
The place of dead roads

MellyK9 · ไซไฟ
2 Chs


Jupiter Marcellus lived a less than average life for a child his age. His family was pretty well of when it came to money, he didn't really have much to worry about anything. Jupiter's parents were entrepreneurs, who traveled frequently so in this earlier years he would go stay with his grandparents who lived far away by themselves in the middle of nowhere. His grandparents would tell him of a place far from here where great evil resides, that hunger for chaos and destruction. They tell him that even though this place is far away, it is right here as they point to his heart and without proper preparations he would lose himself in it. No silly grandma, there is no anything in there, that is where my heart is Jupiter would reply wondering why his grandmother would say something so silly. Yes my baby that is where your heart is , she would always reply the same way. This became a game of sorts that they play and they would often say it together.

Jupiter's grandparents were strict and traditional of sort who believed that what doesn't kill you can only strengthen you. Jupiter's grandparents were Vlad and Annabelle Marcellus. This dangerous philosophy of theirs often led to conflicts between Jupiter's parents and them, because whenever they would leave him here they would return and he would be covered in scars, cuts and bruises and Jupiter would refuse to tell them what happened saying it was a super secret.

Jupiter's grandparents always sang the same tune whenever Jupiter's mother argued with them about endangering their child, they always said they were looking out for Jupiter's best interests. They had put up with Vlad and Anne's antics for years but tonight was the last night, this time would be the last. Jupiter had three deep slashes stretching from his shoulder all the way down to his abdomen, he also has a similar three pronged scar from his left eyebrow down to his cheek. This was the last straw, the parents tucked Jupiter into bed before confronting Anne and Vlad.

"We are just strengthening the boy for the world he is living in, just like we did with you and your brothers" Anne said without regret as she rocked in her chair staring into the fire place. " We are getting old now I'm afraid and we have every right to impart our knowledge unto the next generation and clearly you two won't do it" V lamented as he smoked his pipe with pain on his face.

" Come on V, don't give me that crap. You are as young and spry as ever, in fact I know if you really wanted to you could give me a good workout" laughed Jupiter's father as he sat down and pour himself a drink in the couch across from his father in law. "You really have lost all respect for your senior Sam, I said I was getting old not weak you green horn. I can do much more than give you a good fight, you damn weasle" he mumbles as he drew from his pipe again. Then Sam felt an icy glare of wrath on his skin, it has his wife Alexandra staring at him angrily. Sam's facial expression completely changed, he lowered his glass and spoke. "Alex is absolutely right, as parents this is our decision and we don't want Jupiter getting involved at all. Alex wants..... I mean we want him to grow up normal and not have to worry about anything and we don't want him looking for the monsters that are out there, writhing around in the dark" Sam said softly but clearly this was not up for debate.

"Well what happens when that darkness, comes looking for him. Huhhh, explain what will happen then" replied Anne angered by her child's naivety as she continued to rock in her chair. "He is just a baby, he isn't even finished grade 4 yet and you want to put the weight of the world on his should. I won't allow it. He will grow up like a normal boy and live a normal life never knowing that his nightmares are real" said Alex in a gentle but hostile tone. "Just a boy you say. How old is he 9, by time you were his age you had already.." "Alright, enough this is not about me or you or anybody else. This is about my child and he will know what I want him to whenever he is ready. END of DISCUSSION. I will not risk his life and drag him into this world to get him killed... hufff.. hufff.. We sent him here because you are his grandparents and you guys have a right to see him grow but you should treat him like a grandchild, not a soldier or a warrior. HE WILL NOT" Alex fumed as she began to breath harder and harder. "Let's go now Sam, go get Jupiter's stuff" she said as she turned her attention to her husband. As he left he gave his parents in law an apologetic and understanding look before he got up to go get his son.

Alex turned towards the door, not wanting to look at her parents. "You are well aware that tradition dictates we prepare and train him. Alex" her mother said as she stares into the fire. "Tradition, tradition. You mean the same tradition that got my brother killed that same tradition. Or is it the one that got my sister killed. I don't care about tradition, I will not lose my only son because of tradition" she stood there staring at the door and tears ran down here face. She told her parents goodbye and left with her husband and child, with no intention of coming back to this wretched place. The place of dead roads.

The two sat their, in their living room looking into the fire. They were just sitting there in silence mentally debating whether they should forgo tradition and respect their daughter's wishes or do what they know would be the best for their family. Then a gutteral and unearthly screech broke through the quite, the two looked at one another. "It's just a little one, Cerberus can handle it" said Vlad as he re-sheathed his sword that was suddenly in his lap and Anne followed suite with her weapon. Then there was an unholy roar followed by a painful screech and nasty squishing sound. Guess he was hungry today Vlad thought to himself.

The first paragraph seems a little complicated with the darkness thing but to clarify.

It is hinting to Jupiter that there is another world out there that is unchecked and full of chaos.

Also trying to tell the young Jupiter that the heart of mortals is full of darkness and if left untamed, it can easily consume them.

When introducing a character, I will use their full name but they will have a shorter version. Example Vlad is called V by his close family and Jupiter will be called J by friends.

MellyK9creators' thoughts