
The place of dead roads

MellyK9 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

God of Style?¿

"Happy birthday Jupiter" screamed the crowd of students as they all raised their glasses in the air. Even thought no one here was over 18 they had been drinking and partying all night, well there were no adults around and this was my house. "To the man off the hour. You know we go all the way back and I have to say it has been awesome. I can say without a doubt that if one person knows how to party, it would have to be my brother from another mother Jupiter" yell a boy as he spun the cap off a bottle of white rum and downed it in front of the crowd. The crowd erupted in cheers and screams encouraging this reckless behavior. Jupiter couldn't help but smile this was all he wanted to live this awesome lifestyle forever, he was having the time of his life. As Kyle his friend that just toasted to him started walking towards him Jupiter's face got serious. As Kyle go closer Jupiter pushed him backwards with a good amount of force, "What the hell are you doing Kyle. How dare you. I thought we were friends how could you do this to me. I will never forgive you. How dare you try to out style me at my own party. What the hell are you thinking, I am the God of Style." Jupiter passed his drink to a person standing next to him and ran behind his house disappearing from the party. When he returned he was on top of his nearly 3 story roof, with a megaphone in his hand. "Listen up party people, today is my 16th birthday and you all have the honor of being here. This is an order as the owner of this property, none of you are leaving here tonight unless you are hammered out of your minds. We are young and wild and free and we will live like it" he shouted as he dropped the microphone and shotguned the beer in his hand before screaming young, wild and free and jumping off the roof and into the pool below. Jupiter remembers hitting the water before everything went black and that was the last thing he remembered.


Jupiter slow opened his eyes, he could feel his head pounding. He used his right hand to massage the side of his head. I might have to stop drinking purple haze, it always leaves me with the worst hangover headache. He yawn as he groggily tried to sit up before realizing he was pinned down. As he tilted his head he saw that there was a half naked blonde girl laying on his right arm. "Hey Lisa, you are cutting of the circulation to my arm" he said as he gently moved her off of him with his free hand. As he looked down he saw that there were two more girls laying across his legs and there was another girl hanging off the bed about to fall off. Damn, so it was that kinda night he thought to himself as he freed himself and stood up putting on some pants. He peeped over at his phone hanging off his dresser as he walking by holy crap, it's already 4:30 pm. That's crazy he thought as he left his room and wondered down his hall. He walked to the opposite end of the hallway and pushed in the door and saw a scene quiet similar to his except with Kyle instead of him. That crazy, guess he has mad game too. "Yo, get outta my bed you bum" Jupiter joked, picking up one of the girls shirts and throwing it at his friend. "Dawg, I'm trying to enjoy heaven over here, get lost. Please" said Kyle as he rose from the bed. "Yeah, whatever" mumbled J as he left the room. J descended his stairs and was surprised to see the scene in front of him. There were bodies laying all over the place, there were bodies on the floor, on the sofas, on the tables and counters there was even someone hanging out the window. J walked over to the fridge and poured himself a glass of orange juice. Last night must have been intense. "Damn it looks like a human tornado passed through here. This going to be hell to clean up. Pour me some of that" shouted Kyle as he wondered through the living room. "Yeah but I don't think my parents will be back for a while, that business trip got extended" replied Jupiter as he passed kyle his juice.


Jupiter continued lounging around the house until eventually everyone left, even Kyle had to bounce saying that he had work in the morning and didn't want to be late. After everyone left Jupiter retured to his room. There was an envelope hanging out on his dresser that he noticed this morning but just ignored. It was probably from his parents apologizing for missing his birthday again. He opened the letter but it was not what he expected, it wasn't a letter from his parents. In fact it wasn't even in English, it was a bunch of incomprehensible scribble and a drawing of a circle with more scribble. The only word that he could make out was the word at the bottom that he understood to mean accept. Then that's when it hit him, he did know these scribbles. The was that weird language that his grandparents used to try teaching him whenever he went by their house when he was smaller. He went over the letter once again and he was able to decipher a few more words, but in the end he still had no idea what the letter was saying.

After he read the paper a second time he felt a weird feeling come over his body and at the same time the paper started glowing green and after it glowed for about a second it inexplicable caught fire and disappeared from his hand. Then the floor in his room started shining, in the same pattern that was on the paper and then a blinding light enveloped the room. When the light faded from the room there was no trace of Jupiter left, instead standing in his place were 3 men in suits with earphones hanging out their ears. Get to work immediately order the one in the middle as the fanned out and began cleaning the house.

Jupiter open his eyes and felt a wave of disorientation pass over him. What the hell just happen he thought as a wave of nausea hit him and he began throwing up. "Cutting it a bit close there aren't we Mr. Marcellus. Don't worry about the nausea it will pass. Now go join the others before you are late" commanded a hooded figure that was standing in front of Jupiter. "Wait where am I" asked Jupiter confusingly. "There will be time for questions later, now get going" ordered the figure as he waved his hand causing the door to fly open and as the door opened a mysterious force ushered Jupiter out the door but before he could turn around the door slam behind him. Trapping him in the hallway.