
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

chapter 26

The horses moved like herds of cattle, slow moving and lacking any form of liveliness they had when they had first started the journey. Every so often their riders would crack their whips against their able bodies and it would shock them into moving again, only for them to go back to the same amble pace an hour later. It was no surprise the horses were tired when the riders themselves only had enough energy barely had enough energy to keep going. They had been travelling for three days and with only shorts breaks that were just long enough to eat quickly and continue riding again.

Sampson had been riding up ahead with the Prince for most of the journey. He had tried to drop back and talk to Minnie but every time he did Linshanth would make a sharp cough or same something about the weather in attempts to make conversation.

It would be the only times he would try and communicate since they started the trip and so out of courtesy he had stayed at the front. He did look back every so often and every time Minnie would be already watching him with a shining gaze in her eye only for him. He winked at her and would carry on with his riding. He had done the same that day, only to be met with red eyes that were sore and overworked from the lack of rest, her shining gaze now dulled.

Even the knights who had gone weeks with minutes of sleep every day presented paled faces and blank expressions. Having not seen any combat they were left to twiddle their thumbs through large shrubs of forest. It was Linshanth alone that could call when they stopped and he insisted that they never stopped during the day. Unfortunately he also insisted that they lost too much time camping at night and made them travel until the early hours of the morning.

Every part of Sampson's body hurt. His back and buttocks cried out in pain with every step his horse made. Several times already he had thought of begging the Prince that they stop for a few hours but he didn't want to be seen lacking strength in front of the knights who he had already spent half his lifetime being teased by them.

It was only the knights he was wary of but Master Duncan too. He could feel the old man's stare at the back of his neck until it gave him chills but he didn't once dare look. He was sure if he did he would see the old man plotting his demise. He wouldn't be surprised if he tried to find a way to kill him on this trip and stage it out of the accident. He knew to be wary of anything where Master Duncan was concerned.

They rode on for several minutes until Sampson could feel an itch on his back that he had been dying to get rid of for days but it was too far in the centre of his back for him to reach. Because of it he twisted in his saddle painfully, willing the insufferable itch to go away.

"We'll stop here for a few hours". Sampson was sure he imagined it that even when Linshanth called for them to stop he didn't immediately so.

Not until he pulled the reigns of his horse to a stop and dismounted. Sampson got off his horse and immediately stretched his aching back and legs. He went to help Minnie off her horse after doing so only to see that she was already being helped by Adonis, the knight she was riding with.

Sampson couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy especially when Adonis kissed her hand as they parted ways. He was only being chivalrous and yet Sampson couldn't help but be envious. They were of equal heights but Adonis had a strong body, evident of all the many years he had spent in combat. His skin was thick and rugged, there wasn't a single women in the Kingdom that didn't fantasize that he would take her as his bride.

"Your no match for him", Perity spoke, reading his mind as she appeared at his side. "They may look nice but we know how ugly their hearts are". It was true that they looked nothing short of gods in their outward appearance but with the things he had seen he would never see them as anything more than heartless monsters who killed countless of servants just like them. It was something that even the most forgiving people would struggle to come to terms with. Minnie joined them a moment later, looping her arms around both of them. "I thought the Prince would never give us a break".

"Let's not complain that he has. He could still change his mind".

As a few of the knights prepared a fire and the others hunted for food the girls took the opportunity to wash up by the river. Sampson went with them but kept a safe distance away with his back turned to them. He waited until they were finished and heading back towards the campfire before he stripped from his robes. He only had a thin shirt and a pair of cotton trousers underneath his robes and so he waded into the water with them on.

If they had been by the pond he wouldn't have bothered with clothes but since there was a possibility one of the knights might come down by the river he didn't want to risk it. If there was anything he couldn't bare was to be taunted by was comments about his scars. He already had such a deep rooted hate for his body, so much so he wished he could unzip his skin from his body to be free of it. He couldn't let anyone else see his body like he did, the shame of it would be enough to kill him.

He swam through the river, the cold water immediately soothed the pain coursing through his body. With the heat of the sun and the calmness of the water he felt so at ease that he could fall asleep there. He was basking in the heat when his hand was suddenly tugged and he was pulled out of the water and onto the large rocks by the riverbank.

He coughed harshly, spitting water to the floor before looking up to the perpetrator. It was no surprise to him to see it was Linshanth. He had developed and increasingly annoying habit of turning up whenever Sampson didn't want him to.

"I was swimming. Why did you pull me out?", Sampson demanded. He didn't wait Linshanth to answer before he started walking back towards the riverbank to fetch his robes. "The river is infested with crocodiles", Linshanth called after him. Sampson turned back towards the river, the river had been so clear before he was sure he would have seen a crocodile if there was one. He scanned the river for several minutes but he couldn't even seen the sign of a bird skimming the surface of the river, let alone such a large mammal of a crocodile.

"I don't see any crocodiles. Are they even native to this area?" Linshanth didn't answer and when Sampson turned he realised Linshanth had been looking at his back. His white shirt was sodden through showing his tainted skin for any prying eyes to see. He instantly quickened his step, tugging his robes around his clothes without taking them off.

"You'll get ill if you keep wearing wet clothes", Linshanth remarked. "I'll change later". "Change now. We'll be heading out soon". Sampson was freezing cold now that he was out of the suns rays. He couldn't get sick on the journey, it would only slow them down if he did.

"Turn around". Linshanth scoffed. "We are both men here. What is there to be shy of?". At his words Sampson pulled the robe tighter around him. Linshanth had seen his back before so there was no need to be so frigid. It had been a while since he was last beaten but his back was marginally worse than the last time Linshanth had seen it. The beatings in the dungeon had been unforgiving and at times Sampson was in so much pain he wished he could have died there.

"Just turn around or I won't change". Linshanth smiled with a slight shake of his head before he swivelled around, dragging his feet on the ground as he did so. Sampson tugged at his clothes so forcefully he ripped the shirt.

"What was that?". "Why are you in such a hurry? I'm not going to turn around". Sampson ignored him, dressing into his robes quickly aware that Linshanth's patience was limited and eventually he would become bored with the view in front of him. "You can turn around".

Linshanth turned on a slight frown. Sampson looked dishevelled having dressed so quickly and now his hair was sticking up and looked unruly. Linshanth reached out to smooth it down only for Sampson to dart back before he could. "What are you doing?". "Your hair's a mess". "Then tell me. You don't have to do it for me". Sampson patted down his hair before tying the sashes of his robes tight around his waist.

"Why did you tell me there were crocodiles in the river when there were none?". "How do you know there aren't any?". "The river is too shallow for crocodiles and if there were any I would have seen them by now". "I'm just looking out for you. I wouldn't want something to happen to you before you marry that servant girl". There was a bitter edge to his voice that immediately had Sampson jumping to her defence. "She is going to be my wife. You could show her some respect".

"Do you think someone of your status could ever marry a servant?". "It wasn't long ago that I was a servant", Sampson snapped. It annoyed him how quick Linshanth was to forget all the hardship he had already faced in his life and how much of that hardship attributed to him. He had seen Sampson beaten black and blue and had never so much as whispered a word to try and stop it. He was reminded of it everytime he looked the Prince in the eye.

"The sooner you forget your past life you can start living in the present". Sampson had just about had enough. He had suppressed his anger for long enough that if he let it out now he might ending up killing Linshanth before they made it to Vahda. "As long as you don't forget your past". "What's that supposed to mean?".

"Is there a reason you're so quick to want me to forget my past life as a servant". "Only that I think it would be easier for you to accept your new position if you did". Sampson took a step forward, watching the Prince closely.

"There isn't another reason?". Linshanth's eyes gave him nothing, they were cold and distant like they always were, lacking warmth at every given moment. Sampson couldn't blame him for looking like this especially when his life had lacked any sort of love. It only made him angrier because despite his strong feelings, there was a part of him that never stopped feeling sorry for the Prince and his rigid upbringing that forced him to be the emotionless being he was now.

"What other reason would there be?". "Forget it, it doesn't matter", Sampson murmured and stalked off. There was a feeling of irritation he felt every time he was in the presence of a king like a bad aftertaste to mead and yet you carry on drinking it.

When Sampson arrived back at the campsite Minnie and Perity were huddled together. The knights had draped their shirts off and were building a campsite. Minnie had averted her eyes to the floor with blushed red cheeks where Perity watched them. Sampson could see her thoughts as clear as day at the critical look in her eyes as they built the campfire. Given half a chance she would do a much better job than them.

"Minnie, Perity". He gestured for them to sit with him away from the campfire. They jumped at the chance, being wary of the knights and their kind gestures that could turn sour any time they decided that had enough of this façade.

Sampson wanted to keep them a safe distance away from the knights. They were the only women here and there were many nights the knights would be spending alone. It wouldn't be long before they'd be prying over a warm body to keep them company. Sampson would make sure that they took no solace in the girls, not that they would ever fall for one of the knights.

"You should both rest before dinner. It won't be long before we're travelling again". "You should be resting Sampson. You've only just come out of the dungeons", Perity lightly scolded. "I'm fine. I'm always fine. You don't need to worry about me". She pouted her lips, making it clear she didn't believe him. "I don't think I can rest with all the knights", Minnie spoke. She had been watching them warily for some time. None had directly looked at her and if they did it was nothing more than a passing glance. She had been heckled plenty of times by them when they were drunk and so she avoided them where she could.

"They won't bother you whilst I'm here. I promise", Sampson spoke, putting his arm around her and pulling her close. She immediately leaned into his embrace. Perity coughed, turning her back to them. "It's only been two minutes since you've got engaged and you're already forgetting about me".

"Never". Sampson looped his other arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest, keeping them both safe in his arms. "What will happen when we reach Vahda?", Minnie asked. "What do you mean?". "Well, how will you break the curse?". Sampson had been avoiding questions about the curse but he knew the less he told them, the more they worried. "I don't know yet. It seems like Linshanth only knows the answer to that".

As if he had heard his name being spoke, Linshanth appeared into the campsite. By his appearance you wouldn't be able to tell he had just bathed since his clothes looked as immaculate as they did when he first put them on and not even his hair was wet.

Now that Sampson understood how powerful magic could be he wondered if the Prince was always using magic to make himself look good. Even with all the travelling his face glowed in the summer sun. There wasn't a hint of a dark circle to ruin his handsome face. It sent a nasty pit to Sampson stomach. Just looking at the Prince irritated him and when this happened all he wanted to do was tease him mercilessly to make himself feel better.

"You should rest. I need to discuss some things with the Prince". The girls nodded and lied down close next to each other. Sampson followed the Prince into his tent that had been put up by one of the knights. He was reading scriptures like always. Even in uncertain times he kept his normal routine. Sampson would find it admirable if he didn't think it made the Prince even more boring.

Linshanth didn't look up as Sampson entered even though he knew that he had entered. Sampson waited for time for Linshanth to address him but after some time realised he was being stubborn. He leaned forward and snatched the scripture the Prince was reading from him.

"A proposal of marriage?", Sampson spoke as he read the scripture. As he read on he saw the letter had come from the King of Olingale had proposed a marriage between Linshanth and his oldest daughter Lisbeth. Sampson was reading through his terms when the scripture was snatched from him. "What do you think you're doing?", Linshanth barked.

"You should have told me you were getting married. I would have offered my congratulations". Linshanth's face boiled red. "I am not getting married". He spat the words out one at a time, his hands trembling at his sides as he did so. "There is no need to be embarrassed. Aren't I also getting married? We can discuss wedding plans together".

It was merely a suggestion but the Prince visibly raged in front of him. Seeing such an adverse reaction from his composed nature made Sampson want to poke more fun at him to get him back for pulling him out of the river. "When is the big day? I'll make sure I dress up for such an occasion".

"There will be no big day", Linshanth snapped. He curled his fist into a ball which held the scripture causing it to crumple in his hand before he threw it to the floor. Sampson was quick to pick it up and smooth out the torn paper, reading the terms once more. The King of Olingale had asked for money and to unite the two kingdoms together. He doubted the King of Toombak would ever join his Kingdom with another and so the marriage was unlikely to take place. Especially when the Prince was so adamant that he refused to do so.

"He's asked for you to pay a dowry of 400 pieces of gold. Don't you think that's a bit steep?". "It is less than expected", Linshanth spoke. Sampson looked up from the scripture to see Linshanth was writing something with his ink pen. There was only one chair so Sampson had to squat down next to him.

"What are you writing?". "Nothing that concerns you", Linshanth responded shortly. Sampson blew out a tired breath causing the paper to flutter across the table. Linshanth gave him an indignant look before he reached forward and grabbed the paper. "Do you not have wedding plans with your serving girl?". He had purposefully used that word to rile Sampson up and so Sampson refused to take the bait.

"They're both sleeping". "Then go train combat with the knights". "Are you trying to get rid of me? It wasn't so long ago you wouldn't let me out of your sight". Linshanth scowled. "You could run from here and get nowhere", Linshanth answered without looking up.

"Will you marry the King of Olingale's daughter?". "I have already told you I do not concern with such trivial things like marriage". "Then when will you marry?". He was no longer trying to annoy the Prince but more peeking his own curiosity.

"You will have to marry eventually. How will you have a successor if you do not marry?". "There won't be another successor of Toombak. The line will end with me". Sampson stared openly at Linshanth for some time, knowing the Prince never made jokes but still looked for signs that he was anyway. "What are you talking about?".

"My sisters will carry on the succession. I will not marry". "But the next heir must come from you. That is how it is has been since Toombak became a Kingdom". "You seem to think you know more about Toombak's history than I do", Linshanth barked. "The King won't allow you not to marry". "It is not his choice. But mine".

Sampson screwed up his face in disgust. It was just like the Prince to think he was too perfect to ever be held down by one woman. He thought himself too good for others and even for a respective bride. "You are just too picky. You haven't found the right one yet".

"And how would you know anything about finding the right one?", Linshanth barked whilst Sampson only smiled. "Because I have found her. Let me tell you if you stopped for a minute and looked you would see all the beautiful woman who have already fallen in love with you".

"What if I don't want any of them?". "Nonsense. You just haven't looked hard enough". "What if I am already looking?". Sampson narrowed his eyes. Linshanth had abandoned his scripture entirely and was solely keeping his attention of Sampson. "You can't be because if you had you would have found a bride by now and there would be none of this talk of stopping the line of succession". Sampson got up from where he had been squatting. He had left the girls for some time now and he wanted to check up on them in case the knights tried anything. He doubted they would, especially in the presence of the Prince but he couldn't leave it to chance.

"Where are you going? We haven't finished". "What more is there to talk about? You think of yourself too highly to take a bride. If anything I pity any women that falls for you". Linshanth slammed his fist on the table at Sampson's words.

"Why are you getting angry? I am only speaking the truth". "You have no idea of the expectations I hold as the Prince of Toombak". "Yes, all that gold you wear must be so difficult to carry the weight of", Sampson retorted dryly. Linshanth stood, his blazing with anger. It was a sight that Sampson had become all too accustomed to.

"And all that lavish food you eat whilst the servants that cater to your every need starve. Do you know what it is like to feel so hungry you wish someone would come along and kill you just to ease the pain?". Linshanth gave an eery smile. "You complain a lot about your past life and yet you're unwilling to forget it". "I am not complaining", Sampson demanded.

"Have you ever thought there was another reason that I won't take a bride?". "What other reason could there be?", Sampson muttered. "Given everything I'm not surprised you are so blind". "What's that supposed to mean?".

"Do you love her?". "What's it got to do with you?". "What other reason would you be marrying her? She can't give you anything. She is poor and I doubt with such a small frame she can bare any good children". Sampson grabbed Linshanth by his lapels and pushed him against the desk. "You will watch your words". "Why? What will you do if I don't?".

It was clear something had changed between them since Linshanth had woken up from his coma and Sampson was unclear what it was. Either way every time he thought he had the upper hand Linshanth would do or say something that left him stumped.

"Will you threaten to leave again? Go try, I dare you. I'll make a spell that you'll never be able to leave my side again". His face was deadly serious and Sampson dropped him from his clutches, stumbling back a few paces.

"That's taking it a bit too far don't you think?", Sampson spoke on a light-hearted tone. It was clear he had made the Prince angrier than I meant to. "When this is all said and done we will have to part ways".

"What if I don't want?". Sampson began to question why when he heard a shrill scream come outside of the tent. He ran outside in an instant, his heart beating wildly as he recognised the voice as Minnie's. They had been swarmed with bandits, the knights were fighting whilst the girls huddled in a corner.

"Minnie, Perity". Sampson hurried towards them, shielding them with his body. "Get to the horses now". "Sampson watch out". A bandit swung his sword towards Sampson, only for the blade to be blocked by Linshanth.

"Go, now quickly". He helped the girls onto a horse. "What about you?", Minnie asked, clinging onto him tightly when she saw he wasn't getting on a horse. "I have to stay and help", he reasoned. "Go to the river. I will come for you there". He had only just finished when he felt two men pull at his arms and pull him back. The girls were pulled off the horse, kicking and screaming by the bandits.

"Don't touch them", Sampson demanded. He was being dragged away by three men, he saw Minnie and Perity being rescued by Ethereal and Adonis before they disappeared from view. He was hauled onto one of the bandits horses, his limbs tied tightly with rope to stop him from moving. The horse was kicked into a canter with two other riders accompanying them. "Protect the lost son". He heard Linshanth screaming but by then it was too late.