the whole time, neither one daring to look away from the other.

"Sire, you'll kill the Prince if you continue", the Lord Ferimis spoke after some time. The King brought the staff down one more time with roar before he threw it to the Lord Ferimis. "Linshanth?", Sampson murmured. He was still holding himself up above Sampson but his skin was trickling with blood. He let out an exhausted breath before he lowered himself to his feet, getting up from the floor. Sampson remained where he was, watching him closely.

After a beating like that Linshanth shouldn't have been able to move but he was acting as if he had never been beaten at all. He looked down at Sampson, supressing a scowl. "Are you going to stay like that forever? We have somewhere we need to be". It took Sampson a moment to respond before he stood on his feet.

"Your back…". There were large gaping gapes in his robe which were seeping red. "It will heal", Linshanth spoke matter of fatly as if he couldn't care less. Sampson knew how much pain he would be in and so he didn't say anything else. Linshanth was much too proud to admit he was in pain and no matter how angry Sampson was that he took the beating, now was not the time to express it.

"Don't return until you find a way to stop the curse", the King spoke. He had his back turned to them and his voice was surprisingly hoarse. "I will father", Linshanth bowed. The King and the Prince had never shown any type of bond between them other than the same succession they were tied to and so it was no surprise to Sampson the lack of empathy between them. But there was no way of knowing when they would return or if they would return at all. He thought the King would have more to say to his only son.

"Come along Sampson, we must be getting on". Sampson followed closely behind the Prince, but all the while he looked back at the King. He was waiting for the King to turn around and look at Sampson one last time but he stubbornly refused to do so. He watched until the doors to the chambers closed and the King was no longer in view.

Sampson followed wordlessly through the corridor. He purposefully lagged behind so he could see the conditions of Linshanth's back. His skin had split down to the bone and Sampson worried that if he didn't treat his back soon he would lose too much blood to be able to go to Vahda.

"Why are you walking so slowly?". "You need to treat the wounds on your back or they'll become infected". "We don't have time". "Then I'll go back and tell the King we're not going", Sampson spoke, coming to an abrupt halt. Linshanth stopped and raised a cunning brow, but when he saw Sampson was serious his eyes only darkened.


They returned to Linshanth's chambers where Sampson called for a servant to bring a bucket of water and clothes. When the servant returned, Linshanth draped his robes off his shoulders. Sampson had seen many wounds before and so the sight of so much blood didn't scare him. He soaked the cloth in water before wiping the away blood from his robes.

"Why did you take the beating for me?" This was the only time he could. Being that it was just him and Linshanth there was no other prying ears to hear and he hoped it would help the Prince not to reply with a proud answer but the truth. "Your body would have ended up worse than mine. The King went easier on me".

"It didn't look like he went easier on you", Sampson spoke. He pressed the cloth harshly to his wound causing Linshanth to hiss out in pain. "Why did you do that?", he snapped. "I was making sure you can feel pain", Sampson spoke smugly. He continued to wipe blood from his wound, in round circles being as gentle as he could now that he knew in how much pain Linshanth was in.

"Are you willing to give your succession to the King's new baby?", Sampson asked. He had yet to ask Linshanth about what he thought about the King's new child. He worried that the baby had already been killed.

"It won't ever happen". "Won't if we don't return, what will happen then?", Sampson asked. Linshanth's chest sharply rose and his fingers curled into his palms. "We have to return. You heard what the King said, we're not to return until we stop the curse".

"You can't be sure we'll find a way to stop". It wasn't like Sampson to be the bearer of doubt but he was only facing the hard facts he was presented with. There was no way of knowing that they would find the answers they were looking for Vahda. If that were to happen, with no way of being able to return to the Kingdom they would be stranded.

"You must have faith". "It's easy for you to say. You're not the one who's been cursed". As he spoke the words Linshanth turned and gripped harshly onto his hand. "Do you think you're the only one this curse will affect?".

Sampson pulled his hand away, only realising as he did that Linshanth had been tracing the burn mark on his hand again. He thought of how many times the Prince had held him like this already, his hand always managing to find it's way back to that mark. He understood now it's because the Prince felt guilty for what he did all those years ago. He was helping Sampson because he felt like he owed it to him to. If Linshanth found a way to lift the curse he would repay Sampson back the debt of saving his life.

He left whilst Linshanth wrapped his wounds and waited outside his chambers whilst he dressed. When the Prince came out he was dressed in his riding gear with his helmet tucked at his side. They arrived together in the courtyard where the horses were ready. Minnie and Perity came rushing to Sampson's side the moment he was in view.

"What happened?", Perity spoke. "The King gave us his blessing", Sampson answered. "We are free to live". The girls exchanged a look of bewilderment. Truthfully no one thought that the King would allow his only son to leave. The look was shared among the knights also. Sampson caught Onyx's eyes from across the courtyard but they were red hot and filled with fire. Sampson wasn't surprised that he was so angry. He would be out of the castle and away from his personal playground. There would be no servants to intimidate, maim and kill. He scowled and looked away, busying himself with his horse.

"We're going to get moving soon", he heard one of the knights speaking. Sampson looked at Minnie. She looked terrified and yet for such a small girl she had so much vigour. She was willing to go on this mission with him regardless of the fact that they may never return to Toombak. As long as they were together, Sampson felt at ease.

He felt the ring in the pocket of the robes and made his decision. If he didn't do it now he may never get the chance too. He pulled Minnie to the side and away from prying eyes. "Come with me". "But we're going soon". Her face was puzzled by his words. "We won't be long. They're still packing everything up, we won't be leaving just yet".

"Okay", she remarked and followed him out of the courtyard. They couldn't go far and even though Sampson wanted to propose by the pond which was their favourite place and somewhere they frequented often he would have to make do with going around the back of the castle. It wasn't as beautiful as the pond but a rose bush grew there and so it was still beautiful.

"What do you want to talk about Sampson? If you're going to try and stop me coming you shouldn't waste your breath. I'll follow you anywhere". Sampson's lips tugged into a smile at her words. "I know you will which is why I wouldn't dream of telling you not to come". He stopped in front of her, delving his hands in his pockets and feeling out for the ring.

As he held it in his trembling fingertips he felt flush with emotions so much so he couldn't find the words of how to ask her. She looked up at him expectantly, her face flashing a mixture of emotions. The longer the silence was drawn out, the more worried she looked.

"What's wrong Sampson?". "It's nothing I…", his voice was trembling as he spoke the words. As he looked at her he felt like he was looking at her for the first time ago. The very same day they met she looked at him just as she did now, her face full of uncertainty but with an inkling of hope as if no matter tragedies she faced she would always come out stronger. He saw that strength in her the first time they met and it had only grown stronger in the years they had grown older. Though he still didn't love her the way he should have to warrant marriage, he wanted her by his side every second of the day.

"I wanted to ask you something". "What Sampson?". He lowered himself to the ground on both knees, taking the ring from his pocket. He hadn't admired it before with the stone being so small but neither of them had ever cared for lavish things. He could have given her no ring at all and she would have still been happy.

She gasped first, taking several steps back in surprise. "Minnie, will you marry me?". She clapped her hand over her mouth as tears began to trickle down her face. "When Perity told me you were going to ask for my hand I didn't believe her". Sampson pulled the hand that covered her face away and held onto it tightly. "I want to marry you Minnie. There's no one else I want by my side. You have always been there for me. It is time for me to promise you that I will be the one to protect you in this lifetime". More tears began to run down her face as she began to whimper softly. He wiped the tears away, holding her face in his palms.

"What do you say? We have to go soon and I want to hear you answer before we do". She reached up and with trembling fingers held his face in her small palms. She brushed her hand over Sampson's tears that he didn't know where falling. "A million times yes". They held onto each other for the longest time as their forehead met, pressing their skin together almost harshly like they were afraid to let go.

After some time Sampson pulled away, wiping at her tear sodden cheeks. "We'll get married the moment we return to Toombak". "Can't we get married sooner?". "Nothing can distract us from this mission. Not even our wedding". She pouted, her lips coming together in a displeased scowl. "We might not back for ages". "It will give us more time to plan".

She seemed to like the idea as a bright smile made it's way onto her face. Every so often her eyes would flick down to his lips and back up to him. Sampson suddenly felt nervous. After kissing Linshanth he felt guilty Minnie wasn't the first person he got to kiss. He had no idea how he would explain to Minnie what had happened between them either. He couldn't be sure she would take it the wrong way if he did.

He leaned in to kiss her, their lips had almost touched when he heard a sharp cough in front of them. It could feel the heat of someone's gaze on his face. He looked up and parted from Minnie at once when he saw Linshanth watching them with a cool gaze. His eyes were narrowed and filled with an icy expression. "What are you doing here?". His eyes were firmly on Sampson and didn't dare to give Minnie a glance.

"We were just coming", Sampson spoke. "Minnie go back. I'll talk to the Prince first". "Are you sure?", she asked, looking between them with uncertainty. "It's fine. I'll be there in a minute". She didn't want to leave but she could see that the two men needed to discuss something, most likely something to do with the trip. She bowed her head to the Prince and took her leave.

Linshanth's eyes never felt Sampsons in all that time. "How much of that did you see?". "All of it". Even his voice was hard as stone, matching his face that lacked any colour. "Are you not going to congratulate me?".

"When you asked for a ring I didn't know that was what you meant". "I shouldn't have lied. Forgive me". Sampson walked past him until his lapels was grabbed and he was pulled forward until their faces met. "What game are you playing?". "What are you talking about?".

"Why did you propose to her?", he barked. Sampson pushed Linshanth away, smoothing out the collar of his robes. "I don't have to explain my reasoning to you. Don't worry my marriage won't affect our mission to stop the curse".

"You know that is not what I am talking about", he shouted once more and pushed Sampson to the wall, crushing his body into Sampsons. "Can you really be so cruel? Are you trying to punish me?". "Linshanth, have you lost your mind?", Sampson spluttered as he tried to push the Prince away. His body was solid and burning hot to touch. Linshanth grabbed his wrist and pinned it to the wall.

"Linshanth let go of me the instant", Sampson demanded. The Prince's face was hovering over his and it suddenly made Sampson feel flushed. It couldn't describe the feeling other than the fact that it was completely foreign to him and somewhat unwanted. His body felt numb the longer Linshanth kept looking at him.

"Will you really marry her?". "Is this about the Kingdom? Do you think I will try and run away again if I get married to her". Linshanth pushed himself away, tugging at his hair like he was distraught. "That's exactly what I think. This is about Toombak".

"You needn't worry. My loyalty is to Toombak. We should get going". Sampson took his leave before Linshanth tried anything else that was out of character. He could only guess that he must have had a drink before he saw Sampson propose to Minnie and his mind had gone wild with ideas.

Perity was squealing with Minnie as he came back into the courtyard. Minnie was showing her the ring proudly. "I'm so happy for you both", Perity murmured. Sampson was going to answer until he heard Linshanth speak.

"It's time to leave". He helped the two girls onto their horses first, kissing Minnie's hand and holding it to his cheek before parting ways with her where he got on his own horse. He was riding up ahead with the Prince and so there would be little time for them to speak over the next coming days.

As they made their way out of the courtyard he could feel the Prince's eyes on him. "It is not to late to decide not to come. Who knows when we will be back?".

"I could say the same to you". "Since I am the one that carries the curse, you and I both know there is no turning back for me". They rode in silence, exchanging looks now and then that carried no meaning. Sampson couldn't help but feel there was something unspoken between them but it was long journey and anything that needed to be said, eventually would come out.